New Day

The night silently and quickly passed for Pearlcrest City. Strangely enough, even for how loud and bustling Pearlcrest is nonstop throughout the day.

The night was an utterly abrupt mood shift.

It was silent, almost to an eerie degree. Barely anybody would roam the night. All those sane enough stay locked in home and, even the more daring, prefer to stay cooped up at home at night.

Although, very soon, the night will become a lot more active because of one daring young man.


Bright early the next day, Asher was already up and about it. He was strolling through the downtown area of the General District, feeling better than ever.

After so many grueling battles last night, Asher didn't feel sore at all when waking up. He more so felt as if his whole body grew stronger from those events.

Plus, there was also the aspect of Asher being able to now perceive Spirit Mana in his mental scape space.

Just from the small bits, he absorbed from last night, it made him feel entirely refreshed in the morning.

Before leaving his place, Asher tried absorbing Spirit Mana energies again. But just like last night, he could only absorb a mere speak of it before the Spirit Mana energies vanished.

Although it was a bit discouraging to see how hard cultivating Spirit Mana actually is. Asher only let the challenge fueled his determination to have a finer degree of control over Spirit Mana.

After that little moment, Asher didn't prepare to go to the Decrypted Woods for this morning.

Just for today, he needed to be at Balreth Academy pretty early. Today was a monumental day, after all, considering it's when everyone is determining their path in life.

Asher had to put on the Academy uniform as it was an official day and he would be entering a new set of classes from his decision.

While strolling through the downtown area, Asher didn't have any nerves or tension about his decision.

With everything that had happened to him, an intense driving flame was now furiously burning in Asher's mind. He wasn't going to let the Kane Gang walk all over him, and he will grow to a point where those wannabe gangsters become nothing but air to him.

And there was also the realization of just how powerful Spirit Tier cultivators are. It fueled Asher's drive to achieve a higher level of this power, all so he can make his goals a reality.

But these weren't the only thoughts fueling Asher's fiery drive.

Actually, out of everything, the moment he had with Elsa stayed at prime and at the front most of Asher's mind.

Asher couldn't precisely say what he truly felt about Elsa. But he knows he can't deny a strong growing desire to get close to her.

All of this and more needed to be taken step by step. And Asher knows the first step is completing the competition year and achieving high results.

With his mindset becoming more determined than it already is, Asher walked with a brisk step in his pace.

He eventually made it over to a relatively small shop. Compared to all other massive stores and buildings, this shop almost seemed normal in height.

The shop in question did have a luxurious neon sign over its entrance, depicting a mouthwatering drawing of an ice cream cone.

For as crazy as people's lives can get in this city, there would always be small novelties stores like this one.

And truthfully, stores like these actually get a lot of traction. Although, with it being so early in the morning, there weren't many people here at all.

There was only the occasional person walking in and out of the store, and Asher assumed it was the early staff working.

There were small tables and chairs set up for customers or special people around the front of the store to sit in to relax. An example of a special person would be Asher, as he hails from a General Academy.

At one of those tables, there were two young people sitting there.

These two wore the same Academy uniform as Asher, which allowed them the same special privileges.

As these two students sat, neither of them was talking. Their expressions were equally serious and focused.

Asher had a hopeful smile as he saw these two. He began waving his hand as he called out to them, saying, "Reese, Kylee! So serious so early in the morning. And judging by these expressions, I'm amusing you two are nearing a decision?"

Reese and Kylee tear their heads from looking down and over to Asher. Seeing his kind, smiling face instantly got Reese and Kylee to feel a bit better about their moods.

As Asher got close to them, they didn't answer him yet.

Numerous things were swirling in their minds. Their following answer will ultimately decide their path in life. And ever since their talk with Asher, both Reese and Kylee believed they had come to a decision.

It wasn't like it was yesterday was the only time Asher had brought up the subject of joining a sect or a special Academy. He brought it up many times during the years. But each time, Reese and Kylee always had the excuse of waiting until the Ceremony actually happens.

