
An excruciating searing pain was burning all throughout Zara's body. Getting burnt by fire couldn't compare to this type of pain.

Zara may have experienced her fair share of pain while fighting, but Asher's Ghost Lightning was truly on another level of pain.

When landing on the metallic stage, Zara had to force every fiber of her being to stay standing. She forced down any rising bile in her throat as her eyes spewed with flaming surges of rage.

Zara desperately tried to clear Asher's Ghost Lightning energy from her body, but her Spirit Aura and Fire energy experienced immense difficulty doing so. Asher's power was far more frightening than she could ever expect.

As she continuously pumped massives amount of energy through her body, a sense of humiliation was filling Zara's mind.

In their current position, Zara was the one glaring with immense hatred towards Asher and was experiencing tremendous pain.

On the other hand, Asher was standing calm and imposing. He simply stood in his usual stance, letting his relax down his sides as if the duel wasn't causing him any strain.

The way Asher stood, he was acting like he already won the duel!

And though it wasn't outrageously arrogant like her stance, it does bear a striking similarity to how confident her posture was before the duel began.

And Zara couldn't accept this at all. She was supposed to be making Asher suffer, not the other way around!

With no other choice, Zara began surging nearly all of her Fire Energy towards her right palm while continuously forcing down the electrifying pain.

Seeing how Asher wasn't making any movement for each second passing infuriated Zara to no end. She had then strut her arm out to Asher and spoke in a fiery rageful tone.

"You asked for this, Vipond! Ropes Of Flames!"

Immediately Zara's Spirit Aura explosively increased! Her power was shooting up at an incredible rate, and at five of her fingertips, far more intense orange flaming balls quickly ignited.

Asher felt a mild pressure against Zara's explosive surge of power. At any time, he could've simply defeated Zara or knock her off stage before she gathered this massive sum of power.

Yet, just defeating Zara wasn't his goal.


In just a second after Zara willed the small flaming balls to her fingertips, she had then shot out five orange flaming ropes straight at Asher.

Between her and Asher, there was about over thirty feet of distance.

But in a split second, the five orange flaming ropes crossed that distance with blinding speed!

Asher admittedly was a bit taken off guard by the speed. The split second before the orange flaming ropes could wrap him up, Asher raised his arm, shielding the swift attack.

Asher had to grit his teeth a bit as a considerable searing pain traveled through his arm as the five orange flaming ropes wrapped around it.

The five orange flaming ropes attempted to crush down on Asher's bone and unleash Zara's immense power into his body.

However, Asher didn't let that happen. Immediately when the flaming ropes constricted his arm, he pushed forth all of the energy in his body.

And this time, a small stream of Spirit Mana surged from his System's soul, causing Ashe'rs power to go even slightly beyond what he needed to activate his full Spirit Aura!


Asher released a mighty battle shout as his Ghost Lightning aura began to chaotically surge! The searing pain burning his arm quickly lessened and any speck of Zara's energy in his body was utterly vaporized.

Zara immediately turned rigid as her eyes nearly bulged out of her socket.

"I-I am I seeing this, right?! Is he really fighting off a Battle Skill with his bare arm?!"

"Just how powerful is this guy?!"

All other students couldn't contain their bewilderment once again. And this time, their shock went beyond anything Asher performed before.

Battle Skills are what any System's soul cultivators use to majorly increase their power beyond their ordinary limits for one attack. In most cases, Battle Skills are what decides a match between two equally powerful foes.

And initially, nearly all students thought Asher would either get heavily damaged or even defeated by Zara's Battle Skill.

Nobody expected that he would be insane enough to actually use his body to defend against the Battle Skill! Furthermore, they just couldn't believe he's actually matching the power of a Battle Skill!

When Asher gave that mighty shout while releasing all of his power, all newly awakened Spirit Tier students felt a shiver crawl up their spines from his powerful Spirit Aura.

But, Asher wasn't entirely done yet with shocking the audience.

Asher had clenched his fist while he was briefly absorbed in the incredible sensation of his absolute power.

Because Asher was continually absorbing small streams of Spirit Mana, it provided him with enough of a power increase to go even beyond manifesting his Spirit Aura.

