17: Dragon Boat Festival Banquet

"Xiao Yufu, you say bad things behind us again?"

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi's voice came from Leng Buding outside the door, shocking Yu Fu, she looked at Gu Shubai in surprise.

The latter smiled at her, with red lips and white teeth, and the arc of smile curved like a crescent moon.

"Big brother is bad! You already know that Wu Brother and Liu Brother are here, so let me guess!"

Gu Shubai knows that, with Yu Fu and Gu Xiang and Gu Yi noisily getting along, they must say some funny words.

I don't want her to be so funny.

Gu Xiang twisted Yufu's face while he was willing, carefully moving his hands, for fear of hurting her.

"If you don't think so, your elder brother won't let you say it, so you still think we flattened us!"

Gu Xiang's mouth said suffocating words, but he smiled and opened flowers.

Yufu's face is so tender and slippery, it is exactly the same as what is said in the book.

"It hurts!"

Yu Fu flattened his mouth, and his big dark eyes flickered, as if tears were about to fall.

Gu Lien let go quickly, and she saw Yu Fu's tender face, leaving a red mark on her face.

Gu Shubai and Gu Yi cast their eyes on him.

"I, I didn't work hard! Xiao Yufu's skin is too tender!"

Gu Xiang had an injustice and wanted to rub Yufu's face for him, but that little pleasant person had been taken away by Gu Shubai.

"Don't move, I'll rub it for you."

Yu Fu stayed in his arms cleverly, and the red pinched face slowly recovered.

Looking at Gu Shubai's fingertips softly back and forth on her face, Gu Yi was so distressed that it was impossible to add more.

He wants to rub Yufu's face too

The girls stood aside, watching the fun interaction between their siblings, and couldn't help smiling.

Only Qi Ting saw that Yu Fu was so favored that she was very uncomfortable.

She took the fan halfway and saw Gu Xiang and Gu Yi approaching the West Chamber. She was glad that she could be with three boys at the same time.

But in the eyes of the three of them, only Yufu

"Father, there are a lot of rumors about Yufu in the imperial capital. Did your father hear that?"

In the study of the Foreign Court, Gu Shubai and Gu Huaijiang reported some affairs in the army and raised Yufu with him.

Gu Huaijiang groaned for a moment.

He also knows that any wind and grass in Guhou House will become a hot topic for discussion in Emperor Capital.

Besides, Yufu is a living person.

"The tree is a big draw. We are very wealthy in the Guhou House, and we need to keep a low profile in everything. Therefore, I did not return to the Golden Hall for the injuries caused by the poisoned arrows of the Xikun people. Yufu need not let others know too much clear."

Gu Shubai understood his mood, but he had different opinions on Yufu.

"The child thinks that if Yufu 's identity is not disclosed, there will be more and more suspicions outside. Since outsiders have already known about Yufu, why not let her show up generously? Let others be unquestionable, It also allows Yufu to walk in the imperial capital in the future, others can know her identity and dare not provoke her. "

What he said makes sense.

A beautiful and aura girl like Yufu must go out to the eye and go public with her identity, and use the prestige of Guhou House to shock others.

Gu Huaijiang looked up at him and said, "So when do you think it would be better for Yufu to show up?"


"It seems that the solar term of the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. In accordance with the custom of our imperial capital, most of the courts of the imperial courts will take turns to host dinners. Our Guhou government has always been non-participating, but this year we can follow the custom and let Yufu officially reveal surface."

"Yeah, I'll leave it to you to host a banquet in that house. I will show a tone of upwards, and there are many people who want to come to the banquet."

Gu Huaijiang talked seriously, but made Gu Shubai secretly funny.

If I heard that Guhou House is going to host a banquet, I am afraid that people who want to come will break the threshold. How many words can be summarized?

In the blink of an eye, the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Yufu heard the customs of the festival from Aunt Li.

"In Dongling, the Dragon Boat Festival is a very important festival. It can drive away evil and avoid evil. Not only do you need to hang wormwood on the door, but also eat rice dumplings, drink realgar wine, and wear sachets."


Yufu apparently had eaten dumplings, and mentioning these two words couldn't help but drool.

Aunt Li was teased by her snacks, "Yeah, does the lady like to eat dumplings? It will be ready tomorrow. The prince tomorrow will host a banquet to entertain guests, and Hou specially ordered to take the lady to the front hall. See you, will the lady be nervous? "


Before Yufu awakened from the fantasies of Xunzi, Aunt Li talked about serious matters.

She shook her head subconsciously.

"Isn't it the ministers? The minister who can come to Houfu as a guest, even if he is not a friend of the general, is an upward colleague. I am not nervous."

Although she grew up in Fairy Valley, she hasn't seen courtiers, she even—

I have seen more grand scenes.

Aunt Li heard it in her heart, thinking that it would be Yufu's first public appearance tomorrow, and she must be beautifully dressed.

Qi Ting stood beside, sneering in her heart.

A wild girl who did not know where she came from, Hou Ye, like a serious lady, deliberately set up a banquet to introduce her?

Alas, she deserves it too?

She had a good idea in her heart, so that Yu Fu could not see anyone tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Gu Xiang and Gu Yi ran to the West Chamber early and said they would hang wormwood to Yufu's door.

Aunt Li stopped outside Yufu's bedroom, smiling and not letting them in.

"Five sons and six sons, the lady is dressing. Don't go in first, please wait for a cup of tea here!"

The two had to sit down in the outer room, and Pi Bi came up to pour tea, and Gu Xiang and Gu Yi looked at the table.

"Hey, why are there so many sachets?"

I saw two trays on the table with five sachets in different shapes, exuding a scent of wormwood.

Li Bi laughed: "This is sent by Hou Ye and the other four sons in the morning, so there are five in total."

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi looked at each other and looked at the freshly picked wormwood in their hands. They suddenly felt like a beggar.

"Oh, why didn't we think of how beautiful the sachets are!"

Gu Yi discarded the muddy wormwood in his hands and patted the dust on his hands.

"In vain, I went to pick some wormwood early in the morning, and I'm going to mess with Yufu again!"

"The fifth and sixth brothers picked the wormwood for me. I like it too late. How can it be a joke?"

Yu Fu's voice came from the inside, and saw a small figure walking around the screen and slowly approaching the two of them.

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi clearly saw the Yufu in front of them, and they both uttered admiration.
