Results Of The First Round.

"You never smiled at me like that, you never smiled at anyone like that, then why did she get the privilege of being the first witness of your smile?"

"Relax doc it's just a smile"

"I just can not relax, ugh. You never smiled at me-"

"I will. I will okay?"

"Really? You better do it"

"Sure, when the time is right"


Okay, so doc scolded me a lot about hugging Gwen back then but I am glad I did. I never felt this softness from anyone. But you know what? Never mind that. 

It was evening already, it was past the evening I should say. The results of the first round were released. 

We all went to the notice board which was a big digital big board where results or any kind of important notices were displayed. 

It's in the ground floor hallway, they have a trophy collection down there too. Trophies and hall of frame shit. I am not interested.