First Meeting

"Ready?....Fuuu~." At the exact same time, Reese and Kylee released the largest breath they ever took in their lives.

Admittedly, before Asher had shown up, Reese and Kylee couldn't stop their nerves from going. They were mainly conversing with each other just to temporarily distract their minds.

And now, face to face with Asher, Reese, and Kylee honestly felt….calmer?

Up ahead of them will be one of the most dangerous things they ever did in their lives.

They haven't even told their parents exactly what they were doing. Both had only informed their parents that they would be seriously training with Asher all day.

And quite possibly, today could very well be the last day they see their parents.

These are all chilling thoughts that would've made Reese and Kylee wavered in their determination just several days ago.

However, after undergoing sparring with Asher and experiencing tremendous mental changes, the duo still had enough courage to trek on.

Their wavering doubts were beginning to flare up again as they waited, but, for some particular reason, Asher's mere presence was helping Reese and Kylee calm down.

The simple way Asher stood so confidently, showcasing a determined smiling expression as if he wasn't going to fail at all. It lulled Reese and Kylee into a slight trance.

What also helped heighten Asher's calming presence was his dazzling blue eyes that glowed with slight enrapturing radiance.

Right then, Reese and Kylee could just feel they would undoubtedly be safe in Asher's hands.

Asher silently waited as he watched Reese and Kylee's faces undergo flickers of emotions. After several seconds of silence, Asher was about to contemplate if he should speak up again.

But Kylee beat him to the punch, saying to him first, "Yea….yea! We're more than ready, Asher! No matter the dangers, we'll face it together!

Her tone was full of genuine excitement and courage. There wasn't a hint of fakeness within her voice.

"Speaking of working together….so-so when will Ms.Tirel come? I have no doubts a proper maiden like her wouldn't be late." Reese sounded a bit nervous when talking.

And this time, his nervousness didn't come from the mission. Instead, it all stems from the fact he will have a face-to-face meeting with the Elsa Tirel!

Even before they met, Reese felt a variety of emotions make a mess of his mind. But, more than anything, he was incredibly anxious to meet someone who is essentially royalty compared to him.

"Yea-yea….when will she come?" Kylee asked, sounding nearly similar to Reese's nervous tone.

Although, when focusing on Kylee specifically, Asher could tell a distinct emotion within her voice. It almost sounded like she felt slightly sour about something specific.

Asher didn't mind Reese and Kylee's mixed emotions. In all honesty, he was expecting this kind of exaggerated reaction from them.

After all, he knows more than anyone else about Elsa's tremendous status. Still, Asher kept up his calm smile as he told the duo,

"Ah, you two don't have to be so nervous, you know? I know she has this kind of unfathomable aura, but Elsa is nice to get along wi-"

Asher couldn't finish his sentence as another familiar presence appeared within his Aura Sense. A small smile graced his lips. Their meeting had finally come, and Asher hoped it would all go smoothly.

When Asher had abruptly stopped talking, Reese and Kylee didn't even pay him any attention. They didn't sense a presence like Asher could, but they could feel an unfathomable aura swiftly arriving near them.

Without even looking to where this aura was coming from, Reese and Kylee already felt like they were put under a slight trance.

On bare instinctive, they snapped their heads right over to this unfathomable aura.

And immediately, Reese and Kylee went completely rigid in utter awe.

'E-E-Elsa Tirel!!'

They both roared out in their minds as their gazes took in the sight of Elsa just over twenty feet away from them.

On her end, Elsa remained expressionless while walking up to Asher, Reese, and Kylee. Her eyes briefly crossed over to Reese and Kylee's stunned gaze before snapping over to Asher.

On the outside, Elsa was keeping her expression indifferent, not displaying anything out of the ordinary when gazing at Asher.

But internally, Elsa actually felt an immediate sense of awkwardness build up inside her. Truthfully, being stared at in utter awe is nothing new to her.

