The Spar Between Friends

The next day passed in the blink of an eye for Asher.

All throughout his Academy time, his mind was firmly on how he should appropriately deal with Reese and Kylee to draw out their slumbering fighting spirit.

With how eager they both sounded over the phone, Asher can tell they just needed one final push to reach their turning point.

Because he needed to leave right after classes ended for their Spar, Asher, unfortunately, couldn't spend quality time with Elsa.

He had, of course, texted her about the important meeting he was going to have with his two closest friends. And Elsa was very understanding, even going so far as to give Asher some last-minute tips on properly guiding someone.

Even if it wasn't much she could do at that moment, Asher appreciated any kind of help.

Plus, Asher felt like he was getting a gracious reward from Elsa as she directly texted him,

'Tomorrow, you must make this up to me over and over again. Ok?'

It was short, sweet, and straightforward. And Asher could just tell Elsa's face was probably heating up like a volcano as she texted him that.

With his motivation even more fueled, Asher smoothly cruised through the day until classes were finally done.

Currently, as he told Reese and Kylee over the phone, Asher was in the starting area of the Decrypted Woods.

Palpable anticipation was firmly nestled within Asher's chest as he wondered how prepared Reese and Kylee will really be for him.

But, before they had arrived, Asher decided to do some last-minute training.

Asher stood entirely still, eyes closed, breathing calm, and was only an inch from some random tree. A dazzling blue energy glow was wrapped around his arm, yet there wasn't any massive release power coming from him.

This sparkling blue energy glow is Asher's pure Ghost Power. And he was currently testing out his phasing ability.

Asher was slowly phasing his arm right through the tree next to him repeatedly so he could get an accurate judgment of this ability.

Ever since the first time he awakened his Phasing Ghost abilities, Asher would always apply it to his entire body. The sensation process was engraved into him because of that fight in the Woods, and he initially thought this is the only way to activate.

The problem that arises from this method was the quickening drain on his Ghost Energy reserves. Even though his Ghost Powers are improving day by day, he can only hold phasing his entire body for several minutes at best.

And that's only taking into account if Asher wasn't doing anything strenuous. In a fight, this time would shorten to three minutes at best.

While being able to go completely invisible is such an extraordinary defensive ability. It didn't offer much in the way of offensive capabilities.

This is why Asher began experimenting to see if he could apply phasing Ghost ability to only a specific body part.

And as he expected it, the process flowed smoothly like a stream of water. With only applying Ghost Power to his arm, Asher could preserve much more of his Ghost Energy reserve.

Furthermore, infusing only a single body part helped Asher with controlling this ability at a rapid pace.

Compared to letting it spread throughout his entire body, Asher needed to focus his Ghost Power and stabilize it within his arm.

For a few minutes now, Asher was simply phasing his entire arm in and out of this tree. As he practiced, his mind began to think of all the possibilities he could do with being able to phase any part of his body on a whim.

It certainly could give any of his foes quite a tremendous shock seeing their attacks become ineffective towards him. Just like how that Black Widow Spider monster nearly froze on the spot, allowing Asher to swiftly close in on it.

Although Asher also knows, if he is going to use this ability in battle, it'll need to be a private one, and he would have to kill his foe.

Asher didn't know what would happen if people find out he could phase through any attack, but he for sure could tell it would only bring him danger down the line.

In the middle of Asher's practice and thoughts, Yuki suddenly decided to converse with him.

'Steadily improving as ever eh, Asher? Still, I thought those brats would get here earlier. They did sound rather pumped on the phone.'

Asher stopped phasing his arm through the tree for a moment and realized he did give those two a specific time to show up here. He had a slight suspicion that they might've gotten cold feet, but it was far too early to properly tell.

'They're probably still preparing Yuki. I mean, even I can see how my prowess can be quite intimidating.' Asher reasoned within his mind.

Right then, Yuki was about to reply back, but she and Asher suddenly sensed two presence marching right towards them.

In an instant, they both identified who these figures were, and Asher's lips curled into a slight smirk. 'See? Just needed a little time to prepare.'

'Is that right? Well then, I await a good show, Asher.'

As Yuki went silent, Asher peered his gaze over to the two familiar presence walking towards him.

From just fifty feet away, Asher spotted Reese and Kylee determinedly strolling up to him without a hint of fear in their expression.

Despite this place being the dreadful Decrypted Woods that could frighten the wits of any average Spirit Tier cultivators, Reese and Kylee didn't pay attention to the haunting atmosphere at all.

As they got close, Asher also spotted that they both were wearing perfectly tight-fitting sweatsuits that allowed for even better movement while fighting.

A serious mood permeated between Reese and Kylee. However, instead of getting equally as serious, Asher only gave a light smile. He began to speak out to the duo in an incredibly calming voice.

"So we all have arrived. Before we start, I must say that I am proud of you guys for stepping up to this challenge. I know that not many others would've."

Asher observed that he got the intended effect from his words when both Reese and Kylee visibly relaxed some of their stuffing tensions.

Truly, out of anybody to say these words, it coming from Asher had the most profound impact.

When Reese and Kylee reached thirty feet from Asher, they both suddenly stopped. Simultaneously, they began gripping their fists, feeling their blood get increasingly pumped for the battle ahead.

Reese went even so far to directly point right at Asher and shouted to him, "No matter what, aren't we all still just Early Stage Spirit Tier cultivators? No way we'll simply just roll over for you!"

"Now he's the hype man….still, he's right! We're coming with all we got, Asher!" Kylee perfectly followed up after Reese with her own eager tone.

Asher calmly gazes into Reese and Kylee's eyes for a brief moment.

There was a small, tense moment of utter silence before Asher's smile turned into a slight battle-hungry smirk.

"Well then. Let's get started right away!"

