20: Shocked

Two people, one big and one small, one lifted his head laboriously, and one lowered his head very low.

In this way, we can break the gap in height and look at each other.

After the two looked at each other, Qi Qi laughed a while later.

Yufu giggled, her voice clearer than the small silver bell on her head.

Gu Huaijiang smiled and shook his head.

People like Qi An and Qi Ting were shocked and looked at them both with stuns.

Is there anything ridiculous about this?

Gu Huaijiang turned his face and looked at the crowd.

"When I was at the border, I was conspired by the Xi Kun people, poisoned by the Kunlun Snow, and no one could solve it. It was Yu Fu who came from the Valley of the Immortals to save my life. You can't save your spy, then why bother with it now? "

Everyone in Guhoufu knew that he was injured at the border, but didn't know the details. Now I heard why Gu Huaijiang loves Yufu so much.

Without Yufu, he had no life to return to Dongling.

Qi An looked at Qi Ting in surprise, then looked at Yu Fu's innocent face, and for a moment he didn't know who to believe.

Lying on the ground, Qi Ting heard this, with a murmur in her heart, saying secretly.

Gu Huaijiang also said, "You know, when I was healing, Yu Fu's big account in the army was free to go in and out. People in Gu Jiajun regarded her as a beneficiary without any precaution. And you--"

His eyes finally fell on Qi Ting.

What a look!

He didn't deliberately look fierce, but just looked at him lightly, but his eyes seemed to be full of arrows.

Qi Ting suddenly forgot how to breathe, but just stared at Gu Huaijiang's eyes blankly, feeling that her whole body no longer belonged to herself.

Then, like falling into the extremely cold ice hell, she shuddered uncontrollably!

This kind of performance does not require Yufu to say much, and everyone can see the problem.

If Qi Ting is telling the truth, why is she so guilty that she is trembling?

"Benhou is not available to deal with you now, let's put people down first. Yufu, I'll take you to the front hall to see you."

Gu Huaijiang said, holding Yufu's little hand, and pulling her slowly past Qi Ting's side.

Just when Qi Ting was almost walking by, Yu Fu suddenly stopped.

"Housekeeper Qi, this is the antidote for poisonous needles, and you will be fine if you feed her. I don't want to pierce her, but my clothes and hair are carefully taken care of by Aunt Li and Sister Li Zhu, I can't It messed up their hard work in vain. "

Qi An had no room for self-confidence because of Qi Ting's actions. Seeing Yu Fu being so kind, he explained these to him, which made him even more red-eyed.

"The old slave would like to thank Miss Yufu. The lady does not need to blame herself. As a slave, Yao Hong actually framed the lady, and she still wanted to catch the lady. This was her fault."

He looked up and saw Yufu Bainen's little hand, with two brown pills in his palm.

I want to take it over, but I feel that I have no face to accept it.

Yufu seemed to see his embarrassment, crouched down and grabbed his hand, and put the pill in his hand regardless of his care.

Then he followed Gu Huaijiang, and Ding Ling walked out.

As Gu Huaijiang walked, he bowed his head and smiled, "No wonder you are going to pierce her. Aunt Li is dressed up for you today, it really looks good."


Yu Fu fluttered with big eyes, and held up the purse around his waist with one hand to take a closer look.


Gu Huaijiang was curious when he saw the purse and saw it was not sent by himself.

"Who gave you the purse?"

He can see that Yufu likes this lavender purse very much, and the reed swaying above him is as lively and swift as Yufu.

"It's big brother."

Gu Huaijiang smiled slightly and nodded silently.

The guests in front were all here, and Gu Shubai and Gu Jiugue were busy greeting their guests.

Said to greet the guests, in fact, most of the female guests surrounded them, making them inseparable.

Today Danyang princess also came out of the palace, and has been pestering Gu Shubai about this and that, making his head as big as a fight.

In desperation, he could only wink at Gu Hanmo, who was sitting on the table with a stern face, and no one cared.

He understood Gu Shubai's wink, but he was unwilling to entertain the guests for him, only to win the side of Gu Wenqing.

Gu Wenqing was holding a wine bottle and had a good conversation with a family member next to him, sighing helplessly, and only got up to entertain the courtiers.

Fortunately, Gu Huaijiang came with Yu Fu.

When it became clear that Gu Huaijiang was holding a little girl with her own hands, everyone widened her eyes inconceivably, thinking that they had hallucinations.

Gu Huaijiang, a magnificent general of Dongling, is a soldier who is above 10,000 people.

He made a decisive decision, he fought the Quartet, without exaggerating, he struck Xi Kun's aggressive ambitions against Dong Ling with his own strength.

Such a mighty general, who just made his enemies timid by just hearing his name, took a little girl's hand carefully? !!

It's really hard to believe

The crowd looked at Yufu at his hand again, and they were all shocked!

The little girl's skin was as white as snow, pink carved and jade, and she was watching the crowd with a smile.

She didn't look ten years old, but her eyes were so bright and black that the pear vortex was sweet like honey.

This is almost a beauty. If you grow up, you must be more beautiful than Mrs. Guhou, who died early.

If she can give birth to such a daughter, her biological mother must also be a stunning beauty. No wonder she can always keep her body clean.

And the pink Yunjin she wore on her body, brilliant and dazzling like Yunxia, ​​even more clearly showed her status in Hou's house.

If it weren't for Gu Huaijiang's palm jewel in the palm of his hand, how could he wear a brocade?

It is such a distinguished identity of Princess Danyang that it is not always affordable.

"This is Miss Yufu, isn't she? She's so smart and clever, she's born like Houye!"

"It is indeed Hou Ye's daughter, and she is so beautiful!"

There is a steady stream of compliments. As long as they can please Gu Huaijiang, they will speak out if they are offended.

Who is this general, who obviously has the right to pour capital into the wild, but is low-key like an outsider?

It is too difficult to please him.

Yu Fu listened to the flattery of the crowd, subconsciously wanted to explain her relationship with Gu Huaijiang, but felt that holding her hand suddenly tightened.

She looked up at Gu Huaijiang, who gently shook her head at her.

Yufu lowered his head and bit his lip slightly.

What to say, suddenly a woman in a palace costume greeted her.