pov Harry
Hello I am harry
I am 27 years old
I'm a person with a lot of money, I'm single, I'm very f-boy I don't like to have anything serious, women only used as a sexual "object ", my best friend is alex, about a week ago I hit a girl, since then I can't get her out of my mind, all day I have her in my head, and alex a few days ago told me about a kind of" group or society ", in which you have a baby girl and you are her "daddy ", and I want her to be mine, She's the prettiest girl I've seen in my whole life, since that time I've been investigating her a little and her parents don't want her, so I take advantage of it and make a contract with them, where I gave them money and they gave her money legally and today is the day when she's going to be mine and mine only and nobody else's.
pov _____
Hello I am ______, I am 16 years old, I am only daughter my parents are t/m and t/p
(names of your parents or whatever you want)
I'm the typical smart girl in the grade/class, I only have two friends, Nick and sissy are my best friends.
I woke up by the alarm of my cell phone I got up I bathed etc.
I put on a skirt, sweatshirt and converse tennis.
I grabbed my backpack and came down and my parents were having breakfast, I don't get along at all with my parents, I even feel they hate me.
- good morning - I said smiling.
- good morning - said my mom *cold *.
- good day, there's your breakfast - said my dad * cold *.
_____ thought,:
They definitely hate me
- well, we're already going to work.
- I love them - I said, they just left *
After breakfast you go out and walk to the school.
You arrive and the first thing you see is your friends siin and Nick.
- hello friend - sissy
hugging you.
- hello _____, - Nick smiling.
- hello guys.
After talking for a while, he touched the tiint to enter the class.
Passed the regular classes as usual,
When you got home you thought it was weird,
There was a car at the entrance and it wasn't your parents' car.
When you entered your parents were sitting in the
Armchair/sofa and in front in another armchair there was a man you did know - about a week ago you were walking distracted and suddenly you collide with a man, that
Man is the one who was sitting in your living room.
hiiii, welcome "I'm from daddy" this is my first story here, I hope you like and support it, this chapter may be boring but tranquilxs is the first
voten :D
morena xx