Caspia nods. "Oh, yes. The stranger the better."

"But Miss Deltan," Caesar protests. "You might want to be stranger, but we certainly don't want you to be one to us. Why don't we start at the beginning? Tell us a bit about yourself. If my sources are correct, and they always are, you grew up inland, yes?"


Caesar hums, his tone laced with a sympathy that makes Finnick cringe internally. "And what is it your parents do?"

"They work in a fish factory," Caspia replies, chin lifted. Even on the screens, her eyes are bold, defiant, daring someone to make a comment.

"Is that so?" Caesar says. "Forgive me, but I shudder at the thought. Seafood doesn't sit well with me, sadly. Can't stomach the smell." He wrinkles his nose and the crowd snickers. "I'd imagine your folks came home smelling fishy more often than not, eh?" He and the Capitol audience share a good laugh, louder this time.