A Brutal Start

When it comes to showing off one's overwhelming might, the person who caught Asher and Elsa's attention was simply unfathomable.

Asher and even Elsa felt their breathings hitched just a bit, genuinely making them not want to speak anymore.

Moreover, Asher and Elsa also noticed they weren't the only ones significantly affected. The bustling noise around them immediately died down when this powerful presence appeared out of thin air.

Asher and Elsa peered their sights down at the central arena and saw just who was exuding this tremendous presence. The duo blinked their eyes, feeling somewhat impressed by who they saw.

At the center of a vast stage that was more extensive than Balreth Academy's metallic stage was a man who truly carried the air of high-class nobility.

Around their Academy, Asher and Elsa could admit many young men dressed and appeared as someone coming from the nobility.

But this powerful man had the authentic high-class aura naturally exuding from his looks. His face was a pure look of elegance and matched with the long and shiny golden hair flowing out of the top of his head.

Furthermore, compared to everyone else's clothes, this man beats everyone's outfit by a long shot.

Asher found it was similar to ancient royal robes that he studied about in several historical textbooks.

If this man was put in those times, he could be mistaken as the son of some ancient Emperor.

Asher and Elsa just didn't know what to thoroughly think about the Burning Night Pit organization. Everything was so high-class and fancy that it was quite strange not much was known about this place.

The rumors Asher heard about this place were only from some random forums online when he was browsing more information on Pearlcrest City. But most obviously, whatever stories he read about were all baseless.

Elsa, too felt even more mixed than Asher. Considering she had more available means to gather resources about most places, it piqued her interest to learn more about the Burning Night Pit organization.

She had more precise information that they apparently hold fights within this place, though she could never find out more details than this.

As of now, both Asher and Elsa felt their interest grow even more in wanting to revisit this place numerous times in the future.

While Asher and Elsa got temporarily lost in thought, the nobleman took a look over the whole broad audience.

Today was a full house, and there was a palpable air of excitement flowing throughout the entire underground arena.

A glint swirled within the noble man's eyes as he had then begun to speak in a loud, clear voice.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I am sure you all have waited long enough. It is now time for the match between the Victim Sword and the Tiger Killer!"

There was a passionate, fiery tone mixed in the noble man's voice which ignited everyone's already rising anticipation.

Right then, two figures had suddenly flashed onto the stage.

To the left-most corner was a man who Asher regarded as dangerously sharp. Subconsciously, he compared this man to Hayato since he guessed they both have Sword Qi Magical Power.

And clearly enough, this man had a far sharper edge to his looks than what Hayato could ever achieve.

This man was not only tall in height but also had a rigid, imposing stature. The way he stood so rigidly upright was indeed like a sword, ready to be unsheathed at any moment and cut down any enemy.

This man also wore all-black clothing and an all-black mask that covered his entire face.

Among all of that, what gave this man his dangerously edge look was the fact he only had one arm!

This man is who they called the Victim Sword.

Both Asher and Elsa felt innately drawn to Victim Sword's lack of an arm.

'Can he really fight like that?' Asher and Elsa simultaneously thought to themselves.

Though neither of them was a veteran in combat, they still had a decent grasp on the complexities that went into battling. And they both couldn't help but think that having only one arm would severely limit his battle potential.

At the other side of the stage was a man who carried heavy animal-like traits more than anyone Asher and Elsa ever saw.

This man was even taller than Victim Sword, wore clothing that was a mix of black and orange, and wore a unique tiger mask that covered his whole face.

Instead of just having a patch of hair, this man's whole head was covered in tiger fur. And swaying out of his waist was a tiger tail that extended past six feet long.

This man was known as the Tiger Killer.

Compared to the one-armed Victim Sword, the Tiger Killer didn't capture Asher and Elsa's interest as much.

Although, they were curious at the fact that the Tiger Killer had heavier animal traits than the beastman they've seen in their lives.

As Asher and Elsa observed the two participants, they also heard the bustling of the surrounding crowds.

Though, in truth to their high-class image, the murmurs these people made weren't on the level of chaoticness of Balreth Academy's students. With their enhanced ears, Asher and Elsa heard a variety of comments, ranging from,

"I have a good sum on the Victim Sword. Hope his infamously isn't for naught."

"The Tiger Killer has a range of experience. He'll make this battle short work."

"I wonder if we'll get to see a kill for this match…."

For several seconds, everyone got absorbed in making their pre predictions for the match, causing their anticipation to rise even more.

Asher and Elsa didn't really know what to make of what they heard. They felt especially odd at some people mentioning if they will see a kill today.

Asher and Elsa cut off listening to the surrounding crowds and had then focused back on stage.

Right then, it was like the nobleman decided that there was enough anticipation in the air. Without delaying things any longer, the nobleman raised his hand and said,


Immediately when giving the call, the nobleman quickly jumped backward, flying right off the stage.

No words were exchanged between the two combatants, and instantly, Victim Sword and Tiger Killer unleashed their powerful Magical Auras!

