Quest Failed. 

Finn was not laying on the ground anymore. Doc panicked cause she let her guard down and now her enemy was not in front of her eyes. 

"Behind you," Ryan turned Doc around, he was standing behind her, guarding her back, "Focus on Edward," Ryan muttered.

Right now, he stood taller than Doc, they leaned against each other. In front of Ryan was Finn running with a knife in his hand.

"Kill him, Ryan," Doc muttered. 

The one Ryan wanted to kill was not Finn but his older brother Edward but there's no complaining when your life's at stake. 

There was no way he could run away leaving Doc behind. It is impossible to defend against a knife attack without being harmed. So the only thing in his mind was, 'I can't eliminate the attack, I will reduce the attack.'

Ryan raised his forearm forward, to his surprise, even the forearm was covered in a red aura. He was not sure if his skill blood fist will reduce the attack's damage or not.