Threeway Ambush

After taking such much-needed rest, Asher snapped open his eyes back up. If there's one thing Asher managed to figure out on his own, it was that his energy regeneration was always quite fast.

From standing completely still, letting his body entirely relax, Asher regenerated most of his Aura energy and Ghost Lightning energy back.

However, His eyes critically narrowed even as he felt better for another battle.

If just for one fight he already lost so much energy, what would it be like when he takes on much stronger and robust foes?

As fast and deadly as the Mana monster gibbon was, it sorely lacked in its defensive capability. It's why Asher's axe cut through it so cleanly with little to no resistance.

But for more studier Spirit Tier 1 Mana monsters?

Asher realized he desperately needs to increase his energy reserve on both fronts, Aura energy, and Ghost Lightning energy.

And thankfully, Asher, along with his fellow students, were taught the direct way to achieve this. But that's a time Asher saved in his mind for later.

For now, Asher inspected his current body state.

With both of his Ghost Lightning energy and Aura energy back, Asher still had the mind to go out for another fight. His injuries have stalled because of his Aura energy slight healing properties, so it wouldn't majorly get in the way when fighting.

It would seem so strenuous to keep on going after a life or death battle like that, especially after receiving quite noticeable injuries like Asher had on his arm and face.

Even Yuki was getting surprised by how Asher still had intentions to keep on fighting. Inside Asher's soulscape space, she had observed every little detail of the battle.

Yuki had some comments, but she kept her mouth shut. A smile curved up her face as her intrigue in Asher never stopped growing.

Meanwhile, on the outside, Asher was clenching his axe tightly, feeling ready and raring to go.

He was about to take a step forward when he abruptly stopped again.

Three more hostile presences were picked up by Asher's Aura sense. And there was a legitimate threat of danger from whoever was coming at him.

Although, there wasn't any wild stagger of killing intent being directed at him this time.

Asher closed his eyes to visualize who was coming at him. This time, the ones coming towards weren't anywhere near the speeds of the Mana monster gibbon ape. The image formed in Asher's mind in a split second.

It was three human figures all strolling towards Asher with an aggressive stride in their steps.

Opening his eyes back up, Asher only needed a second to think who would specifically search for him at this time of day.

'Has to be those wannabes.' Asher mirth to himself while tensing his body for a swift fight. He put his axe back inside his dingy blue ring.

Even though he had assurance against the Kane gang goons, after an intense fight like that, Asher wasn't going to take any chances. Using his axe would make this fight too much of a bloody one.

After only a second, the air around Asher began to flare up. The sudden increase in temperature made tiny beads of sweat drip down his face.

When the fire came, so did a mild pressure crush on Asher's body

This Magical pressure was trying to suffocate Asher, attempting to make his movement sluggish. However, Asher surged a sum of Aura energy, broke through the mild pressure, and jumped towards his right side.

In one movement, Asher jumped over ten feet to his right. As he did so, an orange glow briefly crossed into Asher's sights.


A loud impacting sound blared out in the usually silent Decrypted Wood.

As Asher's feet touched the ground, he looked over to where he was just standing and narrowed his eyes. His last spot now was torched, and there were tiny wisps of orange flames still writhing on the ground.

Using his Aura Sense, Asher directed his attention directly over to the ones that attempted that sudden ambush.

Three figures walked out of a bush a mere twenty feet away from Asher, and they all spouted daring smirks.

"A sneak attack, eh? Well, I shouldn't be too surprised. I expect nothing less from a cowering gang of rats like yourselves." Asher taunted the three figures with an even tone of voice, not worried at all about them.

The three who appeared were Devon, Mack, and a newcomer Asher has seen only a few times around the Academy.

This newcomer was slightly taller than Devon and Mack, wore the same black leather outfits, and wore black leather gloves.

As they slowly walked towards Asher, none of them even reacted much to his mocking taunts. On their faces, their expressions were quickly turning more cruel and arrogant by the second.

They looked down on Asher, gazing at him like he already lost the fight.

It was the newcomer that spoke first, jeering to Asher, "So you do have some slight skills if you could avoid that. Good, I've actually been looking forward to doing this."

"I told you we'll make you severely regret everything you did to us today." Devon joined in with the jeering with a cruel comment of his own.

Although, all three of them felt a pang of annoyance as Asher's expression was unchanging.

Asher had only raised a curious eyebrow at the newcomer. He completely ignored Devon's comment. "Oh? So this is it, huh? You brought Dylan, eh? No matter-"

Asher abruptly stopped talking as he instantly sprang from his spot at swift speeds!

Previously, Asher didn't put much Aura energy into dodging, wanting to fool these Kane gang goons into thinking that was his best reaction time.

And now, Asher puts forth a massive amount of Asura energy into his legs, becoming a surprising blur!

"Wha-" Devon, Mack, and Dylan wanted to react, but they were all indeed caught off guard at such swift speeds. The three of them were all Spirit Tier 1 cultivators, and Dylan was an already awakened Spirit Tier 1 before today's Ceremony.

Yet they all were truly caught off guard by Asher's superior speed.

They couldn't even finish saying 'what' as Asher appeared right in front of Devon's face in a split second.

