One Move

In no time at all, Asher and Elsa swiftly made it over to the next match.

A rise of anticipation bubbled within Asher's minds as he was hoping his name had already spread far enough for this match.

Even Elsa, who had several conflicting thoughts, couldn't suppress the anticipation of seeing Asher's fame grow. With every achievement Asher manages to pull off, Elsa would always feel a sense of pride in him.

Just a mere week ago, Asher was someone who seemed exceptionally average with no really outstanding qualities. He was someone that would merely blend into the crowd, going entirely unnoticed.

But after his System Soul awakening, it was like Asher transformed into an entirely different person.

To his combat prowess, talent, comprehension, and even personality, everything about himself had just seemingly evolved.

'Then again….he really did permanently evolve.' Elsa mused to herself, still a bit surprised that her boyfriend really is from a supposed Ghost Race.

"Oh? Would you look at this? This place sure knows how to keep it fresh."

Right then, Elsa was broken out of her thoughts when Asher's impressed voice slinked into her ears. Before she knew it, they had already neared the end of the corridor leading to the underground arena.

Elsa tossed her eyes around this current underground arena, and she felt an immediate mild surprise, just like Asher.

"Doing everything distinct like this would be the standard for them, I suppose," Elsa added her remark while gazing at the underground arena.

This underground arena would make three separate times the duo went to it. Yet, every time the design continued to change up.

The Late Stage Spirit Tier arena still remains the most extensive and most refined design.

But this arena where Asher will fight Firestorm was more luxurious looking and larger compared to Dragon Grass's arena.

Because of the larger scale of the arena, Asher and Elsa peered their gazes up at the audience and were pleasantly surprised.

Once again, the audience seats were all filled up. But since this is a larger scale this time, this would mean there would be a higher chance for Asher to get bet on.

Even before walking in, both Asher and Elsa could hear a louder bustling coming from the surrounding audience.

"Asher, before you go up, tell me. Are you not worried about showing too much in the field?" Elsa asked right when Asher was about to take a step forward.

Asher already had his response in mind as he stopped, looked over to Elsa, and told her, "Not really. After this match, my name would undoubtedly spread even faster than fire. And since there is no Early Stage that could actually threaten me, I have nothing to worry about from showing off."

"Mnn….still, be careful to not go too extraordinary. These people are quite shady." Elsa cautiously reminded Asher.

Even with her lack of experience in various life sensations, she could still sense the slumbering dangers within this Organization.

With both Yuki and Elsa's warnings, Asher would be a fool to not heed their advice. Even though he already has a plan formulated in his mind, he still took Elsa's words to heart and nods at her.

Focusing back on the match, Asher had then swiftly strolled up to the center stage and jumped right on it in a few steps.

As soon as Asher's feet touched the metal stage, his ears picked up on several intriguing conversations.

"Wow….really now. To think Ghost would fight again with only a short break. This guy sure is something…."

"Heh! With a prowess that can demolish someone like Dragon Grass, I too wouldn't wait to rake in cash."

"Not everything is assured. Firestorm could potentially pull out some tricks. I hope this bet is worth it…."

From behind his mask, Asher's smirk continued to grow broader. Exactly what he wanted happened. Now with far more bets being placed upon him, Asher was assured his payout would be even bigger!

Suddenly, when Asher was growing increasingly excited at the prospect of greater rewards, he sensed a thick layer of Killing Intent project onto him.

"Hm?" Asher merely curled his eyebrows, gazing right where the overt Killing Intent is coming from.

Just seventy feet across from Asher stood an average height man donning a luminously shiny orange mask.

This man's getup was similar to Asher's, being all black clothing that added a layer of mystery about him.

And though nobody could see his face, anybody would feel an unbearable heat just from being within this orange masked man's general vicinity. This man's natural aura was domineeringly fiery and suffocating.

Compared to Dragon Grass, this man had a slightly more refined Magical Aura.

This orange masked man was, of course, Firestorm.

With his fists curled up into his palms, his gaze unwaveringly matched Asher's, showing no hints of fear.

'Oh my? Would you look at this, Asher? Seems like these foolish warriors are more for experiencing than believing. If all are like him, then….oh our money would rocket sky high!' Yuki suddenly spoke up.

And with the way Firestorm is already treating him as a serious threat al, Asher couldn't help but agree with her.

Warriors who aren't afraid of death or are confident in their prowess would be quite easy for Asher to grind money from.

But before Asher could continue that train of thought, his and everyone else's attention was taken when the announcer for this match had suddenly appeared on the stage.

The announcer looked the same as the previous one in Asher's match, but his voice was entirely different when speaking. In a booming tone, he addressed the entire audience, excitedly saying,

"Let's get this match on its way! This time, we have the newly rising Ghost against the domineering Firestorm! A unique match, to be sure."

An immediate rise of anticipation burst throughout the whole audience. Word of mouth from Asher's dominating battle with Dragon Grass spread even farther than Asher could have ever expected.

But truly, the feat Asher performed in his last match was too outstanding to just look over.

Asher essentially had absolute suppression over Dragon Grass!

