Quickly Acquainted

"Tsk! Look who took their sweet little time getting here. Daisy, get your ass over here already!"

Scarlett loudly shouted out. Though her gaze never left off from Asher's face for a single moment, obviously far more interested in him.

Like Scarlett so brazenly shouted, Asher did identify the presence rushing to them as Daisy. He shifted his eyes off from Scarlett, peering at the end of the hall only to see a figure swiftly walking up to them.

Of course, the figure was the beautifully gentle-looking Daisy.

And currently, she doesn't have much of that calm composure she usually carries around. In fact, her expression was a mix of concern and sorry.

Upon turning the corner, Daisy didn't even glance at Scarlett. Instead, she kept her mixed gaze on Asher and felt slight relief seeing that he was just fine.

Before she even got close to them, Daisy was already issuing an apology. "Asher! I'm glad you're ok. Uhm….sorry for not explaining to you about Scarlett's….interesting habits. She practically forced me to not say anything, hehe…."

Daisy leaked a slight chuckle, hoping to relieve any leftover tension.

Asher only curled his eyebrows at Daisy. Really, he could see why Yuki claimed no normal man could resist Daisy's magnetic charms. That gentle pleading face could make any hot-blooded young man want to forgive her.

However, Asher was anything but ordinary. He couldn't exactly pinpoint why, but there was something about Daisy that always felt off to him.

Perhaps it was because she's too overly kind and gentle. Of course, it would sound like a ridiculous reason to anyone else, but Asher had always trusted his gut feeling.

Still, Asher always abides by the general rule of not slapping away a smiling face.

Asher kept his expression and hit tone calm as his voice sounded out, "Right, right. Let's just look past this. We are still on for the cafe, right?"

In any case, Asher couldn't have that much annoyance towards Scarlett.

Indeed, if Scarlett wanted to, she could've crushed his arms to powder without any effort on her part. As wild she seemed to be, Asher could at least tell that Scarlett has a more honest personality than Daisy.

"Hmph! Don't make me out to be some terrifying force, Daisy! Don't you see? This guy got the stuff." Scarlett haughtily whipped her long unkempt fiery hair at Daisy while speaking.

Daisy exhaled a small sigh; she could never really get used to Scarlett's ways. But, right as Daisy was about to retort back, Asher spoke first.

"Though, I must admit. Your style of greeting is certainly the most straightforward and more intriguing than a simple greeting."

Asher stared straight into Scarlett's surprised eyes while speaking. Without really any second thought from him, he just spoke out his honest feelings.

Such honesty truly spoke to Scarlett. A broad grin stretched across her face as she boldly strolled right into Asher's personal space.

Then, Scarlett became overly familiar with Asher, slapping him on the shoulder like she's one of the guys. "Hahaha!! Not phased in the slightest!"

Asher didn't outwardly react to Scarlett getting close to him and slapping his shoulders.

He honestly didn't mind her over-familiarity. Though, what he does mind is the force she was slapping him with. It was like getting pelted with numerous large stones at the same time!

This girl wasn't even using any Magical Aura, yet her physical body is so damn strong! Asher just had to wonder what the hell kind of training she does to have a physique more fit than him.


Before either Asher or Daisy could say anything, Scarlett suddenly jumped up. A glint swirled in her eyes as she made a sudden swift decision.

She had then reached into her pocket, pulled out a small piece of paper, and handed it over to Asher.

"Alright, here's my number. We certainly will be getting along in the future. Now then, let's head out!" Scarlett casually said like it wasn't a big deal at all.

"Thanks….I guess." And Asher accepted the paper like it wasn't a big deal too.

"Ah right le-Ah! Uhm….wait! What just happened?"

Daisy went through several shifts of emotions. She couldn't keep up with either Asher or Scarlett's casual yet quick momentum.

Daisy turned her attention directly on to Scarlett, giving her a ludicrous stare while saying, "You-you just gave out your number within only minutes of meeting him? You barely talk to anybody else, though?"

"Hmph." Scarlett once again flicked her fiery unkempt hair at Daisy.

"I already know I can get along with a straightforward guy like him. But, hmmm….you didn't see it earlier, right? Alright, just look!"

