Speed & Power

The overwhelming arrogance and pride that would continually ooze out of every member of the Kane Gang, it wasn't with Jayline at this moment.

Asher expected a mocking smile filled with ridicule when he landed up here. However, all he saw Jayline do is simply narrowed his eyes on him.

Unknown to everyone, there was a myriad of thoughts running through Jayline's mind. He wanted to say he, of course, had no nerves about facing Asher.

But….that would be a lie.

After all, the only people who can achieve Peak Stage Earth Tier talent are all existence that he can only look up to. Moreover, there's also the incredible prowess he and Hayato showed.

Asher had already proven himself numerous times that he shouldn't be underestimated when it comes to Battle Potential.

And Hayato, who has a far lower talent level than Asher, could erupt with immense prowess that nobody could've ever expected from him.

For the first time in his life, Jayline was a bit unsure if this would be a good idea. He had even gone so far as to ask his boss if this plan should continue.

In the depths of his mind, he was hoping that his boss would actually discontinue the plan and do something for a later date.

Unfortunately for him, this plan must continue no matter what. Still, Jayline wasn't going to let Asher see any of his nerves. He stood proudly tall, emitting a daunting aura that mixed in with the wind.

His eyes hauntingly glowered down on Asher, wishing to intimidate him before they even fight. A curl smirk of disdain forms on his lips as he had then told Asher,

"Hm. So you really want to go down this route? You know there's nothing but anguish from here on out."

Asher wasn't pressured or intimated facing the full brunt of Jayline's natural Aura.

Initially, he thought he could have his emotions under control when coming up here. But, with each passing second he stared into Jayline's grossly arrogant face, the more Asher felt his hatred surge.

To think, if he didn't desperately train himself in the Decrypted Woods to the point of death, he wouldn't be able to do anything in this situation!

That horrifying thought pushed Asher more and more to wanting to thoroughly crush Jayline to the point his pride shatters apart.

Asher didn't respond to Jayline's provoking taunts. His sights snapped towards Teacher Lucas, completely ignoring Jayline's looks of annoyance, and he asked him,

"Can we also immediately start?"

'Tch! Always so damn confident!' Jayline's own thoughts turned increasingly vicious towards Asher. It's only been a mere few days, yet this guy is acting like he can actually match his prowess!

Right then, a cold light swirled within Jayline's eyes. He decided that no matter how high Asher's talent is, he would crush him right in front of everyone.

Teacher Lucas gave a slight smile filled with mild interest towards Asher. He was far more curious about Asher's result than Hayato.

Mainly because Asher appears to have a far more likable, honest character than him. Plus, the fact he unhesitatingly wants to face the strongest Early Spirit Tier students means he must have some sort of plan.

Teacher Lucas kept his tone even as he had then said, "Indeed, you can start right now."

Asher promptly nodded, turned his attention back towards Jayline, giving him a chilling glare, and jumped fifteen feet back.

Cold air swept through Jayline's entire body from Asher's chilling stare.

"Tch!" This time Jayline clicked his teeth out loud, pushing down that cold air as if it didn't exist.

At the same time, he had also jumped back the same amount of distance as Asher. When both combatants reached equal distance apart from each other, all students became intently focus.

Even though they all were making a commotion about the insanity of Asher's decision, none could really say they are underestimating him.

He already showed great Battle potential with his duel with Zara. And Hayato, who's kind of on the same wavelength of talent, exploded with a prowess that ultimately triumphs over Zeke.

Quite honestly, no students can say for sure what they were going to see in this duel. Anything could happen now!

Silence befell the stage and the whole field.

Teacher Lucas took one glance at both Asher and Jayline before he had then said,


And exactly like last time, Teacher Lucas vanished from sight.

Immediately when Teacher Lucas gave the signal, Asher and Jayline dangerously narrowed their eyes. At the same time, they both unleashed their tsunami of powerful Magical Auras!


Asher and Jayline's Magical Auras fiercely clashed with each other, causing a tremendous storm of wind to kick around the whole stage. Their immense power wildly sprayed out in the air and quickly spread over the entire field!

Within only a second of their duel, every student went utterly rigid.

Many students' clothes were fiercely rustling; some felt it was harder to breathe while others were actually choking on their own breaths.

Asher and Jayline didn't even exchange one serious move. Yet, with just the general Magical Aura they're exuding, they're both unleashing a prowess that far surpassed anything Hayato and Zeke release!

Even though they were farther away from the stage, students all alike felt either a mild pressure or a tremendous suppression depending on their own strength.

Shocking disbelief course through everyone's minds as they began to realize, "Don't tell me that this guy really is that strong too?!?"

Far closer to the stage than anybody else, being able to experience more of their Magical Aura was causing Hayato's pupils to intently dilate.