Very rarely would anyone see such domination among two opponents in the same realm and stage. So when news spread of Asher's next fight, people, of course, wanted to see if something Magical like that could happen again.

Whether or not people had even seen Asher fight, nobody could suppress a growing curiosity from just hearing about his achievement.

This surge of curiosity was also apparent in Firestorm.

Firestorm didn't sense any particular dangerous sensation from Asher. Yet, he was still prepared to not treat this guy lightly. Dragon Grass is dead, and Asher was the sole cause of his death, whether the rumors were true or not.

That feat alone is worthy enough to garner a bit of caution within Firestorm.

Excitement burn throughout the whole underground arena, and the tension turned palpable between Asher and Firestorm.

After taking a few long, drawn-out seconds to let the audience's engagement rise even higher, the announcer had finally called it.


Immediately the announcer flashed backward, disappearing from the center stage.

At that moment, there was a split in the audience. One side wanted to see how Firestorm would handle Asher's outrageous prowess. While the other half who didn't see Asher's prowess was expecting Firestorm to still win.

Firestorm himself immediately reacted when the match was called. Unlike Dragon Grass, he was just about to unleash a massive sum of his powerful Magical Aura.

However, even as Firestorm was quick, Asher could unleash his power quicker.


Same as last time, Asher burst forth his full power Spirit Aura!

His Ghost Lightning aura instantly covered his body, causing his power to skyrocket. His prowess was akin to a raging tornado, blasting throughout the whole underground arena.

"Ah! So that's his power!"

For the people seeing Asher unleash his power for the first time, they all were understandably surprised.

Asher's Early Stage Spirit Tier aura swept through all of their Aura Senses, and many furrowed their eyebrows at just how powerful it was.

The Magical Aura pressure Asher exuded was almost akin to a Mid-Stage Spirit Tier cultivator!

And as one would expect, Firestorm went utterly rigid, experiencing an explosion of several terrifying sensations.

Fear burst throughout Firestorm's entire mind; Asher's Magical Aura was the most powerful he had ever faced in battle! An indomitable pressure smashed onto his body, nearly making him collapse to his knees.

Before Firestorm was utterly helpless, he didn't hold anything back. He frantically surged almost all of his power within his veins!


Firestorm shrieked a mighty battle cry as a sizzling red Fire Spirit Aura erupted from underneath his feet.

Firestorm's Spirit Aura was truly like an erupting volcano, exploding high into the air, reaching over forty feet!

With the release of his full power right from the get-go, Firestorm expected his soaring prowess to counter Asher's. However, he nearly froze when sensing that his prowess was a mere speck in front of Asher's.

Plus, Asher's prowess didn't stop once discharging his Spirit Aura; in fact, it had never stopped climbing to new unimaginable heights!

"Who-Wh-" Firestorm could only sputter unintelligible confusion.

But he was forced to shut up when his eyes caught wind of wild Ghost Lightning arcs spewing out from Asher's palm.

In just a mere second, Asher already has his palm open wide, forming his Omni Striker Battle Skill. He was currently using his single powerful bolt version, causing a massive Ghost Lightning voltage bolt to swirl upon the center of his palm.

Only a few strands of Ghost Lightning arcs sprayed out of Asher's Ghost Lightning voltage bolt like a sporadic thunderstorm, lighting up the whole underground arena in a brilliant blue flash.

"A Battle Skill! And such powerful Mastery!"

The surrounding audience was blown even further away. Nobody could take their eyes off the majestic blue lightning arcs occasionally shooting out from Asher's Ghost Lightning voltage bolt.

The Lightning arcs simply looked dazzling to gaze upon, and the power it exuded was breathtaking.


While the audience was in awe, Firestorm was in absolute hell. Only two seconds passed, yet he was having tremendous trouble standing.

Each second he desperately resisted Asher's unfathomable Magical Aura pressure, the more he could feel his body contort in tremendous pain.

But instead of giving up, Firestorm burned every drop of power within his veins! His skin began to pop with bloody bulging veins as he ferociously gnashed his teeth to the point of shattering.

Firestorm only had one thought in mind, resisting to the very end! No matter if he dies, he couldn't accept going out without unleashing one move.

Right then, Firestorm's Spirit Aura burned like boiling magma, and he shouted,

"Fiery Flash!!"


Immediately, a storm of red Flames burst from the ground in front of Firestorm, rising into the air like a flaming pillar.

Firestorm's prowess soared beyond his heights, but….it was all futile in the end.

"Omni Striker."

Uttering in a low voice, Asher flicked his Ghost Lightning Voltage bolt straight at Firestorm.

In just a nanosecond, Asher's Omni Striker bolt crossed seventy feet of distance, becoming an untraceable blur that no Early or even Mid Stage Spirit Tier cultivator could perceive!


Without any resistance, Asher's Omni Striker bolt decimated the storm of red flames to mere tiny wisps, shredded through Firestorm's Magical Aura like it was made of glass, and finally shot right through Firestorm's chest.

Asher's Omni Striker bolt burst from the other side of Firestorm's chest, effectively destroying his heart in a second and crashing into a far end wall.

Right then, everything went utterly silent as Firestorm's body went completely rigid.