And before they knew it, the years flew by like a breeze. The Ceremony already came, and now it is over with.

Now it was time to focus their mind and stick with their decision. And it wasn't like Reese and Kylee only had Asher to talk to about this.

Unlike him, they actually had other family members, their parents, and other acquaintances they had called upon for advice. With multiple people's words in their minds, Reese and Kylee simultaneously nodded to Asher as he stood by their table.

Reese put on a determined smile as he began telling Asher, "Ah, what the hell, man. After so many of your hype pep talks, I think I'm going to join the competition year. It'll sure as hell be more exciting than some general job."

Kylee had an equally determined smile while nodding towards Asher. "I mean, I know Water Powers isn't a lot. But hey, like you always say, if we have the power, then let's use it to our best of ability!"

Asher felt a rise of joy inside himself from his friends. Finally, after numerous talks, they had seen a better option for the future.

Admittedly, Asher also felt a slight relief in that he'll have good people to hang out with and talk to.

Really, out of the whole Academy, Asher enjoyed being with Reese and Kylee the most. Without them, it wasn't like he couldn't talk to people. But it wouldn't be anything beyond the surface level of talks.

Although there was also Elsa, who Asher wanted to talk to and hang out more with.

But she wasn't really a readily available option to openly hang out with, considering her massive status around the whole Academy.

Feeling proud of his friends, Asher nodded at them and began patting their shoulders. "I'm telling you, taking risks and chances is far better than settling for less. Going against the grain is quite admirable for you two. And don't worry, I'll be here to help you two every step of the way."

Reese and Kylee felt a swirl of pride and determination from Asher's praise. Since he is putting so much faith in them, they were sure to do their best and not let his trust be misplaced!

Suddenly then, Kylee's face shifted into one of concern. Some other thoughts of worry streaked in her mind.

"Asher….I can tell you went for training last night. I know you can't just help yourself. So, be honest with me, did you meet any of the Kane Gang there?"

Reese had also put on an equally worrying expression. For them, the Kane Gang is still an ever-present massive mental block. And they had legitimate reasons to revere that Gang.

Almost every student in the whole Balreth Academy fears them.

Asher, however, just smirked at Reese and Kylee. If there's one thing he's going to make sure that happens during this competition year, it's to get rid of Reese and Kylee's fears over those wannabe gangsters.

Not just for their safety but to also help clear their mental state.

Asher knows how damaging fear can be and how limited it can make someone.

For sure, Asher knows fear helps keep the rationality in people. But sometimes, there are just moments where you have to push past that fear to begin working towards greater goals.

Asher had his own plans to slowly teach his friends this subject. But for now, he simply told them,

"Don't sweat about it. I indeed met them in the woods last night, but all troubles were cleanly dealt with."

"Haaah…." Reese and Kylee could only sigh with complex emotion. They just didn't know what they would do with their troublemaking friend.

Right when Reese was about to say something, his and Kylee's pupils suddenly dilated. They felt two presence that radiated intense danger, aggressively strolling right up to them.

And if they could sense it, Asher already perceived those presences from several feet away.

Although this time, Asher did sense the ones coming towards them are far stronger than Devon and Mack. The two of them were even a touch bit stronger than Dylan.

Now Asher felt a bit of rising tension. Not because he was nervous or afraid. But because this would be where his challenges for the competition year start.

In a not too hurry stride, Asher casually turned around to face the ones brazenly walking up to them.

One of them was a towering tall young man who had a stubble of beard on his face. He was wearing the Kane Gang trademark leather jacket outfit.

The other one was actually a cute tomboyish young woman. She had neat short brown hair, a gorgeous face, and a lean fit body. Of course, she was also wearing the Kane Gang trademark leather jacket outfit.

Before they even got close to them, Asher gave these two Kane Gang goons a daring smirk. "So the stronger ones are already coming out, huh? What is it, Zara, Jael? Ready to complain because I thrashed three of your weak goons?"