7: Groom her

Gu Huaijiang glanced at him.


The tone was softer than usual.

Gu Yi was so flattered that he couldn't believe that his always majestic father would be so gentle with him.

He was about to step forward, and suddenly saw Yu Fu fluttering his small hand, fling towards Gu Huaijiang.

It turned out not to be him.

"The bud heads that have finally been combed are now dirty."

Gu Huaijiang looked down at Yufu's head, looking for the meringue powder, and took it down for her, taking care not to damage her bun.

She was young, she could not comb her hair, and the army was rough, and no one could comb her hair.

This bun was when they stopped in the outskirts of Beijing. A passing village woman saw her head peeking out of the carriage, cute and cute, and couldn't help combing her crooked bun for her.

Yu Fu lowered her head, and naturally let Gu Huaijiang break the ground on her head, but Gu Xiang and Gu Yi were both stunned.

When have they seen Gu Huaijiang being so good to a child? !!

Even Gu Shubai, the eldest brother of Wentao Wulue who has excellent academic skills and literary skills, has not been treated like this!

Not only were they shocked, but even Qi An, who had been in Hou's house for a lifetime, was also rare to see Gu Huaijiang being so gentle.

His old eyes narrowed slightly and he glanced at the little Yufu.

Is it really as the boys guess, this little girl is the illegitimate daughter of Lord Hou?

"Master Hou, since his wife went, we haven't even had a maid in the house, only the cook has a few burning wives. There is no one to take care of Yufu girl, so let her granddaughter Qi Ting take care of her?

Qi Ting was 15 years old and was Qi's only granddaughter.

Her father, Qi Zhou, also held a heavy post in the house, so she was raised as a half lady since she was a child, and rarely did rough work.

Gu Huaijiang thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, otherwise I don't have a woman to take care of Yufu, and I'm really worried."

Qi Ting is the right age, and is also Qi An's granddaughter. She will take care of Yu Fu, and Gu Huaijiang can rest assured.

Qi An nodded his head, but his heart set off a stormy sea.

He proposed that Qi Ting take care of Yufu, but also had some tentative intentions. He wanted to know to what extent Gu Huaijiang valued Yufu.

Unexpectedly, Gu Huaijiang actually agreed, and it seemed that he really valued Yufu.

That guess is probably true.

"I ordered someone to come back earlier to clean up a clean courtyard, but I'm done?"

Gu Huaijiang asked a question, Qi An was about to answer, and did not want Gu Xiang to preemptively speak.

"Because I didn't know what my father was going to do, the second brother ordered everyone to clean up the courtyards that the government could use. Is the father going to help Yufu?"

Gu Yi was anxious when he heard this, "Father, let Yufu live with us! My elder brothers like to live in a courtyard, but we like liveliness, let Yufu live with us!"

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi only played with Yufu for a long time, and they already liked this sister so much.

Even if they were not born to the same mother, they decided to take care of Yufu.

So Gu Huaijiang mentioned the yard, and Gu Yi hurriedly asked for them to stay with Yufu.

When Gu Huaijiang heard this, his face was almost green.

Qi An behind him couldn't help crying and laughing. The six sons of his own heart were only sixteen years old, and they did not understand the defense of men and women.

"Funny! Yufu is a girl's family, how can you live with you ?! You have only been so rude, I haven't punished you yet, go to the ancestral hall to get the ten batons!"


Talking about his sleeves, he took Yufu's little hand and went out.

Well, Gu Yi could have escaped a disaster, and this sentence gave him ten sticks alive.

"Gu Xiang, why do you say my father hit me?"

Although he was used to being beaten from an early age, he didn't care about the ten batons in this area, but he still wanted to understand why.

Gu Xiang was only born half an hour earlier than him, but he had a vague understanding.

"Because, Yufu is a girl."

Gu Yi turned to look at him curiously, as if she didn't understand what a girl was.

Since they remembered, Hou's house has no maid, they are really strange to the concept of girls.

Even more unfamiliar with the concept of sister

"Master Hou, these courtyards are all packed up. Where do you want Yufu Girl to live?"

Gu Huaijiang took Yufu's small hand and did not dare to go too fast, fearing that her strength would pull her hand away.

Hearing Qi An asking this, he stopped and thought for a while, then crouched down and asked Yu Fu.

"There are many yards in our house. Where do you want to live?"

Qi An was stunned.

Shizi was crowned at the age of 20 and changed to a new yard. Gu Huaijiang did not say that he would choose it himself!

Unexpectedly, he was so forgiving to Yu Fu.

Yu Fu didn't pay attention to Qi An's surprise. In her eyes, Gu Huaijiang has always been a kind elder, not a majestic general.

"General, I want to live closer to you! I don't know anyone here. If you are closer to you, I can find you if something happens."

As he met in the army, Yufu followed Lao Jin and they called on General Gu Huaijiang, which has become a habit.

Gu Huaijiang always listened to the rough guys shouting, only Yufu, a little girl, shouted the words "general general" softly and sweetly, unexpectedly nice.

He nodded, thinking that Yufu's consideration made sense.

"Which empty yard in the house is closest to the upper house?"

Gu Huaijiang stood up and asked Qi An behind him. After all, Hou's house was too big, and he couldn't remember which yards he had.

Qi An was familiar with everything in the house, and soon said, "Qingfang Courtyard has two or three courtyards along the lake, and it is not far from Houye's upper room."

Gu Huaijiang shook his head and denied.

"Qingfangyuan is too small, and the area by the lake is too far away."

"That" Qi An thought for a while, and tentatively said, "Then there is only the West Chamber."

The West Chamber is actually a yard, the place is closest to the upper room, just across a weeping veranda.

The name was called because Gu Huaijiang wanted a daughter in particular, and in the old days, daughters lived in the West Chamber. Bate specially opened a nearby yard, and he was well decorated, and nominated himself as the West Chamber.

Later, Mrs. Hou gave birth to Gu Xiang and Gu Yi who had difficulty giving birth, and the yard was sealed. No one in the house dare to mention it.

If it weren't for Gu Huaijiang's rumor to order someone to clean the courtyard, no one would open the gate of the western chamber again.

Gu Huaijiang looked a little hesitant.

Yufu couldn't wait, tiptoeing and pulling on his hem.

"General, what's wrong?"

Gu Huaijiang returned to God.

"Nothing, I'll take you to the West Chamber."