Fuyu raised her head. He was familiar with that face. Because Rukia is a student who excels in school. Both academically and in his drawing club activities, he was a blazing star.


Rukia suddenly approached. "Can we talk for a minute?" he asked.

Fuyu's face was filled with question marks. "Can. Where?"

Rukia glanced at her watch briefly. "It's only this hour. Follow me to the library."


They both went to the library. Rukia's steps were so fast, Fuyu was a bit overwhelmed. He followed faster too, but didn't expect that as soon as he entered he went straight through the card table and into the back of the shelf. Stand tall. Facing Ruklangsun asking to the point as if everything had been planned.

"Kajima Fuyuki," said Rukia. With a firm gaze. "Can you be honest with me, do you know about the love letter that Ryuunosuke Aki received a few days ago?"


"Eh?" Shocked Fuyu.