
Ryan heard loud tapping sound of heels banging against the floor as a woman walked. Ryan raised his head to see where the sound was coming from.

"You have messed up with two wrong people!" She shouted at him. 

Ryan saw a female figure walking up in the corridor of the first floor. She came out of the dark and close to the staircase.

"Do you know who?" she asked with a frown, "with me, Mitsuda Satomi, and Wade Watts!"

Satoru's smile faded. A frown appeared on his face and then disappeared, leaving a cold expression on his face.

"Mother! What are you talking about?! Please stop talking nonsense."

"That is what I wondered," she started climbing down the stairs, she shook her head in disappointment as she came down.

"What do you mean he messed up with you? He was just—" Naomi turned her head around. Satoru shook his head in disagreement.