Yuki's Opportunities

Hours quickly slipped away since Balreth Academy Ceremony.

After such a long day, Asher had finally returned home to his small apartment. He was currently in the living, relaxing on his couch for a small moment.

His mind replayed the events of today, and a slight smirk curved his lips.

Primarily today was a major success for him!

Though he did experience hell like no other, he had awoken his System's soul. Furthermore, he had also awakened a second Magical Power and had already unlocked his Aura Sense.

For his friends, he still couldn't fully convince their minds about tomorrow. But with the fun lunch they had, he did help clear their minds for tomorrow.

And not only their minds he helped clear, that outing also helped Asher calm his mental state over today's several shifty turns of events.

The only thing that was slightly problematic was the meeting with those Kane gang goons.

But as Asher recalled that meeting, he truly wasn't afraid of them.

Devon and Mack were only mere Spirit Tier 1 that only just recently awoken, precisely like him. Even if they were to both fight him, Asher was assured he could take them both.

And then, there was that strange moment where he locked eyes with Elsa.

Out of everything from today, besides his Merger process, that moment still stuck with him. That sensation he felt when looking at Elsa and how she was unblinkingly staring at him.

It all felt so tremendously different compared to any other time he had seen Elsa in the past.

Admittedly, now Asher wanted to see Elsa again and see if that same electrifying sensation would happen again.

Focusing on the present, Asher had glanced at his digital watch and noted it was already late evening. Though for other students, this would be close to the end of their days, Asher still had one more thing he wanted to do.

Before Asher could take any course of action, Yuki immediately began to talk after he had rested for several seconds.

'Hey now, a looot of time has passed since I said to come home soon. And now you're planning to go out on your own again, hm?'

Asher felt a slight bit apologetic as he really didn't talk to Yuki at all during these hours. For as peculiar she is, Asher still wanted to cultivate a good relationship between them.

He at least thought that should be the bare minimum for soul-bound partners.

So Asher said with a small apologetic smile that he didn't even think Yuki could see, 'Sorry. But I really couldn't just leave those two with so many doubts clouding their judgments. And I also feel more relaxed after that little get-together.'

'Hmmm….' Asher felt a bit of nerve since it sounded like Yuki's tone was still criticizing.

But he immediately heard next, 'Hehe~, just teasing you~. And besides, this attitude is perfect for increasing your positive Aura. But we're going to the steps to directly increase now. Asher! Get ready; it's mission time."

Asher felt some relief at Yuki's initial joking tone, but his eyebrows raised at the mention of mission time.

Before the mission subject, Asher had to ask about that Positive aura stat and his bloodline stat. Both things have been nagging his mind all day, but there was no good time to ask it because of everything that happened.

With the prime opportunity now, Asher started to ask Yuki, 'Can you explain to me what Positive Aura is first? Is it similar to Aura energy? And just what's up with my bloodline stat?'

'Your Spirit Aura energy and Positive Aura abilities are two different things, Asher. Everyone can get Spirit Aura, but Positive Aura is what you're specifically innately born with.'

It sounded like it made sense, but Asher wasn't all too convinced. 'Innately born with? Like how? During my time growing up, I don't think I ever felt the presence of a Positive aura.'

Yuki was patient in explaining thoroughly and said to Asher,

'Look, don't people either have a slight good impression of you or are entirely indifferent to you no matter their species or social class? And only when you do something to make them dislike you is when it all goes to hell.'

Asher thinks back on his life, recalling numerous moments where he met people far different from him. He began to nod a bit at Yuki's assessment.

But he still told her, 'I see your point. But….I usually just abide by being calm, kind, and generally open. And there were for sure people who simply didn't like me before I even met them.'

'Hmmm….well, I suppose this is a bit more challenging to fully explain. And there's also….alright, look, it will be better for us to increase this ability so you can fully understand what I mean.'

Asher supposed it made sense since there are really only two types of energy he feels running in his body. 'So now about my bloodline stat?'

Asher waited for a couple of seconds, sitting in pure silence.

Now the bloodline stat raised a further issue of concern for Asher.

Every time they talked, Yuki would respond to him in just a snap. However, now, just sitting there in silence as Yuki wasn't answering was a bit eerie to Asher.

Before the silence could dwell any further, Yuki finally spoke up. "Your bloodline….I know what you're thinking. It should be a Ghost bloodline since your whole race had changed. However, this is something I cannot tell you as of now. In the future, it will become clear to you.'

Yuki's voice came out abnormally serious. That steel edge to her tone reminded Asher of when he saw Yuki's reaction to simply saying 'humanity.'

Being the sensible person he is, Asher didn't pursue this subject further.

He was about to ask Yuki another question when the Spirit girl herself suddenly spoke immediately again.

'But enough of such ominous talks! Like I said, it's mission time!' Her tone returned back to her usual jubilant self.

