. As captain, I must direct my crew. I must tell them how to steer the ship, exactly where we are to go, or else we will get lost out on the open sea. Or even worse, crash and sink the bottom of the ocean. District 4 is one giant ship. There must be a strong, steady captain, or the ship will not make it safely back to the harbor.
"I can do it," Finnick tells her. "I'll win for District Four, no matter the cost."
"The cost?" Mags shakes her head, a darkness not cast by the looming night shrouding her expression. "You are still so young. You don't understand the cost of victory, and you should never have to."
"Who'll help fund the academy if another district takes the crown?" Finnick shoots back. Perhaps he's stepped out of line, but he doesn't care. "Who'll feed the inner sectors and give out scholarships to their children?"