The First Meeting

For a whole tense moment, neither Asher, Elsa, Reese, or Kylee made any sudden movement. Mid-Stage Origin Tier powerhouse, this was something Elsa didn't want to go against as of now.

They still needed to get through this underground tomb, and using a majority of items against whoever this group is, wouldn't be a keen idea.

And while Elsa's own combat prowess is incredibly talented, she wasn't unbeatable against other Mid-Stage Origin Tier warriors. Plus, Elsa sensed it wasn't just one Mid-Stage Origin Tier warrior that showed up; there were two of them!

Fighting two Mid-Stage Origin Tier warriors would put a bout of immense pressure even for a genius like her.

Adding on to the fact that she'll need to protect Asher, Reese, and Kylee, she knows this situation could instantly turn ugly. She didn't think they would lose in an all-out fight, but the risks were high.

"Just stay calm."

Before turning around to face them, Asher quietly whispered to the others. The worst thing they could do now was panic and show that they're afraid.

If that were to happen, then whoever these people are could very well become quickly aggressive and would want to take advantage of them.

Since things had turned out like this, Asher knew they'll need to rapidly speed up their plans.

"Right…." Reese and Kylee quietly mutter under their breaths.

Admittedly enough, just from Asher's incomparably calm voice, they both felt a slight bit of their tension relax. It was like Asher's aura had a smooth, calming effect. They both felt like staying under Asher would get them through this.

Even Elsa felt her tension relax from Asher's calm voice. She traded glances with Asher, nodding to him to indicate she will follow his lead.

In terms of talking situations like this, Elsa trusted Asher's skill set more than herself.

Asher understood Elsa's attention and nodded back at her. Then, in a not too hurried stride, Asher casually turned around to face the sudden invaders.

Reese, Kylee followed his lead, albeit they were a bit shaky. And Elsa calmly turned around as well.

'So these are the guys?' Asher wrinkled his eyebrows as he thought to himself.

Just hundreds of feet away from them were four people dressed in mysterious-looking black cloaks.

In an instant, Asher quickly identified the two Mid-Stage Origin Tier men and the two Peak Spirit Tier women. Already from first looks, Asher already didn't have a favorable impression of this group.

The two Origin Tier men had a special kind of indifferent expression. They looked down on Asher and everyone in his group like they were nothing but air.

It was more than evident that these men didn't consider them a threat at all.

As for the other Peak Spirit Tier women, Asher's opinions dipped even further. One of the women had that same arrogant yet indifferent expression.

While the other looked overtly hostile. She didn't bother at all to hide her violent intentions.

It was at this moment, Asher felt the most pressure he ever felt since coming to Pearlcrest City. Asher truly felt like he was getting weighed down by a colossal mountain.

But, despite the vast pressure he was experiencing, Asher's expression remained entirely calm. He forced past all of his dread and anxiety to stare evenly into this mysterious group's eyes.

Then in a deadly calm tone, Asher simply asked, "Yes, what is that you need from us?"

Instead of replying, Senior Brother Fang and Tang, along with Xun and Xian, quirked their eyebrows.


They all crossed their eyes over to Elsa for a very brief moment.

They all sensed that Elsa is the only Origin Tier powerhouse, and yet, she's not taking the leadership role? Just this boy in the mere Early Stage Spirit Tier realm would talk to them?

Everyone in Senior Brother Fang's group almost felt like this was too ridiculous.

However, Senior Brother Fang ignored their odd formations and focused on what really got their interest in them. He and everyone else in his group could detect Origin Mana energy radiating off the mere Spirit Tier cultivators!

They sensed the Origin Mana energy was flowing out of the cloaks each of them was wearing.

A rising greed swelled in each member of the Senior Brother Fang group.

Their Aura Sense could perceive that the Origin Mana energy flowing out of the cloaks was high quality. A gleam flashed in Senior Brother Fang's eyes as he walked out as his own group's leading representative.

"It appears we've all got lucky to stumble upon this spatial portal. And from what I sense, those cloaks you all are using are what gives you the confidence to continue exploring here, I presume? So you must not be fully aware of the true dangers that lie here, right? Even with those cloaks, you all shouldn't be here." Senior Brother Fang's words came out smooth like water.

His tone had a charming essence to it. It would be incredibly persuasive to any average Spirit Tire or Origin Tier cultivator.

If they were just some average group of cultivators, Asher could honestly see those kinds of people being easily convinced by this man.

But for him, all Asher can sense is malicious hidden intention bubbling within this man's group.

