Progressing Days

A few days have already breezed by since the Potential Assembly.

For the first day coming back to Balreth Academy after the Assembly, students were in a state of bustling excitement. They all had to adjust their new daily routine.

But quickly after the first day, things went back to being calm within Balreth Academy.

All Competition year students fell into their new lifestyle whether they had liked it or not.

Some were able to match the new pace of their classes, realizing they always had a particular knack for System's soul cultivation. While others were struggling over the fact that no matter what assortment they placed in, cultivation was nothing but hard work.

Still, the general calm status quo returned to Balreth Academy. Although two new exceptional students were still on numerous students' minds.

One of these students, of course, was Asher.

Out of all common students, he was currently enjoying his new Academic life. As of now, it was close to closing hours of Balreth Academy, and Asher was in his Mana Room.

Sitting serenely in his vibrantly refreshing Mana room, an ease expression was plastered on Asher's face. Streams of Spirit Mana flowed in a rhythmic motion around him, showcasing his improved control over this energy.

Typically when Asher previously absorbed Spirit Mana energies, the actual flow of Spirit Mana would be at an erratic pace.

The erratic pace would make it slower to absorb Spirit Mana as Asher would need to focus on forming a steady stream when the energy enters inside his mental scape space.

But now, the streams of Spirit Mana flowing inside him became naturally steady without any extra attention required for him.

Just a few days passed, and already Asher had found the way to quicken his cultivation rate.

This fast achievement was the mixed result of the Mana Room and Asher's own insane comprehension abilities. Without any noise or distractions and constantly surrounded by potent Spirit Mana energies, it would be impossible for his cultivation to not quickly grow.

Within Asher's veins, his Spirit Mana energy reserves had expanded far beyond what it was just a few days ago.

By just using his current reserve of Spirit Mana energy, Asher was assured he could crush Jayline without even pulling out his Spirit Aura power.

Compared to specifically focusing on one ability, Spirit Mana energies significantly improves Asher's entire prowess and physical capabilities. Even as he just sits around and cultivates, his physical body is only growing stronger.

Along with his Spirit Mana energies, Asher's Ghostly abilities were growing at a fast rate as well.

And even more impressive than his Spirit Mana energies, Asher's Ghostly abilities were naturally improving all on their own.

Asher could put only half his focus on his Ghostly abilities, and it would improve at a greater rate than both his Ghost Lightning and Spirit Aura powers.

As of now, the time that Asher could go invisible had steadily increased. And he also could now pick up heavier things with his telekinesis and hold them in midair for a greater amount of time.

Even before he gained this Mana Room, Asher had noticed his Ghostly abilities growing marginally faster since his mission in the woods.

It was just that now he was in a Mana Room, his speed improve to a point where Asher had some doubts about what was going on. He had asked Yuki one time about this subject, but she simply told him,

'It's our Merger powers' true potential slowly coming undone! With every enlightenment you receive on Ghosts, the faster we will grow.'

Asher partially understood what Yuki explained to him. Although, he couldn't quite get what it would mean to gain more enlightenment on being Ghost. Moreover, he had also wondered if this had changed his mental state even more.

The day that he had abandoned being human to become a full-fledge Ghost never really weighed on Asher's mind.

For most humans, there undoubtedly would be many thoughts running through their minds if they were to completely change their race in return for some immense power.

But for Asher, he felt a natural pull towards this decision. Even when he barred his past history, that pulling force to become a Ghost was strong.

Whether or not Asher knew his mental state was skewered, he genuinely couldn't feel any lingering attachment on abandoning his human race. And since he is locked on the Ghostly path, he wasn't going to half-ass this.

These were thoughts Asher didn't bother trying to console with Yuki.

Firstly because he already knows she wouldn't give him a clear answer. And also because he genuinely wanted to figure all this out himself. If it's enlightenment that he needs, Asher was determined to pave this way all on his own.

But that was a topic for another time.

Currently, Asher had his mind focus on recounting his last days while he cultivated Spirit Mana.

It wasn't that Asher was doing his current cultivation half-heartedly, but he found that recalling his past experiences helps his mind become even more focused.

The pleasant streams of memories give Asher's mind a sense of peace he needs for cultivating. Pleasant memories such as his schedule, which now barely included him going to an actual class.

And honestly recalling it, Asher couldn't really recount a moment in his previous classes where he had learned something valuable about System's Soul cultivation.

Even as he never really paid full attention to it, on his own, Asher advanced far past what the Professors were teaching.

