Sudden Passion


Asher was surprised for only a moment before he quickly fell into Elsa's affectionate chaste kiss while she moaned on the first contact. A small sigh of content leaked from both Asher and Elsa's lips.

Just from their mere lips touching, an intense shock of pleasure strikes right through Asher and Elsa's body like violent lightning.

On instinct, Asher wrapped his arms around Elsa's waist tighter, bringing her closer to his chest.

That familiar yet foreign energy they felt whenever they previously touched each other only became ten times stronger as their lips mashed against each other.

After two long, drawn-out seconds that was like heaven to Asher, Elsa had gradually pulled back. Her eyes were filled with warm feelings as she said in a slightly delirious voice,

"Th-that was for such a lovely date."

For a moment, Asher felt his flames of desire lit up like an inferno. But, with good self-control, he held himself back.

However, while Asher could hold himself back, he wasn't done yet. He could sense it from Elsa; she wanted more but was too shy to ask.

Even though Elsa was brightly blushing from that kiss and looked incredibly shy, there was evident desires within her. Asher didn't know how but his Aura Sense could vaguely pick up she wants more.

So instead of responding, Asher had gently lifted up Elsa's chin, and like he expected, Elsa closed her eyes and pucker up her lips.

Without any words needed, Asher was now the one to take the initiative as he kissed Elsa's lips, this time doing it more passionately.


Elsa let out a cute squeak but had responded in the same eager kind, letting a small moan leak out of her as Asher took complete control.

Pleasure, desires, and affection swirled in both Asher and Elsa's minds from their gradually deepening kiss.

Asher began to lightly prod his tongue on Elsa's succulent lips, and she shyly opens her mouth to let his tongue in.


Elsa couldn't stop a greater moan from leaking out as her tongue connected with Asher's.

The pleasure she was feeling was out of this world! It was like her body was getting filled with overwhelming energy of pleasure as she slowly made out with Asher.

As Asher coiled his tongue around Elsa's sweet, juicy tongue, he was feeling the same kind of overwhelming pleasure.

And right then, Asher could fully identify that there was some kind of different energy coming out from his veins as he tasted Elsa's delectable mouth!

This strange, new energy flowed through Asher and Elsa, bringing not only their pleasures but feelings to new heights.

On their pure surging urges, both Asher and Elsa began to become more fervent in their kissing.

Their tongues frantically tangled with each other like they absolutely needed one another, causing a bit of drool to drip down both of their chins.

Asher hugged Elsa's waist tighter, caressing her soft body through her clothing fabric.

Elsa similarly held Asher tighter, wanting to pull him as close as possible to her. Their lust was quickly growing between them, and they both felt a craving lust burn within the lower halves of their bodies.


Asher was the one to break off their deep kiss, letting a trail of hot saliva connect their lips and causing Elsa to leak a sigh of loss.

Elsa almost wanted to instantly seek out Asher's lips again, but her mind had suddenly caught up to her.


Immediately after, Elsa's face lit up like a Christmas tree as she hurridly ducked her gaze, far too embarrassed to meet his gaze now. She didn't know what was more embarrassing, the fact that she lost nearly all of her self-control or the fact it felt so….so….so good!

Asher, however, was surprisingly calm. He felt like a subtle shift in his entire being occurred just from kissing Elsa.

And now there was a calm smile on his lips as he said, "That was….intense. You're really cute and beautiful when you're acting this way but….I can tell it. You want more, right, Elsa?"


It was like Asher's words jumpstarted Elsa's emotions as she snapped her head back up to him.

She at first had an embarrassed glare, but when staring into Asher's eyes now, there was a slight blue hue swirling within his pupils that made him look absolutely dreamy to her.

Moreover, the yearning frantically coursing through her mind and body wouldn't stop at all. And Elsa knew she couldn't deny what she wanted.

Her embarrassed glare softened a bit, and she spoke in such a low voice that it almost sounded like a tiny mouse squeaking.

"P-pervert….I-I….just one more…."

The combination of shyness and desires mixed in Elsa's expression was incredibly enticing to Asher. She would rapidly glance her eyes over to him before quickly looking back to the ground, almost afraid that she would lose control again.

If Asher didn't know any better, he would say Elsa was trying to seduce with such cute reactions.

But, instead of saying anything, Asher had once again gently grasped Elsa's chin. The look in both of their eyes told everything that needed to be said.

And after taking only a moment to appreciate Elsa's beautifully crafted face, Asher once again captures Elsa's lips for another steamy makeout session.


This time, neither Asher nor Elsa went chaste. Their mouths immediately pried open, and their tongues sought each other out in a frenzy of passion.