Asher didn't hesitate while Devon was caught unprepared. He surged a sum of Aura energy in his right fist and threw a heavy right hook at Devon, violently striking him in the face!


Incredible pain assaulted Devon's head as his consciousness became dazed. Blood spurted from Devon's mouth, and his body got sent sprawling to the ground.

With one temporarily done, Asher sensed instinctive danger coming from behind. He didn't even look back. On pure sensory alone, Asher crouched down and felt a gush of wind sailed past his head.

He didn't stop when crouching down. Asher immediately surged his Aura energy through his elbow and swiftly shoved his elbow backward.


Asher's elbow ferociously stuck Mack right in the gut, sinking it deep into his body.

"Geh!" Mack coughed up a blotch of blood and nearly felt the urge to regurgitate his leftover lunch. He backed off a few steps from Asher, clutching his gut and doubling over to his knees.

With another one temporarily done, it wasn't over yet for Asher. He instantly sprang back to an upright position, surging a great force of Aura energy in his palm again.

Asher strutted out his palm, preparing to intercept Dylan's fist.


It was like metal meeting metal as Asher caught Dylan's powerful fist. An incredible force traveled through Asher's arm, shaking it a bit.

When staring into Dylan's face, Asher saw his expression was still wildly arrogant. Since Dylan was an already awakened Spirit Tier 1 before the Ceremony day, his prowess would be naturally higher than either Devon or Mack.

Asher, this time, was even caught unprepared as Dylan socked his other fist right into his cheek!

Asher had to take one step back while feeling a sum of pain coursed in his head. But, instead of having Dylan take control of the battle, Asher fiercely gritted his teeth, held his ground, and returned back to Dylan with a similar skull crunching punch!


A considerable sum of Aura energy was infused into Asher's strike, making Dylan take several steps, feeling his consciousness become incredibly daze.

There was no rest for Asher as his senses picked up on danger from both sides of him.

Asher swiftly took a huge jump backward, crossing over ten feet back.

While he dodged, two fireballs shot through his previous spot, missing him and crashing towards some random trees.

Devon and Mack had already climbed to their feet. Their expressions were ablaze with rage as they shouted,

"Vipond! Die!"

Devon and Mack strutted their hands forward and blasted a fireball from each of their palms!

A mild pressure tried to wrap up Asher's body again. But as he felt a legitimate Killing Intent from Devon and Mack's rage, Asher decided it was time to end all of this.

Asher strutted both of his hands forward and frantically surged Ghost Lighting energy towards both of his palms. Quicker than the fireballs, Asher burst two lines of Ghost Lightning from his palms, shooting it straight towards Devon and Mack.

Devon and Mack smirk for a split second, thinking their combined powers could shut down Asher's Ghost Lightning.

However, in the very next second, Asher's Ghost Lightning effortlessly tore through their fireballs, shredding them to tiny wisps of orange flames!

"Wha-" Devon and Mack couldn't even finish shouting their surprise as Asher's Ghost Lightning exploded on their chest!


They both unleashed blood-curdling shrieks as Asher's Ghost Lightning rampaged in their bodies.

Their black leather jackets got torn right open, revealing their scarred chests. At the same time, Devon and Mack crashed to the grounds, their bodies violently convulsing while lying on the ground.

"Tch! I'm putting an end to this! Die!"

Dylan's rage-filled shout came next as his hands burst in a bright orange glow of Fire! His Fire Magical Power aura crashed onto Asher, causing significant pressure upon him.

In just a second, Dylan blasted a giant orange Fire snake straight towards Asher!

Against this kind of power and pressure, Asher had no choice but to go all out.

He surged forth both his Aura energy and Ghost Lighting energy at the same time! Asher recalled for that brief moment where both energies had combined together and allowed him to kill the Mana monster gibbon.

Copying that time, Asher seamlessly combined both energies like it was all too natural for him.

He strutted out his right hand and blasted out a big string of Ghost Lightning towards Dylan's orange Fire snake!


Asher and Dylan's prowess was seemingly equal as their attacks exploded against each other. Fire and Lightning sprayed in the area, striking the ground and nearby trees.

And Asher didn't even wait for the aftermath of their clash to die down.

In the boosted state of combing Aura energy and Lightning energy, Asher flashed right up to Dylan, utterly surprising him.

Without giving him a chance to think, Asher's right hand burst into Ghost Lightning, and he socked Dylan right in the gut!


Similar to Devon and Mack, Dylan shrieked in immense anguish.

Asher's Ghost Lightning rampaged through his body, electrifying him inside and out. Though Dylan had a slightly higher prowess than Devon and Mack, not even he could resist Asher's powerful Ghost Lightning.

Asher took his hand away from Dylan's guy, letting him crash to the ground. And as expected, Dylan's body began violently spasming while sparks of Ghost Lightning occasionally appeared on him.

"Fuuu…." Asher took the greatest breath he had today.

Numerous large beads of sweat-drenched his face as nearly all of his energy was depleted once again.

Now Asher felt a far considerable strain on his body. Though he had won, this battle was not easy at all. It only reinforced Asher's mind on working on increasing both his Aura energy and Ghost Lightning energy reserves.