Curious Trick

"Metal Killer…." Asher and Elsa simultaneously muttered while analyzing Asher's Night Badge holographic projection.

The holographic projection was only the size of a standard sheet of paper, and it detailed the opponent wishing to challenge Asher.

This person's name was Metal Killer, an Early Stage Spirit Tier warrior with a moderately good record. He has more losses than wins, and a majority of his wins resulting in kills.

In terms of the average match participant Asher and Elsa saw from the tablets, Metal Killer certainly would be above average.

However….with just this, Asher and Elsa couldn't help but feel slight disbelief.

"To challenge you with just this….this person is a bit confident, no?" Elsa spoke her honest opinions.

Without any context, Elsa's swords may seem boastful. But she wouldn't be wrong to think this way, considering Asher's talented prowess and the enemies he fought. Comparing this record to Asher's previous enemies, Metal Killer really wasn't noteworthy.

Especially when comparing Metal Killer to fearsome foes like Dragon Grass or Firestorm, Metal Killer almost seemed like a joke.

And this wasn't even taking into account Asher's own reputation. By now, Asher's reputation had already spread like wildfire. It quickly rises to a point where Elsa reckons that Asher may already be considered a league of his own among Early Stage Spirit Tier warriors.

Still, no matter how outclass this match may seemed, Asher seriously regarded Metall Killer.

He couldn't deny Elsa's words, but he also knows within these Burning Night Matches, everyone here is deviously crafty.

"This confidence is what makes me curious about his methods. Perhaps this guy will last longer than the others." Asher spoke equally boastful words.

In any case, no matter how devious these people are, it means little in the face of absolute strength. Moreover, Asher was also confident in his special abilities for any unexpected situations.

He still doesn't dare to show his phasing ability until he becomes powerful enough. But Asher knows he can rely on his telekinesis in subtle ways.

With indomitable confidence in both his and Elsa's minds, Asher readily accepted Metal Killer's challenge.

After choosing to accept, Asher felt a small sum of energy flow into his Night Badge, causing the holographic projection to disperse. Looking down at his Night Badge now, Asher expectedly saw a symbol form on it.

Seeing just how smooth this whole process is got Elsa even more interested in the Burning Night Pit organization technology.

For now, though, Elsa focused her attention on Asher, slightly tilting her head while asking, "Are you perhaps going to do a different route for tonight's matches? Or just the same style as yesterday?"

Asher's reply was prompt as he told her, "Same as yesterday. We don't need to show off more. In all honesty, I have no doubt in my mind that we will be receiving Family Invitations either today or the next time we come here. Hopefully, its' next time; we don't have time to entertain others for today."

"Hmm….I hope so too. But, with how eager these people can get while watching matches, I won't be surprised if we do get several."

Elsa calmly said. She has more experience with wealthy types of people and knows just how noisy some of them can be.

Shrugging his shoulders over this topic, Asher had then focused next on Elsa, asking her then, "Besides that, what are your plans for tonight? Are you also going to follow the same route as yesterday?"

Elsa momentarily paused for a couple of seconds. She obviously knows what Asher was referring to, the action of killing her opponents.

When thinking about it now, Elsa didn't feel as torn up as yesterday. There was still a slight sickening feeling swirling in her gut, but it didn't make her feel like throwing up.

Elsa could now more calmly think about death in the heat of battle, but hesitation still gripped her mind when trying to imagine herself doing it.

After a couple of seconds, Elsa leaked a small sigh. She knew it was better to follow Asher's advice about not forcing herself. Tonight they couldn't make any mistake, and any moment of hesitation could be her utter downfall.

"I will do the same as you. I know I will need to take that step again for the mission. But....I-I just need a little more time. And I'm sure these matches can help steel my mind. You….don't mind this, right?"

Elsa couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She's fully aware that her hesitation in killing is dragging their rewards down, and they need as much money as they can get.

But before her thoughts could continue a downward spiral, Asher gently placed his hand on her shoulders.

Comforting warmth spread between them, and Elsa felt her thoughts clear away.

Then, In a firm tone, Asher said to her, "You know that you can never disappoint me. Hell, even if you can't kill on the mission, I will do it for you. So let's chin up and get this night started."

"Haaah….always so glib tongue. Alright then, let's not waste any more time." From behind her mask, Elsa honestly couldn't stop a relief smile from forming.

At this point, Elsa seriously wonders if Asher had some special powers to say the right words at the right time.

Then, without any more delay, Asher and Elsa promptly sped off towards Metal Killer's match. For the first time since fighting here, the duo had slight expectations of seeing what tricks their foe will have for them.