A blue glow lit up throughout the entire area as Asher brought out his axe from his dingy blue ring. At the same time, he burst open his overwhelming Magical Aura without any care, causing his storm-like prowess to crush right down on Reese and Kylee.


The air pressure turned tremendously heavily as the air kicked up into a frenzied whirlwind just from the mere release of Asher's insane prowess.

"Nnng!!" Both Kylee and Reese were forced to shield their eyes as they were instantly drowned in Asher's power.

'Th-this power!! So insane!!' Kylee and Reese simultaneously thought in utter awe.

Even though they continued to experience Asher's prowess from afar, it was entirely different to actually go against him!

At this moment, Reese and Kylee could understand why all of Asher's opponents became fraught with dread.

Just from merely releasing his Magical Aura, Reese and Kylee felt as if they were getting painfully squeezed by an indomitable force well over hundreds of pounds!

At this instance, Reese and Kylee realized they had two choices.

They could either yield right now or struggle to push through until the end. And even before coming here, the duo already had their minds firmly determined on their choice.

They also were going to go all out!

Compared to Asher, who can near-instantaneously gather his power, Reese and Kylee needed a second to surge the raging Spirit Aura energy within their veins.

Gritting their teeth and tensing their bodies to their absolute limits, Reese and Kylee flung their eyes wide open.


They both raised a mighty battle cry as they unleashed their full power Spirit Auras!

A burst of an orange and blue glow flashed into Asher's vision, causing him to blink his eyes. Upon reopening his eyes, he witnessed a new change in his friends.

Covering Reese's body now was an Orange Fire Spirit Aura that blazed with tiny wisps of orange flames.

And around Kylee's body was a Blue Water Spirit Aura that flowed at a calmer rate than Reese's Fire Spirit Aura.

"Fuu~!" Asher leaked a whistle, feeling genuinely impressed by the duo already.

"You two have only awoken your System Souls not too long ago, and yet, you can already grasp this ability? Color me impressed."

In response to Asher's praise, Reese and Kylee gave out their best battle-ready smirk.

Even though they unleashed their Spirit Aura, Asher's immense Magical Aura pressure just barely let up on their bodies. Still, in this state, they notice they could at least properly move their bodies.

Since Asher still wasn't making his move, Reese and Kylee wasn't going to wait at all for him.

They both suddenly jumped several feet apart from each other, simultaneously raised their Spirit Aura hands at each other, and told Asher,

"We also grasped this!"

In an instant, a blazing Fireball discharged from Reese's hand, and a cool Waterball jetted from Kylee's hand simultaneously. Their Magical attacks had even soared at the same speed, reaching each other nearly instantaneously.

Right before their attacks clashed, Asher had all the opportunity in the world to interrupt. But he kept his stance, highly interested in whatever plan they both have.


The Fireball and Waterball exploded against each other, releasing pools of Magical Power into the wind while also causing immediate steam to fill up the whole area.

"Oh?" Asher subconsciously leaked a curious grunt.

Even though splashing water on fire does make steam, Reese and Kylee's combining Magical Power caused it to form instantly.

Asher's eyesight is outstanding, but not even he could peer through the now heavy foggy steam.

'Just what are they….hm?'

Before Asher could question their actions, he sensed multiple energy streams rapidly drilling up to him from the ground. Asher was a bit impressed again as his Aura Sense could barely pick up on the energy from the ground.

At the very last second, Asher soared up to the skies, jumping over twenty feet in the air.

Looking down below, Asher could vaguely spot multiple blue energy lines bursting out from where he previously stood. The multiple blue energy lines attempted to reach Asher, but after only ten feet in the air, they couldn't go further.

Though he avoided one attack, Asher already sensed another crashing down on him.

Without even looking up, Asher shot his hand up at lightning speeds and tightly clutched his palm down on a solid flaming object that felt like a human hand.

Of course, this object was Reese's flaming hand which was attempting to struggle out of Asher's vice-like grasp. However, neither Reese's flames or prowess could escape Asher's iron grip.

And without giving Reese a chance to think of his next move, Asher rapidly spun his body while mid-air and flung Reese back towards the ground like he was a broken ragdoll.


Asher's accuracy was deadly precise as Reese rapidly flew right towards Kylee, causing the girl to raise a shocked squeal.

Kylee only saw an orange glow approach her at light speeds before Reese's soaring body violently crashed into her, careening them both to the ground.

Even though these were his closest friends, Asher treated this like any other battle. He went on the pursue this time, becoming relentless like a wild beast, and shot himself straight at Reese and Kylee.


Asher powerfully stomped the ground when landing, releasing a full burst of his Magical Aura, causing the blinding steam to instantly clear away.


Reese and Kylee simultaneously raised anguish shouts, feeling a warm liquid bubble up their throats as Asher's Magical Aura burst launched them back like missiles.

Both of them were like blurs in the wind, soaring right towards some random tall tree.

Neither Reese nor Kylee could comprehend what was happening. All they could feel was Asher's Magical Aura burst wreaking havoc in their bodies.

And right then, even more pain assaulted Reese and Kylee's senses as they brutally smacked right on a large tree, causing two deep indents to form on its truck.

'Fast!!' Was all Reese and Kylee could think of when they slumped right back on the ground.

Fear, apprehension, and anguish were chaotically storming both Reese and Kylee's minds. Just one attack from Asher, and they both already felt numerous bones in their back painfully crack open!

All Reese and Kylee hoped for at that moment was a moment of rest to gather their bearings.

However, their wish was bound to never come true.

Right then, Reese and Kylee felt their pupils dilate to tiny needle sizes; they both sensed death swiftly approach them!

Just fifty feet away from them and approaching at lightning speed was Asher swiping his axe right down on them without any care for their remorse or safety.