Time Limit

A couple of hours breezed by in the blink of an eye.

Asher and Elsa weren't even aware of time slipping by, both fully engrossed in their training. Neither of them took any rest with training up Asher's phasing ability.

Initially, Elsa wanted to spar to refine Asher's combat prowess and properly guide him on Spirit Mana's control. But, she got too engrossed in helping Asher improve his control over his Ghostly ability.

Elsa had quickly understood how helpful phasing ability would be for both of them. There would be numerous battle options they can strategize around Asher's phasing ability.

Moreover, Elsa felt a significant surge of assurance within Asher's safety compared to her just protecting him. No matter the defenses she could put out, it all would pale in comparison to being able to phase through any attack.

These weren't boastful words either, as it seemed like it didn't matter how powerful the attack was or how immense the Magical Aura pressure was; Asher could phase through it all.

It took a while for Asher to coax her into doing it, but eventually, Elsa began to, albeit reluctantly at first, fired off attacks that could put him into a deep coma.

Elsa felt a growing exasperation seeing how Asher seemingly just had zero concern for his safety.

Elsa could relent that Asher seemed to have this knack for walking into extreme danger. But after everything they discussed today, Asher seemed more eager to jump headfirst into pain without a second thought.

Even though Elsa greatly appreciated how much fired up Asher is now, she only hopes this wouldn't make him too rash.

She didn't want to think what would happen if he charges headfirst into certain Death just for a slight chance of power without her.

Still, Elsa couldn't focus on the odd state of Asher's mind as she got continually impressed by the other abilities Asher showed while they train.

She had discovered that Asher now was at the Intermediate level of Control with Spirit Mana. And he apparently has developing telekinesis abilities thanks to his Ghostly Powers.

Even though Elsa didn't care at all that Asher wasn't a human anymore. She just had to wonder if becoming a Ghost was providing him with superior genetic abilities.

Everything he continues to show simply surpasses the limits of any regular human genius.

And by the time Asher would inevitably reach her level, Elsa almost dreaded to think of the kind of immense power he could wield.

As it was nearing the end day, Asher and Elsa's training was coming to a close.

Currently, Asher had his entire arm encased in a solid block of Magical Ice. If someone like Jayline were to experience this attack, he wouldn't be able to escape, no matter if he unleashed his full power Spirit Aura.

Even Asher sensed that going full power wouldn't be enough to break this Ice.

However, there wasn't any worry at all on Asher's face. He instead cracked a joking smile towards Elsa's intent gaze on his arm.

"Surely, at this point, you should be expecting for nothing to happen, hm?"

Elsa immediately snapped her attention towards Asher's face, her eyes squinting as her tone became scolding when she spoke.

"And you should not get too confident in this ability. If you lose the lack of edge and tension, it will only be your downfall. You of all people should not forget this."

"Haha, yes, you're right."

Asher leaked a slight chuckle, surged his Ghost Power, and smoothly phased his arm right through the solid block of Magical Ice.

The Magical Ice crashed to the ground, causing a slight patch of Ice to form underneath it.

"I was just trying to make a small joke. You know, ease up some of this tension inside both of us. It's also good to have a balance of light-heartedness and seriousness." Asher told while having a genuine smile upon his lips.

"Mnnn….haah….I suppose you're not wrong either."

Elsa did let a small smile form on her face, doing as Asher said and allowing her previous tension to relax from her body.

"Still, I must admit, you continue to impress me with this phasing ability. After all this time, how long do you think you can hold it now?" Elsa continued to speak, inquiring with rapid curiosity.

Asher closed his eyes and analyzed his current Ghost Power stat. He became elated seeing his stat was now at 13!

Asher poured his Aura Sense into his Ghost energy reserve and did a complete read-over on it.

Because of the focus he needed to break out of Elsa's power after it already encased him, his control improved beyond what he could achieve on his own.

After taking few seconds, Asher flung his eyes back open and explained to Elsa, "If I'm in the heat of battle, I can apply Ghost energy to one of my body parts for about….five minutes. Fully body would be about two minutes."

"Ah! That's great! If we keep this momentum then-"


Before Elsa could finish her thought, Asher had abruptly perked up. His body went entirely rigid as his eyes lost complete focus.

Elsa curled her eyebrows, didn't say anything, and patiently waited.

Staring into Asher's lack of focus blue eyes were pleasing to gaze upon while waiting in any case.

While Elsa waited, Asher had felt an intense ping shook his entire body.

Asher knew what this peng meant. He instinctively called for 'System' in his mind, pulled up his Stats, and saw something he was inevitably waiting for.

Below his stats, Asher had received another System Mission. And gazing over this, Asher almost immediately felt a swirl of excitement and dread.

The mission read as such, 'Venture deep into the Decrypted Woods, uncover a spatial formation and secure the heavenly treasures of a Grand Tyrant Tier Expert.

This mission allows for numerous people to come along.

Special Rewards: Upgrade in one's latent Talent—colossal leaps in overall power.

Critical Notice: Extremely high chance of Death! Time Limit: 4 Days. Afterward, this mission will be lost forever.

'Shit….it's risky, and there's now a time limit?? Damn, this is….' Asher subconsciously leaked out a sigh, not entirely sure what to feel about this mission.

On the one hand, he would be gaining the treasures of a legendary Tyrant Tier Master! At this point in Asher's life, the Tyrant Tier realm is a far-off dream he shouldn't even be concerned with as of now.

