Homemade generators

With so many magnets, he wasn't calling it a day after just making a little compass.

Ye Jun had greater plans.

He was going to build a small generator.

The principle of a generator wasn't complicated. It was a coil that constantly cut lines of magnetic flux, creating electromagnetic induction that would be converted into electric current.

The key point was to have magnets.

As for the coils, Ye Jun had so much copper in his hands that it was easy to forge them.

Ye Jun took out a copper ingot and hammered it furiously, creating a copper ring and coil.

The next step was to make the generator.

Ye Jun didn't have electrical appliances, so the generator didn't need to be too big or output a lot of current, it just needed to be able to light up a few light bulbs and charge his practice of lightning spells in passing. The electric ray's bioelectricity still wasn't stable enough.

Making a generator wasn't difficult; nine years of compulsory education was enough.

Ye Jun was thankful for the arts and craft classes he had as a child, giving him plenty of experience.

First, grind out two round magnets, one as big as a plate and the other a little smaller, both of which were circular with a hollow center.

Put a cover on the brass ring and secure it to the larger piece of magnet.

Then, solder two iron handles to the small magnetic ring and place it on the brass ring.

A small generator was done.

The two magnetic rings formed a magnetic field. It only took a cutting motion with a copper wire in the magnetic field to produce an electric current.

He wrapped the copper wire prepared earlier around the outside with a cloth to act as a wire.

Ye Jun came to the bilge to retrieve the solar bulb.

This thing was just chickensh*t.

In broad daylight, the brighter the sun, the brighter it was, dazzling to the eyes.

It died out in the evening, leaving Ye Jun to go to bed early.

He modified the bulb slightly and wired it up.

Then he gave the small magnetic ring on the generator a flick.


The small magnetic ring spun quickly.

This was the magnetic effect where the small magnetic ring repelled the magnetic field of the larger ring, but gravity kept the small ring from flying out, so it just kept spinning until the magnetic force was gone before it stopped.

There was a saying in middle school physics class that "motion is relative".

The coil didn't move, but the ring moved, which meant the coil made a cutting motion in the magnetic field, and thus current was born.

As expected, the bulb glowed brightly, illuminating the entire deck.

"Congratulations, you've succeeded in generating electricity and gained the title of Great Scientist. Reward: +10 Lightning Affinity, +10 Strength, +10 Spirit."

At the same time, a world announcement was prompted: "Player Ye Jun (Death Mode) has succeeded in generating electricity and gained the title of Great Scientist. Fire is the beginning of human civilization, and electricity is the ladder of civilization."

Countless people were chatting and making dirty jokes on the world channel.

The moment the announcement appeared, it was like a nuclear carpet-bombing. There was instant silence.

It took about ten seconds before it came back to life, and countless people were shocked.

"Generate electricity? Did I hear right!"

"What the f**k… I haven't even learned how to drill wood for fire yet, and you're living with electricity?"

"It's as if I can feel the gap between a primitive society and modern civilization. I eat raw food all day long and live like a primitive man, while Almighty Ye is already a Great Scientist. Between Almighty Ye and I, there might be a difference of 10000 years!"

"Then wouldn't Almighty Ye be looking at us the same way aliens look at inhabitants of Bluestar and how inhabitants of Bluestar look at monkeys?"

"The clown turned out to be me…"

More people were incredulous, saying, "I just wonder, how did Almighty Ye do it? Is he cheating?"

"I also think so. Isn't Almighty Ye in Death Mode? He is not even putting survival as his main priority. He is just trying to make things that generate electricity. Maybe something to charge a phone? Game master, I want to report someone playing with the phone…"

Someone also came out and explained, "It's actually not that hard to generate electricity. It's very easy to make a small generator as long as you have the materials."

"Yes, I learned how to make a generator in my middle school physics class. It can be done with just magnets and coils. But why didn't I think of it? Hey, even if I did, I can't make it without magnets, not to mention that I can't even fill my stomach every day, what do I need electricity for?"

"Any big shots want to give a lesson. I've been herding sheep since the fifth grade, and I never went to middle school."

"I did go to middle school, but I got kicked out of school in the second year for knocking up a female classmate before I could take physics."

"The one upstairs is impressive. There was an even more impressive person at my school who knocked up his teacher."

"That's my dad attending a parent-teacher conference accidentally… Forget it. I've been missing my teacher for 2365 days."

Homemade generators weren't hard to make, and there was nothing to keep secret. Soon, tutorials were posted and all sorts of simple template models for generators were pasted onto the channel.

A power generation boom was stirred up.

It was like the craze for drilling wood for fire when the game first started.

Many people were counting on power generation to gain Lightning Affinity and follow the path of a Lightning Mage.

After Ye Jun got the world announcement, he was naturally browsing the threads in the chat channels, but he didn't show up and talk to avoid being called a humblebragger and show off.

Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of magnets, or he could certainly make a fortune selling them to people for them to make generators.

He was sure that someone else would soon be making generators.

Ye Jun was like a forerunner, providing a direction, and the rest would be much easier. As for magnets, they were available all over the world, surely some players would find them.

Ye Jun moved the generator into the cabin, then nailed a nail into the ceiling and hung the bulb on it.

From then on, the cabin was as bright as day, day and night.

The small magnetic ring on the generator was still spinning fast, and as long as the magnet's magnetic force was not gone, the spinning would not stop, nor would the power generation.

Ye Jun put his hand on it and immediately felt a weak current entering his body.

"+2 Electrical Energy, +2 Electrical Energy, +2 Electrical Energy…"

In the past, Ye Jun could only absorb 10 points of Electrical Energy a day, but now that he had received the reward, his Lightning Affinity had increased by 10 points so now he was able to absorb 20 points of Electrical Energy.

"+2 Electrical Energy. Congratulations +1 Lightning Level, reward: +10 Strength +10 Endurance."

Ye Jun opened his attribute panel, and his attributes had changed.

Player: Ye Jun (Death Mode)

Titles Obtained: Intermediate Builder, Beginner Forger, Shark Terrorizer, Beginner Planter, Great Scientist.

Beginner Flame Controller. Fire Energy Level: 3 (120/300)

Flame Affinity: 10.

Beginner Hunter.

Hunter Level: 6 (47/600)

Beginner Lightning Controller. Lightning Level: 2 (1/200)

Lightning Affinity: 20.

Skill: Fireball

Skill: Palm Thunder

Endurance: 150, Speed: 130, Strength: 472, Spirit: 110.

In addition to the title of Great Scientist, there was also an additional column for Spirit.

The spirit attitude had never appeared before, and the fact that his Spirit was 110 points meant that before that, Ye Jun's Spirit had been 100 points. Without knowing what other people's spiritual power was, Ye Jun reckoned that ordinary people all had around 100 points.

Ye Jun surmised that Spirit might be related to intelligence, but he just didn't know how to improve it.