Chapter 21: Ice vs Indestructibility (1)

'Round 2: Ice VS Indestructibility'

Ashley and Ash's smiling faces filled the giant screens mounted above the tournament stage once again.

"The wait is finally over!" Ashley squealed into the microphone. "Round 2… Let's see who the next fighters are!"

The screens switched to the shuffling images of fighters.

Gilgamesh VS Felix.

Felix and Gilgamesh stared blankly at one another, speechless. Felix gave a slight tip of his head, and Gilgamesh returned the nod. They were acknowledging one another, and their sealed fates intertwined in this very moment.

"Speaking of our knight in shining armour…" Ashley introduced, "Gilgamesh from Celtia! You guys voted him the Sexiest Fighter Alive by Vinlanderpost!"

"Alive… being the keyword," Ash turned to the camera to deliver the punchline. "For now."

"Aaaand Felix, the People's Champion of Vinlan Corp! He is the fighter who won his place in the Games through the open tournament sponsored by Vinlan Corp's Minister Luke."

Back in the fighters' viewing gallery, Dart was not listening to any of this banter. He was still processing the possibility that he could be losing his first friend from the Games in the very second battle. His mind flashed back to all of the moments of Felix's blinding grins as he bobbed his pompadour hairdo.

"Hey Dart, remember you're my brother and always will be," Felix punched Dart in the shoulder playfully as he passed by. He had someone else on his mind as well.

Walking over to Shae, Felix threw his arms around her in a tight hug. Shae initially stiffened, completely caught off guard. "I'll be back!" he exclaimed nervously, as he shyly retreated. Was that too much?

Overhearing the exchange, Ming rolled his eyes at his sister.

"This guy's so lame."


The stage was set for the battle of the bros.

As Gilgamesh sauntered onto the stage dressed in an alluring oversized, full-length fur coat, fangirl screams from the women in the audience echoed around him. What he was wearing underneath this fur coat was left up to their imagination. He gave the audience a broad smile and waved gracefully.

Entering from the other side, Felix looked green-eyed at Gilgamesh's popularity. In a blatant attempt to reclaim some of the limelight, he pulled out his weapon — a two-sided glaive. He spun it as if he were a drum major in a marching band, trying to impress the crowd. But he hadn't practised his tricks, and his glaive clattered to the ground after a few weak attempts at twirling tricks.

'Damnit, this is embarrassing. '

Felix picked up his weapon and tried to play it cool. But it was too late, the thousands in the audience had seen everything. Jeers and insults were hurled at him from the raised seats.

The emcees had also picked up on the crowd's fondness of Gilgamesh and relatively distaste of Felix.

"Looks like the audience loves the Celtian more than their own Vinlander!" Ashley jibed cheekily.

Felix lost it. He tossed his glaive on the ground and screamed.

"What's wrong with you guys?!" he yelled, unable to keep his cool. This was his home ground! Felix, green with envy, was throwing a tantrum.

Gilgamesh, unbothered, continued to blow kisses at his fans while striking poses. To him, the battle had already been half won.


Kitaro watched the scene bemusedly. "I'm sure the audience is even more endeared to you, Felix…."

Dart rocked nervously back and forth on his heels.

"He may be an idiot, but he's strong," Kitaro offered a few choice words to console Dart.

Dart murmured incomprehensibly in agreement. It was going to be difficult to watch.


Felix made a fool of himself by sitting down sullenly at the edge of the stage, as if refusing to participate.

"Sportsmanship isn't for everyone," Ash commented.

"You know what they say, no matter how much money you have…" Ashley paused for effect. "You can't buy class."

Felix got to his feet and faced the emcees' commentator booth. He held up two middle fingers angrily to show his distaste.

"Tsk tsk…" the emcees tutted in unison.

Having greeted each corner of the audience benches, Gilgamesh sauntered into the centre of the stage. Reaching deep into the pockets of his fur coat, he pulled on a pair of winter gloves. Then with one flourish, he shrugged off the fur coat and flung it onto the ground.

The audience gasped. Gilgamesh's muscles were rippled and chiseled, and he left little to the imagination with his skin-tight skate leggings. On his obliques was the tattoo that he had received from OLO for his power. Camera flashes set off from the audience as they took in the sight of his stately physique and charming smile. This was a sportsman, all right.

"Ready to die?" Gilgamesh winked at Felix.

"Close your mouth, Ashley," Ash teased his emcee partner, who was practically drooling. "Is everyone ready for the battle of the bros?"

Not to be eclipsed again, Felix took off his shirt as well.

"We'll see about that," he said determinedly. He put up his bandaged fists in a boxing stance.

"Both fighters are ready! Let's begin!" The screen flashed green.

It's showtime!