Tremendous disbelief was crossing his face as he felt it was difficult to breathe. He wasn't the one facing Asher, and yet Hayato was experiencing a frightening pressure that was crushing his entire body.

All Hayato could do now was stare at Asher's duel, unable to form a coherent thought now.

Back on stage, Jayline violently clenched his hands after only a second of releasing his Magical Aura.

The slight nightmarish thought he had in the depths of his mind was becoming true!

But he couldn't understand it at all….just how could this be happening?!

Asher was uncaring on whatever disbelief was crossing people's minds. After only a second of releasing his Magical Aura, he didn't hesitate nor wanted to give Jayline any opportunity to take control of the duel or speak.

Asher had suddenly sprung forward in an immense burst of speed! A blur flashed across the stage as he reached Jayline nearly instantaneously.

Jayline felt his pupil dilate to needle size; a mild pressure warped his body almost immediately.

Slight dread burst within Jayline's mind; he couldn't keep up with Asher's speed at all! Jayline could only rely on his survival instincts, screaming towards his right about a dangerous attack heading right his way.

In an attempt to defend, Jayline began to form a green flaming barrier that would cover his whole body.

But, when his flaming barrier was only halfway formed, a thunderous sound burst into Jayline's ears!


The sound of booming lightning nearly made Jayline jump in fright.

Asher was already three feet to his right with one of his palms coated in a hurricane of Ghost Lightning energy.

Before Jayline even had a chance to react, Asher blasted a powerful stream of Ghost Lightning straight towards his face! Ghost Lightning arcs frantically sprayed in the wind as the Ghost Lightning stream strikes against Jayline's nearly completed flaming barrier.


Jayline's green flaming barrier shattered to mere tiny wisps of flames as Asher's power utterly overwhelmed it. And his Ghost Lightning stream continued to soar straight at Jayline, going absolutely unhindered.

Just from his barrier shattering, Jayline already felt a painful rumble tore into his body. His Aura Sense was frantically going off with danger, but even for all his prowess, he simply couldn't react to Asher's speed and power.

A flash of blue streaks crossed into Jayline's vision; right then, Asher's Ghost Lightning violently struck his face!


A cascade of Ghost Lightning arcs tore around the stage as Jayline was sent flying like a speeding bullet.


Jayline couldn't handle the pain, releasing blood-curdling shrieks as Ghost Lightning tore into his body. And Asher's overwhelming Magical Aura power added a tremendous additional layer of pain.

Those genuine shrieks of anguish violently jolted student's minds.

More so than how Zeke was thrown like a ragdoll, they honestly couldn't expect the same thing would happen with the strongest Early Stage Spirit Tier student in the whole Academy!

But, before anyone could properly react, Asher moved with swift speed, unleashing relentless pressure on Jayline. His movement was fast as the wind, flashing close to Jayline's hurdling body in just a mere split second!

While airborne, Jayline did sense an immense threat wrack his mind and body. However, he was just too slow to react.

Jayline's Peak Early Stage Spirit Tier body could not deal with Asher's Ghost Lightning in a quick manner. His Spirit Aura had even surged out of his veins to counteract Asher's Ghost Lightning, but it could not speed up the process.

This would only mean that Asher's prowess….it was surpassing his!

At speeds that looked like it neared actual Lightning, Asher reached out and tightly clamped down on Jayline's left wrist, abruptly stopping his high momentum.

Without stopping at all, Asher had then raised Jayline high in the air like he was a sack of potatoes.

Under widening disbelieving eyes, Asher had then brutally slammed Jayline right on the metallic stage, causing a sickening thump to sound out.


A geyser of blood spewed from Jayline's mouth as an unfathomable pain exploded within his body.

Numerous of Jayline's bones ruthlessly cracked, his organs violently churned, and the iron claw gripped Asher had on his wrist had also broken the bones inside it when he had slammed him down.

Jayline's pupils were going crazy; utter disbelief, utter hatred were mixing in his mind. For two moves, he couldn't do anything; he was entirely suppressed by Asher's power!

Out of everything, this seemed far too nightmarish. How could Asher increase his prowess so much in just a few days to topple his?!

Although in a surprising twist, Asher didn't continue attacking.

He let go of Jayline's broken wrist while his haunting gaze scowled down his pathetic fallen form. These wannabe gang members from the Kane Gang genuinely believe they're above everything.

And Asher was going to set an example to them they would never forget!

Immediately when Asher let go of his broken wrist, a green flaming grow shrouded Jayline's body, and he flashed twenty feet back.

In an instant, Jayline was right back on his feet, yet his form wasn't anywhere near as imposing or tall as before. He was tightly clutching his now useless wrist, still feeling immense anguish over the broken bones inside.

Jayline's power was rapidly increasing to immense new heights, yet his mind was in a chaotic loop.

No matter how high his prowess was climbing, Asher's gaze was cold and calm, almost like he was piercing into the depths of his soul.