Right then, Asher dangerously narrowed his eyes onto Scarlett. In a fraction of a second, his Aura Sense detected an aggressive change within Scarlett's Magical Aura.

On a dime, her Magical Aura suppressed down to his attacking level, ready to unleash another sudden move onto Asher.

'Not this time!' Asher, however, wasn't going to let Scarlett do as she pleased.

Before she even turned around, Asher released his Magical Aura, poured even more Spirit Mana energy into his arms, and threw a punch straight at Scarlett's face!


In response, Scarlett gave a battle-hungry smile, easily matched Asher's Magical Aura with her own, and launched a punch at the exact same speeds.


Their Magical Aura violently clashed with each other as their fists entered into a stalemate.


Daisy loudly sighed. She wryly shook her head, utterly unaffected by their intense Magical Aura clash and the surrounding fierce wind.

Scratching her head, Daisy had then said, "Thank our luck that there's no Professor around. But to think I would be conversing with more muscle heads….haah. In any case, can we simply talk now? Without any fists being thrown around?"

"Hmmm….oh, alright."

Scarlett surprised Asher by actually listening to Daisy. She reared her fist back and had instead offered an open palm at Asher.

"You know, now I'm even more pumped about the long haul. What says you?"

Asher paused for only a moment. Their meeting started off incredibly strange, yet Asher couldn't find any profound reason to actually dislike this wild but honest girl.

So with a smirk of his own, Asher promptly shook her hand, telling her, "I can agree to that. This will certainly be an intriguing time."

"Haah….right. Well, let's get going. Don't want to get caught from the mess you two made." Daisy promptly began to walk off after saying so.

Scarlett took one last look at Asher; her gaze was intense yet spouting a big confident smirk. Within her eyes, Asher could spot a mysterious gleam glittering in the depths of her pupils.

But before Asher could thoroughly analyze her expression, Scarlett flicked her wild fiery hair towards him and began following right behind Daisy.

Asher could certainly say this was one of the most unique ways to become acquainted with someone. And as he got stronger, visiting more places, Asher guessed there would be more unique folks like Scarlett out there.

Shaking his head at that thought, Asher followed on foot, walking a steady distance behind Scarlett.

'Well, well, well! Getting a number on the very first meeting with a girl?! Ah! My little Asher is growing so quickly~.' While he walked, Yuki decided to chime in on her thoughts.

Asher nearly leaked a sigh, already knowing how this would go down from the teasing tone in Yuki's voice. He was seriously glad no one other than him can hear Yuki's words, or else he would have many troublesome problems on his plate.

'Really, you shouldn't look too much into this girl specifically. She's just one of those battle maniacs. Obviously, her common sense is a little distorted.' Asher casually explained.

But Yuki didn't necessarily buy into it. Instead, her tone turned more jovial as she said,

'Hmmm~? Is that so? I won't deny you that the little girl is most definitely a unique one. But, don't dismiss your own skills too much.'

'My own skills?'

Asher began to ponder, and his mind immediately recalled his Positive aura stat. Remembering right, Asher knows this stat should supposedly increase his likability.

However, Asher can't tell at all if it's working. Never once had he felt an energy like that within his veins. The only other new energy he discovered was pleasure energy.

'So you're saying that my Positive Aura stat helped during this meeting? Still not sure how that works, you know.' Asher subtly probes, hoping for some kind of info.

'Hm, well, your Positive Aura most undoubtedly played a part in this. But it only works the most effectively combined with your own social skills. And, by the way, you're always using Positive Aura by just being yourself. One day, you'll be quite the force to reckon with even in the social circle.' Yuki explained to Asher.

'By just being myself?'

Asher question in slight confusion. And all he got from Yuki was a mysterious hum in agreement.

Knowing that's all the information he's going to get out of her, Asher returns his attention forward.

No matter if his Positive Aura was helping or not, Yuki's short advice was genuinely helpful. More than anything, people tend to favor those who are most honest in their words and actions rather than those who act.

And Asher was sure he'll never stop being honest in his life.

Feeling a slight bit more assured about this upcoming meeting, Asher remained steady as he followed behind the two beautiful Ranking Geniuses girls.