39: Don't practice martial arts

"What are you guys doing outside? Yufu is still sick, and no one of you is taking care of her?"

Everyone looked at the sound, it turned out that Gu Shubai and Gu Jiuge came together, and it was Gu Jiuge who spoke.

He was blamed for Yufu's falling into the water, and was moved by her maintenance of his affection. Now he is afraid that Yufu has a slight difference.

Gu Shubai's corner of his mouth was slightly warped and somewhat surprised.

Gu Jiujie, who always smiles on women, is the first time to speak so harshly.

It's abnormal. It's abnormal.

The girls looked at each other, and finally stood up next to Yao Lan, who was the most face-to-face with Yufu.

"The two boys, it's not that we are lazy, it's the lady who is in a bad mood and doesn't like us serving in it."

"in bad mood?"

The two questioned carefully before they knew what the noble ladies had just said, and could not help being angry.

"Yufu always treats people with sincerity. Who knows that others only treat her with jealousy. It's no wonder that she changes her face faster than the sky, and she is sad."

Gu Jiugue frowned and looked at Gu Shubai, "Why is this girl so stupid? Even her father didn't tell this to others, she just wanted to speak it out. The emperor's eyes are rich and up and down, I'm afraid it will be like this It will happen again. "


Gu Shubai looked at Yao Lan and said, "Don't go in first, let's talk to her and maybe it will be OK."

He gently opened the door and stepped in first.

"My lady likes the eldest son most. When she sees the eldest son, she will be happy."

Behind him, Yin Ling whispered to Yin Xue with a bite of ears, and Gu Jiu Ge stepped in, pretending to walk in casually.

Yu Fuzheng was lying on the bed, and he didn't return his head, and he muffled and said, "Don't you say that my brothers are here and then call me? Why are you here so soon?"

I didn't hear the movement after speaking, Yufu couldn't help but wonder, Gu Shubai and Gu Jiuge were standing in the room, and they were watching her laughing.

Unexpectedly, the two of them came in, and her aggrieved look was still there, and Gu Shubai was distressed.

"Yao Lan said you were in a bad mood, so we came in ourselves. It turned out that there was a little girl who was thinking about it in the wall."

There was a ready-made little sister-in-law near the bed, and the two sat down at will. Yufu immediately lifted her body, her face flushed.

"No, just lying a little sleepy. Didn't the older brother and the second brother entertain the young ladies? Why are you here?"

Yu Fuqiang made a smile, the grievances just found had long been hidden in his heart, but they couldn't hide the two in front of them.

They were nineteen and twenty. If they were blinded by a child like Yufu, it would be too small.

The two looked at each other and did not intend to expose her camouflage.

She refused to show her grievance in front of the two, after all, she didn't want to worry them, and didn't want Gu Huaijiang to worry.

"Hou's government never welcomed these pampered guests. I only let them in for you, but I was thinking that they can help you to relieve the boredom. How can we go to accompany the guests? I don't think they can help you. Put it in. "

Gu Shubai said an understatement, listening to Yu Fu's ears secretly.

The elder brother must be aware of the talents before he said that he would not receive the ladies in the future.

"By the way, why didn't the third and fourth brothers come?"

Yufu no longer continued this topic, but looked out the door, but did not see the figures of Gu Hanmo and Gu Wenqing.


"The third brother is just fine, but the fourth brother promised me yesterday that he would come to see me today."

Yu Fubian flattened his mouth, and bowed his head, muttering, "He also said he wanted to bring me something fun."

"Look, what is this?"

Gu Shubai, like a juggler, pulled out a chubby puppy from his wide sleeves, and held it in his palm as big as his slap.


Yu Fu was shocked and delighted. Looking at the white ball in his palm, he immediately wanted to reach out his hand.

But the puppy was too small, she was afraid of hurting her, so she was afraid to touch her with her hands around her.

The little white dog was lying comfortably in Gu Shubai's palm. He sat down and licked his feet. His pink tongue looked very cute.

Yufu couldn't help it anymore, and reached into his arms.

"Your fourth brother was going to come with us. The third brother stopped him and said that he had stepped back in martial arts. The two went to the backyard to practice swords together. He entrusted this little white dog to me and let me Give it to you, and you really like it. "

Gu Shubai looked at Yufu's expression. He did not expect that a small milk dog could make her instantly rejoice. Gu Wenqing really understood Yufu's mind.


The puppy obediently lay in Yufu's arms, making a soft laugh.

Yu Fu leaned his palms in front of him, and his nose twitched and sniffed, and then she stretched out Fanfen's tongue to lick her hand.

She giggled and saw Gu Shubai shaking his head.

This little girl might be too good to coax.

"Okay, you're still recovering. Wait until you're done."

Gu Jiuge directly picked up the puppy and asked Yao Lan to take him to take care of him. Yu Fuyi watched as he was being carried out.

"Father said that I want to ask you a master, teach you embroidery women workers, and what other paintings, calligraphy, paintings and calligraphy. I think it's good to wait for you, or follow us to learn martial arts. How weak is your body?"

"What? Learn martial arts?"

Yu Fu shrank back afterwards, looking at Gu Jiuge poorly.

"The second brother bullies, I'm a little girl, how can I learn martial arts? I don't study, it must be hard!"

You will know when you look at Hanmo. There is only one man practicing sword all day in the Manchuria. He can't even talk, and his expression is always cold.

We know that learning martial arts is not a good thing.

She told her thoughts and Gu Shubai couldn't help laughing.

"Do you think the best martial arts in this house is the third brother? Apart from his father, the best martial arts is the eldest brother. It can be seen that even if you learn martial arts, you can still keep your style. As for you, it is just to keep fit."

Yufu was still a little scared, so he turned to Gu Shubai to cast his eyes for help.

This retrospective was not as she wished.

"Second brother is right, your body is too weak. If Xue Wu can strengthen and build up, his father can rest assured in the future, do you mean?"

It seems that they have been discussing it for a long time, and they did not come to seek their opinions at all.

Yu Fu frowned loudly.

"The general will never agree, so I will not practice martial arts!"