Changes On Both Sides

Reese and Kylee took a few seconds to bask in the Healing Pill energy before responding to Asher. Finally, they both had sat correctly up, closed their eyes, and focused on the rapidly changing state of their bodies.

Their previously cracked backbones were mended in no time at all. And any other internal injury was quickly washed away, putting Reese and Kylee back at their best state in no time at all.

Once they both felt as good as new, Reese and Kylee simultaneously flung their eyes wide open.


Kylee was going to talk, but right then, it hit her and Reese on what just happened. Then, even more extreme disbelief crossed their eyes, realizing that Asher had just given them both a healing pill!

To them, healing pills are sacred treasure items that no ordinary person could possibly get their hands on.

Reese and Kylee know if they were to get injured, they would have to go home and start taking batches of low-quality Healing Magic Potions to slowly fix their broken bodies.

But this Healing Pill….it quite literally made all other forms of medicine obsolete!

Even though Asher casually glossed over giving away Healing Pills like it was nothing, Reese and Kylee for sure couldn't simply look past this.

"Where-why-how….just how the hell did you get these pills?! These things probably cost more than our homes!" Reese loudly exclaimed, his eyes burning a hole into Asher's face with intent curiosity.

"Mnh!! Don't tell me you stole these, Asher?!"

Kylee's tone started to sound scolding as she didn't see any other way Asher could get his hands on such rich objects.

Towards Reese and Kylee's over-concern, Asher barely reacted. He simply raised his hand, kept his calm smile, and told them both, "Relax, will you? During these last days, do you really think I only cultivate all of the time? Even I can make profitable deals with the other Ranking Students."

What Asher was saying wasn't necessarily a lie. Elsa is a Ranking Student, plus it was kind of like a deal going on between them.

As long as Asher had these healing pills on him, Elsa would be at more of ease when he would inevitably train out far in the Decrypted Woods.

Of course, no matter how much Asher trusts Reese and Kylee, he couldn't so casually drop the bombshell that he's dating Elsa. That must be kept under wraps until it was the perfect time to go out.

Still, judging the suspicious expression on both Reese and Kylee's faces, he could see that he should've come up with a better excuse.

And it wasn't like Asher's tone sounded like he was lying. Reese and Kylee wouldn't be able to tell anyways since Asher's style was always firm and calm.

Still, they couldn't help but have doubts, considering the high amounts of pride all Ranking Students have.

Even Reese and Kylee know those youths with high, wealthy backgrounds shouldn't be so readily willing to give out Healing Pills less it was some out of this world deal.

"A deal, huh? Right….And I don't suppose you can tell us this deal, right?" Reese asked with obvious suspicions dripping in his tone.

"You guessed right. Just telling you, I made the deal is risky enough. So you must remember to keep this a secret."

Asher put on a bit of an act as he spoke in a slightly more serious tone.

This more grave-sounding voice from Asher temporarily stopped Reese and Kylee from overthinking this situation.

For the years they knew Asher, he obviously wouldn't be up to anything suspicious. And they also realize they barely have any genuine information on the Ranking List Students.

Still, Kylee's expression was slightly worried as she said to Asher, "You're not naive at all, Asher. But still, watch you back against those guys. Who knows what kind of trouble they could bring you in."

"Don't worry. You know I don't do things I don't have any good assurance in."

Asher casually waved off their concerns. Either way, it really wasn't like he was in some shady deal.

Since the conversation got derailed so far, Asher brought back the topic that started this spar. "Now then. I'll ask again, are you two willing to come with me on the mission and change your talent."

"Our talent…."

Reese and Kylee quietly muttered to themselves. They first exchanged a deep look at each other before answering. Peering into the depths of each other's eyes, they both notice a significant change.

No longer was there any confusion or hesitation. There was only a solid motivation to take on these challenges here on out.

The fear of danger, death, and even Asher's insane prowess didn't leave them. Yet, neither Reese nor Kylee would let this crippling fear lock them down to the mediocrity of life. They would only use this fear to morph their determination and push past their limits again and again.

It really was like these two were on the same wavelength as they simultaneously snapped their attention back onto Asher.

At the same time, they both took one deep breath. Reese was the one to speak first, making direct eye contact with Asher.

"Heh….to think we've actually planned out this battle for so long, yet you easily tossed us around. But….we….you really did awaken something within us."

"We get it, Asher! We get what you mean. Facing death itself coming to reap my head made the fighting spirit inside me burn to live! I don't want to roll over for this generic life or anyone in general. We, too, want power!"

Kylee followed after Reese, and the more she talked, the greater her motivation burned.

Reese and Kylee could honestly say it was like Asher had some magic touch or feel about him. The reignited spark they had about cultivation as a whole went even beyond the life or death moment.

There was just something about Asher's incredible Aura that made them want to grasp the highest achievement in their lives.

And while neither Reese nor Kylee was a hundred percent sure of the mission idea, they had at least come to one decision.

Reese started off by saying, "I'm still not sure about the mission, but…."

Right then, Kylee spoke at the same time as Reese.

"Please keep training us!"

Asher felt his grin broaden even more. With gradual training, Asher was sure he could properly convince them both.

