Asher's Turn

An hour breezed by in the blink of an eye. After all the initial fervent excitement, things were finally beginning to wind down.

For many students, they were pleased by their talent results.

Having a Late-Stage Spirit Tier talent would be enough for them to have a stable life in most Sects they have in mind. Though it wouldn't be easy at all, these students at least have a bit of mental fortitude for the inevitable challenges ahead.

Many other students, however, were either disappointed by their results or felt uncertainty about their future.

The unlucky students who were only able to match up to a Mid Stage talent were the most distraught from this event. Essentially for them, they would need to put twice as much work as the Late Stage talents.

There were also students who, despite having a Late-Stage talent, were confuddled if they even wanted to continue that long road ahead.

After all, not everyone could have that determined mindset of wanting to overcome every tremendous roadblock that would inevitably appear on their journeys.

Then there were the rarer students who had incredible Peak level Spirit Tier Talent. They, for sure, felt far more at ease about their future since their abilities would naturally grow far faster than any Late Stage talent.

With various thoughts conflicting students' minds, it was impressive enough that there was still one particular event that wouldn't leave their heads.

Nearly every student, whether they were in the Competition year or in the General Job classes, they all were still discussing Hyaoto's supreme Earth Tier Talent.

Out of the thousands of students that participated in this event, no one else ever managed to score an Early Stage Origin Tier talent.

Yet, Hayato went above everyone, achieving a feat that directly put him on the radar to become a top-level ranking genius student.

Within the bustling of the common students, there were only two youths who had their minds entirely on a different subject.

Reese and Kylee stood close to each other and were on the sidelines as they already had their talent tested. And true to Reese's words, they both managed to score a Late-Stage Spirit Tier Talent.

Initially, they both were greatly relieved they could at least achieve this much. But as time went on, they couldn't help but notice that a determined friend of theirs still wasn't here.

Their expressions were a little bit warped with concern, hoping nothing detrimental happened with Asher. They both know how much he loves to overwork himself, and with the new prowess he has, it was a recipe for him to get into disaster trouble.

It was only down to the last few people, and Asher still hasn't made any appearance.

After these students, there wouldn't be any more chance for Asher to test his talent.

Right then, just as Reese and Kylee worried that Asher would narrowly miss his chance, a lone figure had calmly strolled out of the entrance to this field.

Nobody reacted to this lone figure; in fact, nobody even noticed this person walking into the field.

This person calmly strolled through the bustling of students and hopped onto the large metallic stage. And when seeing who this lone figure was, Reese and Kylee intensely reacted.

Kylee felt a wave of relief wash over, letting out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "Huuu…..seriously! He wants to make a grand entrance at coming fashionably late! Hmph."

"Haha! I don't know if this guy is intentionally or unintentionally going to make a huge show for all of us." Reese said in a similar relief tone.

Though both Reese and Kylee's thoughts on Asher were still mixed. Seeing his calm yet confident stride reminded them of how much they missed talking to him.

Even as Asher holds this monumental prowess, he always had an easy-going mindset that just made him calming to talk to.

And unknown to all students there, one other person that nobody expected to ever react to any single person almost let her emotions slip up.

Elsa briefly narrowed her eyes on Asher's lone and calm figure. In just a second, she inspected for any sign of damage or ruffle on his clothes that would show he's been in a fight.

But Asher's uniform was entirely spotless.

'Hm. At least he's here. Now, show everyone what you're made off.' Elsa felt her own anticipation genuinely rise.

With all that she knows from Asher, she was of the firm belief that his talent would be nowhere near normal. And if he could show off an exceptionally high talent, it would do good for their relationship.

Asher himself wasn't aware of his friends' or girlfriend's thoughts. His mind was partially focused on showing off his talent and one particular news.

Before he had even arrived at this field, Asher constantly heard about how Kibe Hayato is apparently this star uprising talent now.

Asher heard all sorts of comments about him, ranging from,

'No newly awakened students can hope to match him; his growth will be at sonic speed or how he will absolutely trump over Asher.'

Asher only had to shake his head at those comments. He learned how to block other people's opinions from his mind long ago. Although, he did feel a genuine intrigue in Kibe Hayato's Earth Tier talent.

Yuki, however, was in direct contrast to his indifferent and curious thoughts. She huffed up with a high amount of pride as she began telling Asher,

'Hmph. The nerves of these brats. Thinking that some Earth Tier talent is even worthy of a little praise. Asher, let's show them true talent!'

