51: Dislike the name

"Why is Danyang sister here too? Oh, must be here to see Seiko?"

The eldest gentleman teased gently, causing the Danyang princess to be upset, and she gave Gu Shubai an oblique look.

Gu Shubai's face was full, as if he didn't understand the meaning of the great prince, without squinting.

Princess Danyang looked back in disappointment.

The great prince accepted it when she saw it, and stopped teasing, but saw Yufu behind her at a glance.

"Is this Miss Yufu?"

He set aside the crowd and came forward, squatting down regardless of his identity, staring at Yu Fu talking flatly.

Yu Fu forgot to salute, it took a while to be blessed.

"I've seen the great prince."

"It's a beautiful little girl. I often hear of you in the palace. Everyone says that you are very smart and well behaved. I don't want to congratulate you today when you meet for the first time. Please don't disappoint me.

After talking about releasing her jade around her waist, she handed it to Yufu.

It was a good piece of white goat fat. Looking at the delicate and ingenious carvings on the jade, we knew that it was not ordinary.

Yufu quickly took a step back. "The ornament that the big prince wears around his waist must be good. Such a valuable thing would not be accepted by a child."

When Gu Shubai heard her, she smiled, and the smile fell into the eyes of Princess Danyang.

This is the first time Yu Fu has admitted that she is a child.

The eldest prince also laughed, still keeping his squatting posture, and turned to look at Gu Shubai, "Shizi, Yufu refuses to accept, so how can I go to the house to disturb you?

Gu Shubai took a closer look. Although the jade pendant was good, it was not a pattern unavailable except for the royal people, and it was not worn by the great prince.

It is more likely that this is what he specially prepared to come to Houfu.

"Yufu, the great prince is very difficult, so you take it."

The elder brother asked her to take it, which means that she should take it.

Yufu didn't think too much, so he took the piece of jade and smiled at the great prince.

This smile was piercing again in the eyes of the second prince.

She felt that when Fang Caiyu was facing her, she didn't seem to smile so intimately.

To make matters worse, he only approached a few boys in Guhou Mansion by learning the name of archery, and forgot to prepare gifts for Yufu.

This time I lost a lot of boss!

"Just let me call Yufu."

He has a distinguished status and a lady with a bite, which is kind.

Besides, Yu Fu liked him to squat and look down at himself, which made her feel respect, so she was willing to get closer to the great prince.

"That being the case, don't call Yu Fu my grand prince. I am three years older than your elder brother. You call me elder brother, OK?"

Yu Fu quickly shook his head, trotting over and pulling Gu Shubai's sleeve.

"I already have a big brother."

Her little hand was cool, and she accidentally bumped into Gu Shubai's wrist, thinking that she had eaten too much ice in the tent before.

She was so pulled in front of everyone, Gu Shubai was in a good mood.

The eldest prince froze slowly, and stood up slowly, "My name is Ning Yunzhao, and you call me Brother Yunzhao, okay?"

Alas, there is meaning to assist.

Yufu chewed the name in her heart, then raised her face and smiled sweetly.

"Brother Chao Zhao!"

After the elder brother and three sisters left, everyone was relieved.

"I was afraid that the second prince and the second prince would fight. The second prince was okay. When the second prince saw him like a black-eyed chicken, I could see the eyes that wanted to eat people!"

Gu Yi was afraid that she sat cross-legged on a circle chair and drank a cold plum soup before she calmed down.

A hundred miles away from the target, the performance of archery was recorded.

Gu Shubai naturally needn't say that even the youngest Gu Yi can accurately shoot the red heart and rarely deviate.

However, the level of the second prince and the second prince is worse. In comparison, the second prince is stronger than the second prince and has a higher chance of hitting the bull's eye. Obviously, he has tried to practice normally.

"The great prince is a bad visitor today. He intends to compete with the second prince. Can the second prince be like a black-eyed chicken?"

Gu Jiuge looked up at Gu Yi. "Next time in front of Princess Danyang, don't say that, she is not as generous as you think."

Yu Fu immediately raised his ears and wanted to listen to Gu Gege's story about Princess Danyang.

Gu Yi murmured, and Zhao Yufu looked over, "Of course I know! It was she who looked down on Yufu first, and then I talked to her. Lest she think she is so great, and she will give Yufu grievance in the future."

The attitudes of the ladies towards Yufu last time were known to everyone, and they did not want this to happen again.

Yu Fu whispered to Gu Shubai, "Brother, do you think Princess Danyang is like that?"

This princess Danyang has fully demonstrated Yufu's attitude.

Gu Shubai smiled and touched her hair. "Is this not clear enough?"

Even the little child Yufu could understand, how could they not understand.

Yufu thought about it carefully and suddenly understood.

It is clear enough that Princess Danyang knows all about the white people, but he does not respond at all, which is enough to show his attitude.

Somehow, knowing that Gu Shubai had no intention of Princess Danyang, she suddenly felt relieved.

"Brother, what do you say?"

Gu Xiang suddenly turned his head and asked Gu Shubai.

"what are you guys saying?"

Gu Shubai Yiyi found that he hadn't listened to their discussion at all, but only talked to Yufu.

Gu Xiang repeated: "We are saying that the eldest prince and the second prince are diametrically opposed. Whom does Your Majesty prefer?"

One is the eldest son and the other is the sister-in-law.

For Dongling Kingdom, where ritual education is strict, it is reasonable to establish which prince is, not to mention the two people's comments and support on the court, which can be regarded as a close match.

Who will inherit the throne in the future is really hard to say.

"There are not many children under your knees. Except for the eldest prince and the second prince, the rest of the princes are either of low birth or disabled, and mediocre. Both princes have won the support of the ministers, but the most important one Ministers, not yet standing. "

The most important minister in the Dongling Chapel

Isn't that Gu Huaijiang?

The crowd suddenly realized, "Big Brother means that the eldest prince and the second prince came to our house by the meaning of His Majesty, not to learn archery, but to attract us to Guhou House?"

Based on Her Majesty's trust in Gu Huaijiang and his status in the DPRK, it can be said that which prince Gu Huaijiang will support, which prince is likely to become Chu Jun.

Gu Shubai's eyes fell on the jade armrest, and she had a green ribbon between her fingers, and a jade pendant of white sheep fat was hanging under her finger, shaking and playing.

"Yufu, do you like the big prince or the second prince?"

"It's all good, and I'm very gentle. But Brother Zhao, he probably doesn't like the name very much, right?"

Yu Fu shook the piece of jade in his hand and suddenly looked up to ask him.