Although, Asher was quite curious about what had specifically changed inside them before this spar happened, so he asked. "I'm glad to see this new fire in both of you. Though I wonder….before today, just what got you guys so fired up."

Kylee perked up for this question, almost instantly recalling the days before.

"Ah! It's because of that damn Kane Gang! They weren't specifically going out of their way to mess with us. But….we can just feel their stares on us."

"Yea….like man. The pressure put on us with those stares alone was enough of a driving reason to do this spar. But, forget the Kane Gang now; we want to get stronger for ourselves!" Reese finished explaining.

'Hmmm….so you even have a talent for this. Well done, Asher. Those brats indeed went against my expectations.'

Yuki had suddenly spoken her opinions with a slight praising tone. Though she was mainly holding praise for Asher in regards to being able to awaken their fighting spirit.

Asher felt his lips twitch at Yuki's praise but kept his face neutral on the outside. He had then begun telling Reese and Kylee,

"So everything has been decided, eh? Alright, we can take it easy for now. Firstly, I'll go over your performance in this battle. Tell me, what's your specific process when gathering energy?"


Inside a luxuriously large room with Ice design painting on the wall, a permanent cold temperature permeated the whole space. Anyone that would step foot into this room would feel a chilling breeze sweep through their entire body.

The cause for such cold air was one lone, beautiful figure sitting cross-legged on a rich design bed. This person had their eyes closed in deep focus, exuding an unfathomable aura of elegance while simply cultivating.

This person was none other than Elsa.

Since Asher was on an important meeting with his friends, she immediately went straight home after Academy hours.

Admittedly when walking home, Elsa felt strangely mixed. Because they've repeatedly been doing it for the past few days, she had gotten used to spending quality time in Asher's Mana room.

And there was a certain longing that, no matter how hard she tried to suppress, wouldn't go away if she didn't feel Asher's sensual touches again.

Every time she would think this way, Elsa would always put the blame entirely on Asher for making her this way.

Her pristine, proper air just couldn't exist when she was with Asher, and Elsa was determined to have Asher make it up to her in some way.

Barring her personal relationship, Elsa was also deeply contemplating the Burning Night Pit Organization.

Elsa knows that it's inevitable where she would be forced into a situation where she must kill. And despite how indifferent she is to everyone else but Asher, she wasn't some emotionless, cruel kind of cultivator.

In fact, she rather dislikes overt and unnecessary violence, finding it too barbaric and savage.

Still, Elsa realizes that she will need to steel herself as overt violence may one day be her only solution.

As per usual for Elsa, she could silently contemplate these matters with no interruptions. But right then, after having a long period of silence, Elsa suddenly flung her eyes open.

Her Aura Sense detected a presence swiftly approaching her door without a care in the world.

'It's….oh. Haah….what does she want?' Elsa already felt a slight swirl of exasperation when identifying who this presence was.

"Oh, Elsa~!"

Right then, Elsa's door flung open, and a sensual voice bounced off the walls to her room. Standing at her doorway was a woman who was nearly an identical copy of Elsa!

Down to every detail of their faces, anyone could say these two are twins.

Their only difference in appearance was that the woman at the doorway had a more mature aspect to her looks. The main difference being in her perfectly defined, bewitching curves and massive towering twin peaks on her chest that easily beat out Elsa's breasts.

In terms of presence and stature, it was also like these two are entirely different people. The woman by the door radiated a magnetic aura that draws any and everyone into her. She looked to be the life of any party in direct contrast to Elsa's seldom, closed-off aura.

This was one of Elsa's elder siblings, Vela Tirel.

And Vela spouted a charmingly beautiful smile also in direct contrast to Elsa's cold, indifferent face. Vela wasn't affected at all by the chilling Aura permeating the room despite it coming directly from Elsa's power.

In fact, just Vela's own natural Magical Aura caused the room to rise to a cooler temperature. With the temperature adjusted to her liking, Vela squinted her eyes, evenly matching Elsa's unwavering gaze, and loudly spoke to her.

"Why must you always have it so cold in here! And you still don't know how to properly greet your greet big sis! Honestly, yo-"

"Just get to the point, Vela."

Elsa sharply cut her off, not wanting to hear her ramble on for hours like she usually does.

Vela didn't take any offense to getting interrupted, keeping her bright smile as she said, "Fine, fine. Just coming here to tell you that Father is expecting a proper date to meet with the Melton family and so you can greet their prime genius very soon. Remember, get along with him; it's for the good of our family! Plus, you also need to get properly ready for the Sky District Party. It's only just several days away! Aaaand….I think that's it. You can go back to boring yourself with cultivating."

Without waiting for Elsa's response, Vela already turned to leave. But before she entirely left, she said one final piece to Elsa. "Oh….and Mother is quite curious about this Ranking kid you're training with. Keep in mind, she might want to meet whoever this is. Now then, bye for real!"

Vela had then fully made her exit, leaving Elsa to churn on what she told her. Despite being dumped a truckload of information, Elsa didn't have a huge reaction.

She only let out a quiet sigh as she felt something click in her mind. 'Asher….we're going to need to significantly step it up….'