Still, choosing to fight or be aggressive would be their worst option. So Asher kept his calm facade and slightly wrinkled his eyebrows.

He asked in a seemingly curious tone, "Is that right? My friends and I really have no idea. Quite honestly, we did get lucky. So? What would be your suggestion then?"

As they watched this transaction unfold, Reese, Kylee, and Elsa tried their best to remain calm.

The difficulty they found with staying calm wasn't because of this sudden group but rather Asher's perfect act. He had no stutter or jitters within his voice. It's almost like he encountered situations like this a plethora of times before.

One thought permeated Reese, Kylee, and Elsa's minds. Just how many hidden talents does he have?

"You see, we're fair people from a fair and honest Sect. So, as long as you give the cloaks to us, we'll let you leave without any harm."

Senior brother Fang told with a slight sly smile.

Under normal circumstances, Senior brother Fang would never even bother with trying to 'negotiation' with a group like Asher's. But, those cloaks donning their bodies caused some wariness to arise within him and his other group members.

After all, they don't know just what they can do with the Origin energy within those cloaks.

Moreover, since they had a cloak like that, Senior brother Fang knows it's very well possible that this weak-looking group might be extra prepared.

At the same time, on the other side, Reese and Kylee had their faces scrunched up. They didn't know why, but they felt an ominous feeling built up inside of them. They still remained silent but were on extra vigilance.

Before Asher gave any kind of answer, he tossed his eyes over to Elsa in just a split second.

Their gazes matched, and a gleam that went unnoticed by everyone else swirled within their eyes. However, neither Asher nor Elsa showed any change in expression.

Asher smoothly tossed his eyes back to Senior Brother Fang's group. His expression finally changed, turning pondering. Then, after a moment of seemingly thinking, Asher started to say,

"Well….if it's like this then….I suppose we co-"


Before Asher could finish his sentence, Elsa raised her hand at lightning speed and released the full force of her true power!

At the same time, her other hand crushed a Power Amulet, amplifying her prowess beyond her normal limits!


Senior Brother Fang's group couldn't react at all. In fact, they were thrown in for a tremendous shock when Elsa's power invaded their Aura Sense.

She wasn't some Early Stage Origin Tier warrior; she's actually at the Mid Stage level?!

It was simply unbelievable!

Everyone in Senior Brother Fang group had their Aura Sense locked primarily on Elsa as she is the main threat. But none of them could even detect a stronger aura from Elsa before.

Just how the hell did she escape their senses?!

At the same time Senior Brother Fang's group was warped with disbelief; the temperature in the room took a massive nosedive to freezing levels.

Upon Elsa's raised hand, a colossal swirl of Ice energy spewed out of it like a heavy Ice storm. A brilliant blue Ice glow covered Elsa's hand and drowned the whole room in its magnificent shine.

"Tch! To think she hid herself so well! Senior Brothers! Let's-huh??"

Xian started out shouting her murderous intent but abruptly stopped when the entire ground began to violently tremble.

In that instant, Xian and everyone else in Senior Brother Fang's group released their energy, creating a Magical Barrier around themselves. The Magical Barrier helped stabilize themselves and also fend off the terrifying freezing cold.

Right as Senior Brother Fang's group created their Magical Barriers, a tremendous change happened just fifty feet from them.


The ground was practically splitten open as a colossal amount of Ice energy tore out from it.

The Ice energy acted as a wall, completely separating Senior Brother Fang's group from Asher's.

"Now run!" Asher immediately barked out when the Ice wall formed.

He was a bit surprised at the grand scale of Elsa's full prowess, but he focused entirely on escaping now. And Reese, Kylee, and Elsa didn't need to be told twice.

Without a moment's delay, Asher, Reese, Kylee, and Elsa turned around and dashed right into the single exit.

"Those unexpected brats!" Senior brother Fang cursed.

In his rising anger for being taken by surprise, he gathered a tremendous amount of Sword Qi energy towards his right palm.

Origin Mana energy spewed out everywhere as a line of gray Sword Qi formed upon Senior Brother Fang's palm. Then, with a swift flick of his wrist, Senior Brother Fang shot the line of Sword Qi straight at the Ice Wall.


In a slightly unexpected twist, Senior brother Fang's powerful Sword Qi could only leave a dent within Elsa's Ice Wall!

"Damn….so it's like I expected. We're going to need a bit of time to get through this."

Senior Brother Fang said as he, Tang, Xun, and Xian all furrowed their eyebrows.