"He's your friend."

"He's an asshole. But he also knows that about himself. The lying…well, Xiao Zhan, you should

know Jason after all these years. He's a master of speaking in front of a camera. He never lied. He just spoke the truth without specifying, and the media did all the speculating and lying. You cannot say he lied about you."

Xiao Zhan's laughter was dry. "You're right. I can't. But after all our years of marriage, I deserved better from him." He did. He could finally say it out loud. He hadn't deserved the hell Jason had put him through. All he'd done was love the man he'd been married to, and in return, all he'd done was hurt.

"You did, Xiao Zhan. Back then, Jason should have told you he no longer loved you. Maybe things wouldn't have turned out as they did. But I don't like dwelling on what ifs. Neither do you."