
As they slowly walked through the starting area, Asher was curiously gazing at the dark shaded trees. Usually, these trees would inscribe him with a cold, chilling feeling. It was a sense that told him danger could jump at him at any moment.

But today….that haunting feeling wasn't as apparent.

Though he was staring at the place where he fought numerous life or death battles, Asher felt warmth flowing through his entire body.

"You know, since we're not fighting, it's almost kind of nice here. It's like I can almost forget there are bloodthirsty beasts here just waiting to rip us apart." Asher said in a humorous tone.

Elsa wasn't exempt from feeling that same warm, soothing sensation. She barely felt any fear from the Woods in the first place, but she couldn't deny Asher's claim.

Moreover, her lips also twitched a bit from Asher's joke.

"Hm. Well, we are comfortable with each other, and we're relaxing together. So it's to be expected you….or, well, we would feel this kind of warmth."

Asher smiled at the minor correction Elsa did and knows she probably has her head turned away from him.

They walked in comfortable silence for a few seconds, just allowing themselves to be absorbed in each other's atmosphere. The simple act of hand-holding and enjoying each warmth already spoke volumes on how hiddenly deep their relationship was.

All of their years of simply being friends wasn't just for show. And now that they have decided to no longer inhibit themselves, their feelings can beautifully blossom.

But, there were still things that Asher wanted to genuinely know about Elsa.

The mood was absolutely right, and Elsa seemed perfectly content. Looking over to her, that calm face of her looked even more serene as they walked hand in hand.

It was then Asher decided to speak again and ask her, "Can't believe I haven't asked you this yet as well. But, what do you do at home…."

He trailed off a bit, and before Elsa could answer, he said in a slightly joking tone, "Don't tell it's just more cultivation? At the Academy, I can understand, but even you must, or, probably has other things to do at home."

Elsa only blinked her eyes once at Asher's question. She felt slightly amused by his joking tone. But the more she thought about home, the more she felt complicated and conflicting emotions swelled up inside her.

Anything about her home life just ignited this instinctive gut response in her. It wasn't anything against Asher, but she spoke in a plain tone,

"If you already know their answer, is there even a need to ask?"

From the numerous years Asher knew Elsa, he could easily detect a new slight edge to her tone.

Complications at home….Asher almost instantly felt a pang for sympathy and empathy for home.

For most average youths around the City or even in their Academy, when they discuss home, it would be that one thing they could enjoy talking about.

Even for Reese and Kylee, they both enjoy engaging in their home lives.

But for Asher, there was always that disconnect for him on this topic. And seeing that Elsa seemingly has a similar course of feelings made him give her hand another gentle, warm squeeze.

He began telling her in a soothing tone, "You sure that's it? Come now….you know my personality. I'll get your true answer in some shape or form."

With matters such as her family, Elsa usually would prefer to not think about it when she's out and about.

But as Asher's soothing tone slithered into her ears and that gentle squeeze he gave her hand, it made Elsa feel calmer about it. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it was like Asher had similar experiences with his own family.

Just from his few words and small actions, Elsa could pick up on that subtle mood shift within him.


Elsa gave a light grunt as her mood began to subtly shift, just like Asher's. If there's anybody she could discuss this with, she realized it would be him.

"Really….there's nothing, well, uplifting to discuss from my home life. My family….they're all complicated people that I much rather avoid most of the time I come home. Even now, us just being together is a huge risk."

In the middle of her talking, Elsa leaked a sigh with heavy emotions. "Haaah….I don't want to sour our mood bu-"

Elsa couldn't finish her thought as Asher gave her hand a more noticeable but still gentle squeeze.

He had stopped walking, and Elsa turned around to face him in the eyes. And seeing those gentle black eyes radiate pure compassion for her got Elsa slightly enrapture for what he has to say next.

Asher gave a small smile as he nearly got lost in Elsa's mesmerizing ocean blue eyes. He began telling her, "You know…. I'm not sure you know about them, but Reese and Kylee, my only two friends in the whole Academy, also don't know about my family life. And just like you, my family wouldn't be pleased at all with me spending my time like this. If it isn't training in some shape or form, then it's all secondary to them."

