The Principal

Throughout the numerous years, Reese and Kylee knew Asher for, they were all too familiar with his mindset and great encouraging comments.

However, Reese and Kylee also know Asher is truly a unique case.

He has such a determined mind that it's jarring to many ordinary folks and students. And he does it all for self-improvement and working towards his goal.

This kind of determined mindset isn't exactly easy at all to have.

This was especially true for people like Reese and Kylee, who lived a relatively normal Academy life from going to classes, taking tests, and hanging out with each other.

Neither of them knows exactly what kind of life Asher lived before coming to Balreth Academy. He always just seemed disinterested in talking about his past.

But Reese and Kylee could just sense Asher must've gone through something challenging to have this rock-solid determined mindset.

It's why Reese gave a simple non-committed shrug towards Asher encouraging words. He even chortled a bit, telling him, "Yea, those places can give us a better life. And a lot more shit to deal with at all angles."

"Heh! And don't forget how taxing your mind will become after a simple day in those places."

Kylee followed with a snarky snort, seemingly already giving up on the thought of even trying to get into a Sect or Special Academy.

Asher paused for a moment. After briefly contemplating it, he decided not to push them more on this subject for now. He certainly won't give up in trying to convince them, but now wasn't the right time.

Asher gave a gentle chuckle while telling his friends, "Heh, well, I guess I can't deny your points there. But hey….who said life would always be simple?"

Suddenly when Asher finished talking, he felt a jolt run through his body and soul.

It felt like a ping went off inside his body, alerting him to take his gaze towards a specific sight.

Asher had only half-listened to whatever response Reese and Kylee had, nodding at them to make it seem like he was paying full attention.

But Asher's eyes were scouring the crowds of students. He felt an instinctive sensation to trace out one specific person. With his enhanced gaze, Asher quickly shuffled his eyes through the crowds of students.

And he only needed a couple of seconds to find the sight he was feeling out for.

His eyes had crossed over to the top of the auditorium, gazing towards a specific spot. At the top row, it allowed anybody up there to looked down upon nearly all students under them.

Also at the top were a row of students who all emitted a natural presence as if they were above everyone.

Asher had primally ignored the other students and actually managed to lock his gaze on a specific beautiful woman there.

It was the calm, gorgeous Elsa. Even among the sea of students, she brightly stood out against everyone.

Asher wasn't quite sure how he managed to spot her so quickly. He just felt a particular sensation that alerted him to her presence.

Along with Elsa at the top row, there were other similarly amazingly beautiful students. There were about twenty of them in total in that row, creating a true glorious spectacular that no ordinary student would even dare to gaze upon.

Every single one of those students carried an enigmatic radiant charm that hypnotically drew anybody's attention that was so daring to stare at them.

However, Asher's eyes still ignored all others, only staring at Elsa.

And when Asher's attention landed on Elsa, she immediately snapped her head towards him.

Even if they were separated by quite a distance, Asher could tell she was staring directly right back at him.

Their eyes locked for a brief second.

Asher felt an intense jolt shock up his entire spine when staring at Elsa now. Usually, he would always feel a jolting sensation when meeting up with Elsa. But now, it felt like that sensation multiplied its feeling by tenfold.

Asher wasn't sure at all if Elsa felt the same. But it was particularly odd that Elsa's eyes didn't blink at all for the seconds they stared at each other.

Mere seconds only passed, yet Asher felt like hours breezed by, and it was only him and Elsa here.

Suddenly Elsa blinked her eyes yet keeping her impassive expression. She nodded at Asher before quickly turning her attention back forward.

Asher felt a slight smirk unknowingly curve up his lips. Although, he was still a bit confused over what just happened.

He started to scratch his head a bit, and he suddenly heard Yuki's voice echo in his mind. 'Mmnnn….I see. Another thing to take note of for the near future.'

With how much Yuki kept throwing out these vague statements, Asher was half attempted to prod out her information now.

But Asher kept his impulses under control. It wasn't like Yuki was a straightforward person anyways. She was a being that emitted a confusing mysterious aura, and Asher can't tell if it's luck that she's bound to his soul.