'I'll never get how you can just switch on a dime like that….' Asher said while shaking his head. He was honestly a bit impressed on how Yuki can change her tune in an instant.

Right then, Asher felt a ringing jolt go off inside him.

He narrowed his eyes as he felt his body vibrate from that ringing jolt. It was like his phone had gone off right inside his body, alerting him to a text message.

In a second, Asher managed to identify where this jolt sensation went off.

It came from deep within his soul. Without needing any instruction, Asher closed his eyes and said, 'System.'

In his mental scape space, there was the usual blue text that red his System's soul stats. But now, there was more text under his stats.

Altogether, it read,

'Spirit Tier 1: Level 1

Spirit Mana: Initiate.

Ghost 1

Ghost Lighting 1

Spirit Aura 3

Positive Aura 1

Bloodline: ???

Mission: Give someone a happy moment. Reward: Small increase in Positive Aura energy.'

Asher felt some surprise rise within him. He began to exclaim, 'So this is those fable System' soul mission!'

Despite how easily he got it, Asher was taught these kinds of happenings are actually extremely rare.

Asher knows the reason why Balreth Academy taught their students so little about System's soul. They claimed they all needed the authentic experience to truly learn and grow out of their shells.

But there was one hidden, in-depth subject they did surprisingly educate them on.

And that was System's soul happening missions.

They had claimed only truly special people of the world can have these happenings occur for them. And every System's soul mission that happens is supposed to be this tremendous lucky chance for that special person to massively grow.

Focusing back on the task, Asher noted that for his System's soul mission, the rewards didn't seem like that much.

But, it was better than having nothing. 'So….wait. Can you just give me missions, just like this?' Asher asked Yuki.

'Ehhh….kind off. Well, it's more complicated than that, actually. Worlds, universes, great realms, and everything in between. Basically, all stuff that doesn't concern you now or anytime soon. Just know we have a way to directly increase our prowess just like this.'

Asher didn't try to question Yuki more after that. She basically had just given him undeniable proof in any case.

Though when thinking it over, he had to propose another question. 'How come this didn't pop up earlier? I mean, I'm positive that I have made my friends happy.'

'Oh, your soul simply wasn't ready then. But after those hours, everything is in place now. Now remember this, Positive Aura won't increase your combat prowess. But being incredibly likable goes a long way just like your combat prowess.'

Asher nodded to that, knowing full well having a lot of connections is just as important as his personal strength. He still had some more questions in mind, but Asher knew he wouldn't get much more than this.

So with everything made up in his mind, Asher got off from his couch.

'No time like the present. Let's go check out my new prowess, and I'll see if I can do this mission during it. I doubt it but, maybe I'll get lucky.'

As Asher mentally noted to himself, he began to close his eyes. He looked within himself and focused on the other sensation that wasn't his Aura energy.

This sensation was the same tingling energy he felt during his Ceremony.

Asher focused his attention on surging his Ghost Lightning energy all on his own now.

Because he already experienced a small amount of control over it, Asher had easily managed to manipulate his Ghost Lightning energy.

It surged out of his veins in a similar manner to how he brings forth his Aura energy. As he specifically brought out his Ghost Lightning energy, Asher realized that this and Aura's energy had blended seamlessly in his veins.

A brief thought popped into Asher's mind. He wondered if he could mix these two energies entirely together.

But Asher focused on bringing his Ghost Lightning out for now.

It only took Asher a second before he surged the Ghost Lighting energy to travel up through his right arm and form upon his open palm.


The same lightning noise buzzed into Asher's ears once again.

Opening his eyes, it was the same small line of Ghost Lightning he managed to control during the Ceremony.

Asher nodded before cutting off the Ghost Lightning energy, making the line of Lightning on his palm vanish.

'Hm. Hm. Like I expected! A smooth natural.' Yuki honestly praised Asher.

Feeling a bit of a confidence boost, Asher, this time strut his right arm forward and surged his Ghost Lightning energy again.

This time, Asher brought out more energy while tensing his arm. The line of Ghost Lighting appeared at the center of his palm again. Focusing a bit, Asher visualized that he was blasting the Ghost Lighting from his palm.

The line of Ghost Lightning instantly responded to Asher's thoughts and started intensifying.

In that instance, the Ghost Lighting blasted from Asher's palm!


The Ghost Lightning shot towards his wall, striking it, and left a meter deep hole in the wall.

That whole process just felt natural to Asher. He didn't need any teacher, guidance, or textbooks to know how to rely on his natural instincts.

Asher smiled to himself while wondering, 'When I get there….I wonder if she'll be up at this time.'

'Oh, that was so good, Asher! I just know we'll have a harmonious time together! Now then, off to those Woods, it's time for a mission!' Yuki's praise rolled in again after Asher's last performance.

Asher felt his smile genuinely widen even more. He indeed was coming around to like his mysterious yet hyperactive soul-bound partner.