After a short bout of walking, Asher and Elsa swiftly made it over to the next match. As they arrived at the exit of their Matches corridor, Asher and Elsa calmly took in the sight of the massive underground arena.

With so many matches under their belt, they both got too accustomed to these extravagant arenas to be surprised anymore.

Before going up, Asher and Elsa took a moment to simply stand by the corridor entrance. Then, they specifically enhanced their ears to listen in on the surrounding audience.

"To think someone is daring enough to challenge Ghost!"

"Metal Killer just seems so ordinary in comparison! What plans could he possibly have?"

"At least our bets will be safely secure for this match…."

Like Asher and Elsa were expecting, the surrounding audience was already making a ruckus. At the same time, Asher and Elsa glanced at each other, and Elsa jerked her head towards the center stage.

"I suppose you shouldn't keep them all waiting, hm?" Elsa had a slightly humorous tone in her voice.

At this point, she couldn't help but get slightly amused by the continuous exaggerated reaction from the audience.

"Give me a few seconds."

Asher confidently stated and began swiftly shuffling over to the center stage.

Within a few steps, Asher cleanly jumped on stage, causing everyone's attention to snap onto him.

As per what usually happens, the audience became even more frantic witnessing Ghost preparing to fight again. Every single battle Ghost had participated in was a spectacle to behold, and everyone was sure this would be no different!

Asher, however, ignored the rising noise from the audience. Instead, his focus was entirely on the man standing seventy feet across from him.

This man was slightly taller than Asher, wore sleek black clothing, and donned a mask entirely made up of metal.

In terms of looks alone, there wasn't anything remarkable about this man. But, there was a certain chilling sereness this man had that naturally exuded from his natural aura.

Even when Asher lept on stage, this man remained entirely calm. He didn't push out any overwhelming Killing Intent to Asher as well, simply staring at him with an impassive gaze.

Of course, this man was Metal Killer.

And Asher could admit he was somewhat impressed by Metal Killer's temperament. It was like he had complete and utter assurance for whatever strategy he had planned for Asher.

Right then, as Asher and Metal Killer faced off, the announcer of their match jumped on stage.

Immediately when appearing, the announcer didn't spare a single glance at Metal Killer. His eyes fell squarely on Asher for a whole second.

Even for a second, anyone could spot the undisguised interest swirling in his when gazing upon Asher.

Asher did feel the announcer's slightly heated gaze land on him. But before he could stare back at him, the announcer already turned his attention to the audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! A surprising match we have this time. The mysteriously terrifying Ghost against Metal Killer!"

The burning, eager tone of the announcer managed to fill the audience's anticipation to the next level. Even though nearly everyone believes that Asher will win, they still felt their blood pump to see him in battle.

Throughout this entire time, neither Asher nor Metal Killer took their gazes off from each other. Both were trying to peer into each other's weaknesses, but they only got an unwavering calmness.

Then, after a single second of silence to raise everyone's anticipation, the announcer loudly shouted,


Immediately after calling it, the announcer flew off the center stage.

At that very moment, before the announcer even touched the ground outside of the stage, Metal Killer reached into his pocket at lightning speeds and took out a gray color amulet.

Without waiting for even a nanosecond, Metal Killer promptly crushed the gray color amulet, destroying it into gray powder. From crushing it, an overflow of energy rushed into Metal Killer's body and instantly boost his Magical Aura!

Within a split second, Metal Killer's Magical Aura explosively increased! His explosive energy swept out his body and throughout the entire underground arena like a ferocious hurricane.


In response, Asher merely raised an eyebrow. Despite using whatever amulet that was, Metal Killer's prowess was but a breeze to Asher.

Right then, a violent storm of Killing Intent surged out of Asher as he immediately released his Ghost Lightning Spirit Aura.


Dazzling blue lightning arcs streaked out of Asher as his Ghost Lightning Spirit Aura perfectly covered his body. And as everyone expected, Asher's Magical Aura massively toppled Metal Killer's without any trouble.

"Heh, Metal Killer really thinks a power amulet will work? Ghost really will easily win this after all….huh? What's that covering Metal Killer?"

When nearly everyone reveled in the grand sight of Asher's Spirit Aura, some started to take particular notice of Metal Killer's current form.

Unexpectedly, covering Metal Killer's entire body was gray Metal armor! And within his armor, Metal Killer could seemingly stand firm against Asher's immense Magical Aura pressure.

'Armor? Wait….is that?'

Initially, Asher felt curious about what this armor could possibly do for Metal Killer. But as he stared into Metal Killer's face, Asher suddenly noticed a red substance dripping out from his Metal mask.