The current topics he was getting taught were all introductions to complex subjects about one's System soul.

If Asher wanted to know more about these topics, he would need to use his own comprehension abilities to figure it out. This way was far preferable for Asher since he already came to terms that he can't be handheld throughout his journey.

Unlike common students, Ranking Genius students like him will inevitably go far on the path of cultivation.

And on this long, arduous road, there will be no hand-holding; everything they would need to achieve has to come from their own.

It wouldn't matter at all if a student comes from an amazingly influential background; external resources can only do so much if one's talent isn't high enough and their comprehension abilities are lacking.

Another wonderful benefit Asher recalled during these past few days was how the Kane Gang hasn't bothered him at all.

When walking through Academy, Asger barely even saw that infamous black leather jack within the crowds of students.

If this was Asher's first days of the Academy, he would be increasingly worried about the lack of response, thinking they were planning something devious.

But now, after his whole status changed, Asher felt more assurance that he had genuinely got those unruly students to back off for a while.

Though Asher concluded that the Kane Gang must have some powerful family backing their whole group, it didn't mean they could also act unruly to any Ranking List students.

If they were to do that, they would need to duel them in a fair battle and beat them in combat, just like what Hayato did.

No Professor had explicitly said it to Asher. Still, he realizes he will be more tightly protected by the Academy now.

Asher had no doubts that the Kane Gang will try and start something one of these days. But by that time, he was assured enough that his prowess would dramatically shift once again.

The only thing that was causing Asher concern was the fact that Reese and Kylee still haven't given him their answer yet.

Asher knows there's actually a considerably large chance that they both would reject his agreement. After all, he was essentially asking them to trust him with their lives and lead them to a road of high potential death.

Asher could only hope that Reese and Kylee would at least give him some sort of his chance. No matter what, he was assured that he will be able to permanently change their talents.

For a few hours now, thoughts like this ran through Asher's mind until it was near Balreth Academy's closing time.

Around this time, Asher would start to wrap his cultivation session and prepare to head home.

But today was one of his special days.

Asher flung his eyes open as his Aura Sense quickly picked up on a rapidly approaching presence.

This presence was immensely familiar to Asher and was quite hard to detect. A broad blossoming smile encompassed Asher's face as he quickly got out his Mana Room badge for Elsa.

In an instant, Asher poured a tiny portion of his energy into the badge, causing his door to automatically open up.

And like she had perfect timing, Elsa smoothly slipped right when he opened the doors.

"Hey, you got here a bit quicker than usual. Particularly eager for something?"

Asher had a light teasing smirk, jesting towards Elsa. At the same time, his eyes drank in the ever-beautiful sight of her elegant looks.

"Hm." Elsa didn't respond with her words but gave a light smirk as she strolled into Asher's Mana Room like she owned the place.

In an entirely bold manner, Elsa quickly shuffled to sit close to Asher's right side and had then given him a swift peck on the cheek!

Asher's grin nearly grew wider; he was utterly absorbed by Elsa's soft squishy lips. Though it was only for a brief moment, that little peck caused a pleasurable sensation to course down him and Elsa's bodies.

They both felt tantalizing jolts of pleasure shiver down their spines, igniting a flame of desire.

For Asher, he felt his flaming desires were like a blazing volcano, ready to erupt at any time. It didn't feel odd at all to Asher, almost like this was an instinctive sensation for him.

But for Elsa, she couldn't contain her embarrassment and had quickly suppressed any surging flame of desires. The thought of any more perverse thoughts made a normally calm, indifferent girl like her heat up like an inferno.

As Elsa pulled back from Asher's cheek, spouting a slight blush on her gorgeous face, she said to him,

"Naturally, I would be eager to come here. Today is our….d-date, and you should also be naturally excited as well."

Towards the end of her sentence, Elsa's tone became a bit hurried as she crossed her arms and slightly shifted her gaze away from Asher.

"Haha, right, right. I guess I should be blessing my luck. Only I have the privilege to date a wonderful woman like you."

"Nnng….always saying things like that…."

Asher was about to leak a bigger chuckle as he saw Elsa cutely squirm under his light flirting, her cute slight blush now growing even wider.

Within Asher's soul, Yuki watched their interaction with an increasingly pleased expression. She began to make a guess that would leave both of them stunned if they were to hear her.

'Hmmm….I have to give it about one or two more dates before that little girl starts fawning over us, just like a small kitten.'