In the boundless, massive region that Pearcrest City inhabits, there wouldn't be a single person who would dare even breathe wrongly in front of a Tyrant Tier expert.

Even the strongest Sects, Special Academies, Families, and Clans would simply roll over for any Tyrant Tier Expert.

And this kind of legendary figure left treasures in the Decrypted Woods!

Asher could count this as having tremendous luck that would make anyone want to unleash thousands of curses upon him. But, at the same time, this could very well be his downfall.

The last time Asher took on a mission that warned him of a high chance of Death, he actually almost died. Only by some sort of divine luck, the Tiger Mother beast got him out of the Woods safely.

And now, Asher has yet another mission that will surely put him and anyone else he brings under the danger of looming Death.

If Asher was alone, he wouldn't care for the warning at all. But, if he wants to take Elsa, Reese, and Kylee with him, he'll need to scourge out all of his options in these four days.

"Asher….what happened?"

Elsa's warm tone and her gentle caresses on his cheeks brought Asher back to reality.

Even without being told yet, Elsa could already feel the dread creeping in her mind from just how severe Asher's expression turned in just a second.

Matching her gaze, Asher didn't hold anything back, explaining to her, "Elsa. I found a way to tremendously increase our powers, but I won't sugarcoat it. This mission can very well lead to both of our deaths."


Elsa froze for a second. This would be the first time she would do something that could cost her life in exchange for power.

Because of her High-Class Family's wealthy and gifted Talent, she really never was in serious trouble whenever she trained out in the Woods.

But now, this will be entirely different. There would be no safety nets or second chances here. One minor screw-up and everything could end without them even realizing how.

Admittedly, Elsa could feel her nerves growing under this chilling thought.

But, the thing was, Elsa wasn't like Reese or Kylee. In the long, arduous cultivation journey, she knows it's inevitable to face challenges that can lead to Death.

And Elsa was aware of her place in this world. She's destined to go against the common grain, standing proudly above all others.

To make her dream of staying with Asher a reality, Elsa knows she must take this step.

So after taking several seconds to come to her decision, Elsa's expression morphed into pure determination. She matched Asher's gaze and had then asked him,

"Well then? Just what does this mission require us to do?"

Asher didn't comment on it, but he smirks at Elsa's subtle agreement to take on this dangerous mission. He had then said, "We will need to venture deep into the Woods to uncover a spatial portal and then secure the treasures of a Tyrant Tier expert."

"A Tyrant Tier expert?!"

Elsa couldn't contain her surprise. Just like Asher, she knows any Tyrant Tier experts are all legendary figures even she could only look up to!

And they're supposed to claim that expert treasure for themselves….

"This-this….fuuu….this certainly will be risky. We will need time to-"

"Ah. About time….we only have four days to complete this mission. Or, we will miss our chance forever."

Asher swiftly interrupted Elsa, causing her to go silent in deep contemplation.

Asher as well fell into thought, trying to come up with their best options. It took a few seconds of thinking until Elsa sighed and had then said,

"With money, we can properly equip ourselves with everything we need for a much better chance of survival. However, if I ask for too much money from my Family, it would be far too suspicious. And with such a short time limit, we can only rely on our most efficient Talent, which is fighting. Which would mean…."

"The Burning Night Pit Organization."

Asher finished Elsa's sentence. Quirking his eyebrows at her, Asher actually didn't sense any confusion or hesitation in Elsa. So he asked her,

"Are you sure you're ready to take this leap? I will be frank, Elsa. I will not, or rather, if we can get more rewards, I will kill anyone that I face on stage. What about you?"

"Hmph. You're not the only one experiencing mental shifts." Elsa's voice was actually wholly calm.

With none of the fear, confusion, or hesitation she had when first discussing this topic, Elsa continued to say, "Because of these recent events, things have been put in perspective for me. We can't afford to be lax anymore, or else everything will be for naught."

Though Elsa confidently said so, and he could sense she is calm, Asher knows talking and taking action are two entirely different things.

Still, when the time comes for that decision, Asher knows he'll just have to be there to support her and lift her back up.

Right then, Asher was about to call it a wrap so they could prepare to leave, but another thought streaked into his mind.

"Oh, forgot to mention this before. But, you won't mind Reese and Kylee coming with us, right? This mission has no person limits, and they need an upgrade in their Talent." Asher asked.

Shaking her head, Elsa told Asher, "I don't mind at all. Though, you must remember we'll need to keep our relationship under wraps. Not that I don't want to trust your friends, I just want to be as safe as possible."

Asher nodded in understanding. He, too, wasn't quite prepared to reveal this massive secret to his friends.

"Ok then. I have a plan in mind already. I would suggest going today, but your Family would most likely get suspicious. So for tomorrow, we go to take the examination for matches, pass it and immediately start participating in these fights. We're on a strict time schedule, so we'll need to act more than think." Asher laid it all out for her.

Elsa didn't hold any disagreement. She readily nodded and even added on, "As long as my mother doesn't get too overly suspicious about us, we can make do with repeated night goings. But even if she does, I'm sure I can create a good enough excuse until we get this mission done."


Asher nodded, and right in the very next second, he and Elsa simultaneously took a heavy breath.

A wry smile crossed their faces as they said at the exact same time, "We….have much to do."