Elsa intently listened in on every word Asher spoke. And as she did so, she started to recall her first moments with Asher.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that, in all honesty, Asher's past was genuinely mysterious.

Because she has close relations with the higher-ups at the Academy, she could at least hear about a new kid's family when they transfer to the Academy. Even as she had zero interest in it, she never heard of a case of a student having no family to speak of.

However, for Asher, there wasn't a single thing about his parents.

Though Balreth Academy is enormous, they have staff with specific special Magical Powers that allow them to easily record every student's home life information.

Yet, Asher really was like he showed up from thin air, and not a single staff questioned his identity.

It's what got Elsa a slight interest in Asher in the first place. The fact that he could still join their Academy, no question asks even after the start of their General years, was worthy of notice.

Thinking about all of this inspires a burning curiosity in Elsa's mind. She just had to ask, "Do you….live with your family?"

Out of all reactions Elsa was expecting, she didn't expect Asher to only keep his slight smile.

His tone was even as he answered her with, "Nope. I'm pretty much all by myself in this City. But I know they have direct tabs on me at all times. It's….confusing on how it works. And honestly, they're quite annoying even though they all are so far away from me."

The more she stared into Asher's eyes, the more she felt something blossom inside her chest. She felt compelled to share even more about herself with how sincere Asher was being.

On the other hand, Asher felt some mild surprise as for the first time, he saw Elsa's lips slowly curve upwards! He saw her being calm, he saw her being worried, and he also saw her being shy or embarrassed.

But this was the first time ever, Asher could see a smirk morph onto Elsa's face. And just like with any other new reactions of her, she looked simply stunning, showing off more of her emotions.

While Asher was slightly taken aback, Elsa felt even more amusement from his response and began to say, "So this another thing you can relate with me on. Even in unfortunate problems, do we flow so well."

Another mild surprise ran through Asher as Elsa honestly did sound a bit joking in her words. Seeing these new sides of her got Asher to leak a light chuckle in good faith.

"Haha, I guess we do. With all little pretenses dropped, we can finally stop dancing around each other, hm?"


Another first time for Asher was hearing Elsa also leak an honest to god chuckle. Her lips were twitching before, and she couldn't hold it in anymore.

That little chuckle she leaked sounded like a melodic harpoon in Asher's ears.

Elsa's slight smirk turned into a small smile as she had then said, "Yes….I suppose we can."

As the mood was ripe, Asher pressed on to seal another deal with Elsa. "You don't have to tell me any of your family issues now. But you can sure count on me being there to support you every step of the way."

A bundle of warmth slew into Elsa's chest as she couldn't keep the small smile off her face.

At this point, she stopped trying to suppress her emotions. Though she wanted to be the one leading, Elsa was also feeling content on just naturally glowing with the flow.

Elsa had then clenched Asher's hand ever so slightly while giving him a light snort. "Hm. For my issues, that will require numerous, extensive training sessions with me. I only hope your body can keep up with your mindset by then."

Asher let out a genuine laugh as he began walking hand in hand with Elsa again. When walking this time, Elsa seemed to scoot just a slight bit closer to him.

A closer atmosphere than they had before envelope the two without them even noticing it.

And it was then Asher had said, "Oh, don't worry about my limits. Tomorrow, you will soon see the limits of my endurance."

"Oh really? I will hold you to that standard then." Elsa's voice was turning more jovial with each passing second.

The way she's talking with Asher now was a whole new different experience. And she was honestly enjoying every second of it.

All the locked and suppressed emotions she was gradually coming out all because of Asher's influence. At this point, she even felt her own will sharpen to help Asher prepare for the future to advance in cultivation right alongside her.

Asher, of course, was of the same feelings as Elsa, and he was just as eager to grow right alongside Elsa.

All the while Asher and Elsa enjoy their sweet date, a certain mischievous Spirit inside Asher was carefully observing every moment.

A bright smile graced Yuki's lips as she said without letting Asher hear her, "Ahhh….just like this Asher. In the far future, you'll be quite the force against all divine beauties."