A natural smirk bloomed Asher's lips as he began to feel a bit of hype from Yuki's encouraging words.

When Asher had finally gone up to the one of Talent Stone, he was one of the last people in one of the seven lines. And because he was one of the last, student gazes began to finally notice him.

Their eyes began to narrow, recalling just who Asher was.

"So he's finally here…."

"Even with the power he shows, can he really match up to an Earth Tier Talent?"

"Hell no, he can't!"

Asher's ears picked up on the murmurs of the surrounding crowd. Those comments still didn't affect Asher, and he casually strolled up to the Talent Stone.

But right as he got close, Asher nearly stopped walking. His brows furrowed, feeling a particularly nasty gaze land on him.

When Asher briefly turned his sights over to who was giving him the stink eye, he spotted a handsome young man intently staring at him.

This handsome young man had a face filled with disdain while looking at Asher as if he had accidentally glanced at some disgusting bug in the dirt.

Asher blinked his eyes a few times, slight confusion briefly crossing his face.

This young man didn't look to be from the Kane Gang. Each of them would always wear their trademark leather coat. Furthermore, he already spotted several Kane Gang members in the crowds, yet none of them seemed to even notice him.

But with this disdainful gaze from the young man, it was like Asher had severely wronged him in the past.

With Asher's analyzing mind, he quickly put two and two together. 'Was he really that upset over me uprising his small fame? Whatever he'll just be even more upset after this….'

Asher just gave a casual shrug of his shoulder, not bothering to pay attention to Hayato anymore.

Under increasing prying eyes, Asher made it before the Talent Stone. He had then raised his palm, creating a strand of Ghost Lightning soul essence at the center of it.

Immediately then, more eyes gathered on him, noticing his refined control over his power.

Asher's strand of Ghost Lightning wasn't chaotically surging. But it had flowed in a rhythmic state, almost like it was a stream of water. There even wasn't any leakage of his Magical Aura, further showing his refined control.

Compared to most other students today, Asher formed his power in an instant, and he wasn't the slightest bit strain or looked like he was in deep focus.

With a casual flick of his hand, Asher sent the strand of Ghost Lightning towards the Talent Stone, letting it drill deep inside it.

At that very brief moment, most students assumed Asher could at most score a Peak Stage talent since he had thoroughly beaten Zara.

Origin Tier talent seemed a bit far-fetched, even as he showed off so much power. Just having a high amount of energy shouldn't necessarily equal to one's future talent.

However, against everyone's expectations, the Talent Stone reacted even faster than Hayato's!

In just a split second, the Talent Stone glowed light blue, to normal blue, to a slightly dark shade of blue to a complete dark shaded blue!

There simply wasn't any rest to his Talent stone changing color; it was the fastest out of every student that went up.

But before anybody could react towards that speed, the Talent Stone immediately lit up to a light green color!

Shock ran through students as Asher's Talent Stone was going too fast for their minds to keep up.

"Origin Ti-"

Right as students were about to cause a mild uproar, Asher's Talent Stone didn't wait for even a nanosecond.

Its light green tint transitions to a normal shaded green, a slightly dark shaded green, and a full dark green shade! Asher's talent spread through Origin Tier level almost instantaneously!

"So-so fast!!"

All students were utterly bewildered at this speed. Was Asher's talent just really that great?!

Even the Ranking Genius students were genuinely shocked at that speed.

Chase, Leon, Daisy, Anton, and Dane all recalled their own Talent Stone speeds. And not even there was this fast!

The Professors on stage as well got intently curious at this sonic speed of talent.

Once it was the dark green shade threshold, everyone expected the Talent Stone to stop. No matter this curious speed, the next boundary after this was the Earth Tier Talent!

And Asher couldn't possibly have that, right?

However, despite students not wanting to believe it, the Talent Stone changed just after a couple of seconds.

In front of eyes that were going incredibly wide-eyed from awe, the Talent Stone quickly changed into a light yellow glow!

Students alike all went rigid. This was it; Asher was also an Earth Tier Talent!

But, the shock still wasn't over.

In the next second, even the Professor on stage was filled with indescribable amazement that they didn't even feel when Hayato was revealed to be an Earth Tier Talent.

Asher's Talent Stone began to swiftly change to an increasingly darker shade of a yellow tint.