The power of two Late Stage Spirit Tier Magical Aura stormed throughout the entire underground arena, causing fierce whirlwinds to gush through the massive stage.

Aser went a bit rigid as his eyes narrowed down on both Victim Sword and Tiger Killer.

Because he was up in the audience seats, their Late Stage Magical Auras could not pressure him that much. Still, Asher felt a slight bit perturbed at how much stronger these two are than him.

Even if he were to go out at full power with everything in his arsenal, Asher knew he would get brutally crushed by them.

Curious about her reaction, Asher quickly peered his gaze over to Elsa. And though he couldn't see her face, he could tell she was collected just by the way she calmly observed the stage.

At this moment, Asher realized just how large of a difference there is in the dividing Stages of each Tier realm.

Still, this didn't discourage Asher at all. He snapped his gaze back on stage, eager to see how these two powerhouses would fight.

After only a couple of seconds of unleashing their Magical Aura, the Tiger Killer was the first to make his move. He raised one of his hands as a glistening blue Ice glow began to cover it and spoke out chilling words.

"I'll kill you quickly."

Tiger Killer's voice was ice-cold as a surge of ferocious Killing Intent exploded out of him like he was a wild beast!

Right then, Tiger Killer's Magical Aura rapidly increased, and within his raised hand, Ice Magical Power began to conjure up.

However, before Tiger Killer could finish whatever attack he was charging up, Victim Sword raised his hand and made a simple swiping motion.


Despite the simplicity of his movement, an immense wave of power exploded from the Victim Sword's body!

A small strand of gray Sword Qi soared towards the Tiger Killer, unleashing a colossal sum of power that instantly toppled over Tiger Killer's swelling Magical Aura.


Tiger Killer raised a cry of shock, feeling an abrupt immense pressure crush on his entire body!

With a thought, Tiger Killer abandoned charging his attack and unleashed the full extent of his base Magical Aura. His full prowess was akin to a raging hurricane that tried to fight this crushing pressure.

However, no matter how Tiger Killer's prowess increased, the indomitable pressure of Victim Sword's power didn't let up at all.

Tiger Killer sensed tremendous danger rapidly approaching him, and with no other options, he jumped to his right, crossing over fifty feet in one leap.

However, instead of feeling the sensation of escaping danger, Tiger Killer sensed Victim Sword's gray Sword Qi suddenly appeared within centimeters from him!

Tiger Killer was pushing out his base form's full power, yet, Victim Sword's gray Sword Qi had easily outsped him.


Blood and guts sprayed all over the stage like a gory crimson rain as an arm flew up into the air.

In just one strike, Victim Sword's gray Sword Qi effortlessly tore through Tiger Killer's robust bodily defenses and cleanly sliced off his entire right arm!

From behind his mask, the Tiger Killer's pupils dilated as tremendous pain wracked his entire being.

The anguish of losing a whole arm would definitely affect his combat prowess. But Tiger Killer showed his veteran experience as he had only fiercely gritted his teeth, pushing past the excruciating pain.

However, his resistance to pain couldn't help him at this moment.

Tiger Killer wasn't given a moment to breathe as he sensed danger rapidly approaching him again.

Just forty feet away from him and closing in fast was Victim Sword carrying a tsunami of power within his only hand.

Victim Sword's tremendous sum power had formed into a gray energy Sword which had then pointed straight at the Tiger Killer, aiming directly for his face.

"Like hell!!"

Right then, Tiger Killer shrieked a mighty battle cry as he erupted his full power Spirit Aura!

A blue Ice Spirit Aura wrapped around his entire body, making the temperature plummet to freezing degrees as his prowess had tremendously increased an instant.

However, not even unleashing his Spirit Aura could alleviate Victim Sword's immense Magical Aura pressure.

Victim Sword simply tore right through the freezing temperature enrapturing the stage and continue to soar his gray energy Sword straight towards Tiger Killer.

Victim Sword was only ten feet away from plunging his gray Sword right through Tiger Killer's mask.

But, at that moment, Tiger Killer's Ice Spirit Aura twinkled, and he tried jumping back.

However, no matter how fast Tiger Killer went, Victim Sword was hot on his trail. Finally, then, just when it seemed like Victim Sword would slice through him, Tiger Killer brazenly shouted.

"Enough!! Beast Switch!!"


A bright orange glow mixed in with Tiger Killer's Ice Spirit Aura as his prowess dramatically increased to unfathomable degrees!

This time, Victim Sword had no other options but to back off as Tiger Killer's Magical Aura could now pressure him.

Just narrowly, Victim Sword dodged fifty feet to his left, smoothly escaping from Tiger Killer's Magical Aura blast.

"This….he transformed?!" Both Asher and Elsa couldn't contain their surprise when looking at Tiger Killer now.

The bright orange glow lasted for only a second and what has revealed to everyone was a significant change in Tiger Killer's entire appearance.