Mags shrugs. "You're not going to want for sponsors, Finnick. I'll make sure of it, one way or another."

I think Mags took one look at you, rich Finnick Odair, precious golden boy of District 4, and decided your age was a good thing. She probably thought, Finnick is so young, the Capitol will have no choice but to sponsor him, the poor luckless boy from District Four. They'll take one look at his puppy eyes and fall over themselves for a chance to throw their money at him.

Caspia's accusation rings in Finnick's ears, seared there indelibly no matter how hard he tries to forget it. Why does he keep letting himself dwell on her words? Caspia doesn't know Mags, just like she doesn't know Finnick. But on the other hand, he can't let his misgivings overtake his objective. Distractions, no matter how small or unfounded, can hinder a tribute in the Games. And under those circumstances, hindrances can be deadly. So, galvanized by a surge of boldness, he chooses to ask.