After that odd moment, Asher returned his attention back to Resse and Kylee.

Neither of them had even noticed Asher locking his gaze on Elsa. They both were interested in gossiping about other students' Magical Powers.

Right when Asher was about to join the conversation, opening his mouth to speak, everyone heard it then,

"Everyone, silence!! Principal Smith has arrived!"

A loud booming voice blared all over the vast auditorium.

The man who shouted emitted an unfathomable aura that immediately shut up the noisy bustling of thousands of students.

Even Asher felt considerable pressure descend upon him just from that shout. He steeled his nerves, quickly becoming calm again to see one of the most influential and powerful people in the whole Pearlcrest City.

When the whole auditorium went deathly silent, a handsome man had suddenly appeared on stage, vanishing in out of thin air.

This handsome naturally discharged a supremely powerful presence that caused a subtle pressure on every student's mind. Even the most delinquent and rowdy students dared not to be disruptive in front of this mighty presence.

The handsome man had short jet ink-black hair and spouted a graceful noble face that exuded a high-class aura. He wore a different set of the Academy uniform, consisting of a black and white blazer outfit, and stood imposingly with his hands behind his back.

This was the famously mighty and revered Principal Smith!

A high Tier master powerhouse that commanded respect throughout the entire Pearlcrest City.

As all eyes gathered on him, Principal Smith took one sweep over every student. A slight glint swirled in his eyes, and he started his speech, talking in a booming, powerful voice.

"Congratulations, my students. From this day onward, you will finally take a step on your true path in life! All of you must think long and hard tomorrow to know whether you want to take general job classes or take the competition event for your final year here. For such a tremendous, monumental decision like this, you all are dismissed as of now."

Despite the last part of his speech being something that usually would've gotten every student roaring in excitement. There was only a heavy, suffocating silence filling the air here.

Every student's mind was incredibly focused on the heavy day tomorrow.

Asher honestly felt a small surge of nerves over tomorrow as well. But he more so wondered about the challenges and trials he will face when taking on the competition event and eventually enrolling into a sect.

'Oooh! Look at this Asher. This man….what's he called? Principal Smith, right? He certainly has a persuasive and manipulative stride.'

Yuki had decided to add her own comments in Asher's mind.

And seeing how everything had fallen into a silent moment, Asher took the brief time to respond back to Yuki after all this time. 'Manipulative? I mean….I get persuasive, but why manipulative?'

'Weell….I would say you would have to see it for yourself. But I hope we don't come to that point. Just be attentively aware of this guy, alright?' Yuki vaguely explained, leaving no room for further discussion.

Asher could only relent for now while also quickly realizing Yuki has a selective speech.

Focusing his attention back on Principal Smith, Asher did spot a slight smirk etching on his lips.

"Remember, think long and hard over this decision. You have no more years to waste anymore. Live by these words; there is no medicine for regret."

When Principal Smith finished talking, he immediately left the same way he came, vanishing from everyone's sights.

Once Principal Smith left, it only took a couple of seconds before the chattering students surged again. Everyone began rising from their seats, leaving the auditorium with what Principal Smith said nestling in their minds.

Asher looked over to Reese and Kylee, observing that they still had their serious contemplating expressions.

Wanting to do something nice for them, Asher sprouted a friendly smile and slapped his hands on their shoulders.


Reese and Kylee both raised a surprised grunt from being taken out of their thoughts. They peered up to Asher's smiling face, already feeling a slight bit of their nerves calm down.

"Come on. Sitting around here thinking isn't the best-suited environment. Let's take a walk." Asher proposed in a charmingly persuasive tone.

Reese and Kylee still wanted to be a bit serious. But they couldn't stop a smile from breaking out on their faces because of Asher's optimistic aura.

"Alright, alright! Let's go; I'm pretty hungry after all this time too." Reese said, already feeling a slight bit better mood.

"Mnh….I actually could go for something too." Kylee joined in with a slight rise of optimism.

Asher nodded at them and started to get up as well.

And though he was determined to face the future, Asher also felt a bit uncertain about what could possibly happen. But he was sure to keep on pushing no matter what may happen.