This kind of power was exhilarating for Asher.

For all of his life, this unfathomable power was what he was training to achieve. And Asher knows, the power he's wielding now will only continue to increase, one-day reaching unimaginable heights!

But before any of that, Asher knows he has to take care of a rat that's been pestering him ever since this morning.

In the most direct way possible, Asher violently swung his arm high up in the air, causing Zara to get lifted into the skies.

"Ahh!! Dammit!! Why?!" Zara was utterly frantic.

Asher's overwhelming power traveled directly through her Battle Skill drilled right into her body! The energy in her body couldn't match Asher's maximum power at all, and Zara lost control of her body.

Through her mighty Battle Skills, Asher now briefly controls her entire movement!

Without a shred of mercy, a cold glint swirled in Asher's eyes as he swung his arm right back down, slamming Zara straight down to the hard metallic stage.


Everyone heard a sickening impact that made most students feel cold air run through their cores.

Zara felt unbearable pain all over her body as she laid face planted on the metallic stage. While she laid on the floor, she was coughing up continuous blotches of blood and was nearly on the verge of passing out.

Her Battle Skill was destroyed after that attack, and her orange flaming aura was on the verge of disappearing as well.

With his arm free, Asher stared at it for a split second. He quickly noted the top half of his sleeve was burnt off, and his arm was a bit charred. Some residual pain still flowed through Aser's arm, but it wasn't anything significant.

Suddenly Asher snapped his eyes right on Zara as she was lifting her head up. His Aura Sense quickly picked up on an even greater surge of power flowing through her hands again.

Seeing that someone just doesn't know when to quit, a ferocious glow exploded from Asher's eyes. He quickly sprinted towards Zara like a wild beast closing in on its prey for the final strike.

And for the first time in Zara's life, she felt dreadful feeling wrack her mind and body.

Continuous shivers split down her spine as she was experiencing the horrifying sensation of genuine fear!

Watching Asher bum rush towards her like a feral beast caused a fear like no others. She legitimately thought she was about to die! All of her pride was shattered at that moment.

Zara finally realizes Asher is, in fact, superior to her!

As her consciousness was on the verge of passing out, Zara frantically gathered whatever energy was left in her body. She raised a single shaking finger at Asher and spoke in a quivering shout,

"N-NO!! Fire Sword!!"


A large orange sword of flames burst from Zara's fingertip and sailed straight at Asher.

Asher, however, didn't care at all about the sword of flames. Even with that new surge of power she used to gather this Battle Skill, it was still utterly negligible to Asher's full power.

Using no fancy tricks or skills, Asher simply raised his fist and punched towards the orange sword of flames!


Asher's Ghost Lightning fist utterly decimated the orange sword of flames into tiny fire wisps.

Immediately then, Asher had reached Zara. He didn't hesitate for a second as he savagely grabbed her hair and lifted her whole body like she weighed nothing.

And all in one smooth motion, Asher cruelly slammed Zara right on the metallic stage!


Another sickening impact blared into the students' ears while they watched Asher's merciless attack in utter awe.

The last thing Zara saw was Asher's terrifying face shrouded in Ghost Lightning's aura before she was promptly knocked out cold.

Once he sensed her power go dry, Asher let go of Zara's head and stood straight up. That last attack certainly would've killed any newly awakened Spirit Tier cultivators. But Asher knew Zara had cultivated enough Spirit Mana to not die over something like this.

And from his Aura Sense, he could still pick up her lifeforce in her. Although it was very dim at this moment.

With the battle done, Asher took a deep breath and deactivated his Spirit Aura.

He briefly closed his eyes, expecting some kind of considerable strain on his body. But, besides a slightly noticeable strain, Asher wasn't that worn out from using his Spirit Aura.

Opening his eyes back up, Asher assumed it's because his System's soul probably reinforced his body to a greater level.

And it was at that time, Asher finally noticed everything was deathly silent. He peered his eyes down at the students and felt a bit strange.

Every single student in the broad audience all had their eyes enlarged as they stared unblinkingly at Asher like he was some sort of freak.