Louder moans of sweet, divine pleasure leaked out of Elsa's mouths as she intensely coiled around Asher's tongue.

She once again pressed her whole body hard into Asher, once again letting herself get drowned in his affection and pleasure.

For some reason, making out with Asher this time felt even better!

Elsa's body began to shiver as she subconsciously began rubbing her thighs together, feeling warm liquids heat up her loins. The more she had the taste of Asher's incredibly sweet mouth, the more her lust began to burn.

While Elsa started to get lost in the pleasure of Asher's tongue, she realized one thing at this moment. She needs to kiss Asher a lot more often; this pleasure sensation was overwhelming her mind!

At the same time, Asher, too, was letting himself drown in the pleasure of lapping every single bit of Elsa's sweet essence.

He explored every inch of her watery mouth while also maintaining a dominant hold on Elsa's juicy tongue.

During this deeper makeout session, Asher had also noticed that the pleasure energy running through his veins was swiftly growing stronger. In this instance, he felt his already hardened crotch burn with a passionate intensity that transferred right to Elsa.

Since they were so close together, it was impossible for Elsa to not feel Asher's erection. She already felt it during their first kiss.

However, this time, feeling Asher's hot, hardening groin only made Elsa increase the intensity of their kiss.

"Nnng~! Ahn~"

With each sweet moan that leaked from Elsa's mouth, Asher started to notice something. The pleasure energy in his veins was affecting Elsa too much, he believed.

Even as he did sense desire coming from her, it wasn't until they kissed for a second time these yearnings multiplied by tenfold.

And while Asher certainly doesn't mind engaging in loving acts like this, he did want Elsa to be in the right state of mind.

Plus, he wanted to make sure whatever this pleasure energy within his veins doesn't make Elsa do something she's not quite yet ready for. And on this point, Asher also realized Elsa needed to get home!

So very reluctantly, Asher started to pull away from their heavy kiss.

"Ah~! N-no-Ah!"

As Asher pulled back, Elsa nearly followed her lips back on him until she was hit with the sudden realization of her action.

But this time, it was like a subtle shift occurred in Elsa's mind. She gave Asher a little pouty glare while there was still a small blush covering her cheeks and said to him,

"You-your kisses feel too good. So-so you must take responsibility for making me like this!"

With the way she's looking at him and spoke to him, Asher would've thought this girl was blaming him for committing some big mistake. Although it was refreshing and cute to see Elsa's expressions and mental state all in disarray.

With a small wry smile, Asher told her, "Even as you say that, I had no plans on giving you up ever. Soo….I guess it's just a win-win for me."

"P-p-perverted idiot-Ah!"

Elsa seriously wanted to pinch Asher's face because of how calm he could be during this moment while her mind was in jumbled chaos!

But right then, she suddenly recalled something crucial. "My-my family….right, I need to get home."

Elsa took several deep breaths, trying to regain her usual calm. She almost succeeded as her expression returned back to her state of indifference. However, the still noticeable blush on her face gave away some of her true feelings.

"So unfortunate we must cut this short. But….at least we have my Mana Room, right?"

Asher surprised himself as he let a smooth, sensual voice while reluctantly letting go of Elsa's waist.

"Hmph." Elsa let out a cute little snort and had actually maintained a level form of eye contact rather than trying to avoid Asher's gaze.

"Since you are perverse, and it feels naturally good, I suppose it can't be helped. We will be doing this more often."

"Oh? Can't be helped? My, you're really trying to maintain your prideful image that much, hm? But I don't mind; it's cute seeing you so scrambled."

Asher didn't know where he's getting a massive boost of confidence, but it flowed so naturally to him like it was his second nature.

For her part, Elsa did at least maintain some of her calm, though her blush grew a touch bit wider. "I am not scrambled. I'm just….in any case, the time is late! Asher, I must get home, and I will be texting you then, so you have to get home safely for it, ok? Go-goodnight!"

After awkwardly stumbling her way through trying to give a loving goodbye like any other caring girlfriend would do. Elsa practically vanished from Asher's sight, immediately dashing away with her superior speeds.

Throughout this entire time, Asher had a simple, calm smile over Elsa's antics. Now that he was all alone, a more serious thought came back into his mind.

'That pleasure energy….was that making her-'

Before Asher could finish his own musing thought, Yuki, who's been quiet for a while, eagerly spoke up.

'Do not get it confused, Asher! The pleasure energy may have heightened her lust, sensitivity, and, well, pleasure. But, her wanting more, those weird, strange actions, that's all her! Hehe~. I just realized it now; we might have quite the hidden oddball pervert as our first lover.'