However, the difference this time is the fact that it's her boyfriend's friends that are doing this to her. Because of their close relationship with Asher, Elsa genuinely wanted to maintain good relations with them.

But she just wasn't sure how to go about making friends. More than ever, Elsa realized her lack of social skills if it was anyone else other than Asher. This is why within the depths of her seemingly indifferent eyes, there was barely a noticeable plea for help.

Asher, of course, noticed this plea for help. He felt slight amusement over seeing that Elsa almost immediately called for his help without even attempting to talk to Reese and Kylee.

Asher found it admittedly cute seeing Elsa's awkwardness and slight dependence on him. But, for the good of the mission, he knows he'll have to quickly smooth this over.

However, right as Asher was about to break the slightly awkward silence, Kylee had suddenly snapped out of her trance.

She beat Asher to the punch as she said, "Ahem! Ms-Ms Tirel! It's a tremendous honor to be working with you!"

No matter what, Kylee couldn't suppress this colossal bout of nervousness coursing within her body.

In the past, there have been numerous times Kylee had witnessed Elsa from afar or pictures of her. And each time, Kylee could practically feel her unfathomable aura without even being close to her.

Now, here she was, talking to Elsa face to face! The pure divine elegance she has was a hundred times greater in person rather than watching from afar.

"Ah….yea Ms….Ms-Ah!"

When Reese attempted to greet Elsa, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist from Kylee pinching his waist.

"Reese! Sack up already!" Kylee angrily whispered over to him.

They are already putting on a poor performance for Elsa, and she didn't want their image to get dragged even further in the mud!

"R-right! It truly is a pleasure to be working with you, Ms.Tirel!"

After getting awoken from his trance, Reese did his best to put on his most confident tone. Although, it was hard to do as he felt like his heartbeat wouldn't calm down at all.

Indeed, Elsa's sheer beauty and grace wasn't anything a common student like him could ever hope to resist.

Reese even doubted there wasn't any Ranking Genius that could resist Elsa's irresistible grace. And this thought got Reese thinking. For a brief moment, he crossed his eyes between Asher and Elsa.

Questions began to pop into Reese's mind as Asher appeared entirely calm.

Truthfully, Asher being calm under any situation wouldn't really call for suspicion in Reese's mind. Throughout the years, Reese could count on one hand about how many times he saw Asher become distraught.

However, his calmness now….it just seemed too natural.

Most obviously, Reese could tell Asher would inevitably get used to Elsa's presence since she did get her to agree to this mission somehow. But, the way Asher so casually glanced towards Elsa without any hint of apprehension or desire just seemed odd to him.

Reese couldn't continue this train thought for long as Elsa suddenly snapped her gaze over to him and Kylee.

There was only unwavering indifference in her eyes as she calmly spoke to them. "Reese and Kylee. It's good to meet you two."

After saying so, silence fell between them once again.

All for their own various reasons, neither Elsa, Reese, or Kylee knew what to say next to clear up this slight bit of awkwardness between them.

On the sidelines, Asher felt a wry smile crack out on his lips. Perhaps he should've let them meet at least one time before today.

But with all the training and fighting he had to do, Asher just couldn't find an appropriate time to where they all could safely meet up.

Still, Asher could tell the situation now wasn't that bad. At least, he can tell from both sides, Elsa, Reese, and Kylee had good enough intention to get along.

In fact, Asher knows that Elsa is trying her hardest to be welcoming. With enough time, Asher was positively sure they all could get along decently enough.

Taking matters into his own hand, Asher decided to clear up the silence. "Ok! Now that we're all introduced to each other, shall we go? We don't waste any time now."

"R-Right." Reese and Kylee responded in a slightly shaky voice, their eyes immediately snapping to Asher just to calm themselves.

"Mnh…." Elsa gave a silent hum in agreement, looking completely docile.

That kind of response caused an immense shock to once again run through Reese and Kylee's minds.

They couldn't stop themselves from looking over at Elsa once again. And one major question storms within their heads. Just what the hell kind of deal did Asher make with her?!