54: He is too anxious

After picking up a hazy day, the family of Guhoufu went out.

Gu Huaijiang is valuable. Even if he is unwilling, he has to go out in a carriage. Yufu naturally takes a carriage.

In addition, Gu Shubai and others all traveled on horseback. The original team was not a big one, but many "uninvited guests" came.

First, the second prince brought Princess Danyang on a carriage and said that it was Princess Danyang who wanted to swim in the lake, but the second prince was only dragged by her.

Then even the great prince came, saying that he had come to Guhoufu to learn archery. He didn't want them to go out to play. It was not good for the great prince to fight back to his house, so he brought him with him.

There are also some escorts, escorts, etc. who always go out with the two princes. They are all the patriarchs of the imperial capital, or the sons of the family.

As soon as these people got together, the team was suddenly stretched several times, and the people on both sides of the long street stood full of people.

When crossing the long street, even soldiers pulled up the line of defense to prevent the people on the road from colliding with the team, but the people were very conscious, just shouting the name of General Gu and let them out.

"Have you heard? It is General Gu who is taking his little daughter to tour the West Lake today. I do n't know what the young lady was like?"

"I heard that it looks so beautiful, it 's so cute, Hou Ye is so petting! No, even His Majesty has personally given the Dragon Boat to play for her!"

The second prince raised a corner of the curtain and glanced outwards expressionlessly.

"He really is loved by the people."

This love, let alone that he and the eldest son are not comparable, not even their father and emperor.

Yuci's big ship stopped by the side of Baidi. Everyone got out of the car and took a look. The big ship in front of them cast a huge haze.

Yu Fu was finally able to understand what Gu Xiang said. She could run on the boat without worrying that she would fall into the water, because the ship's deck had high and sturdy railings that blocked the water.

The most dazzling is the woodcarving golden dragon on the bow, which is alive, as if a dragon swimming out of the water only poked out its head.

It's really shocking.

"Go and get the tarpaulin to cover the Golden Dragon, that is only available for Her Majesty's Parade."

Gu Huaijiang gave Qi Zhou a command, and the latter acted swiftly to command the human hand, and soon the lifelike golden dragon was impervious.

Seeing that he was so polite, the second prince bustled with a smile and said, "Gu Bobo, the father often said that you have great merits and refused to be rewarded, so you gave the dragon boat to Yufu to show his love for you. It's too polite. "

The eldest prince was one step behind, and the second prince had finished speaking. He had to agree and greeted Yufu again.

"Brother Chao Zhao."

Today's trip, Yufu is obviously in a good mood, and it is especially sweet when he is so attractive.

Gu Huaijiang looked down, smiled kindly, and looked up at the second prince.

He has always acted this way, which is to understand the principle of accompanying a monarch like a tiger. No matter how much Ning Emperor trusts and loves him, he cannot arrogantly and give him reasons for suspicion.

"That being said, Yufu is still a small child and can't stand the love of His Majesty. Grand Prince, Second Prince, please--"

He greeted Yu Fu and asked the eldest prince and the second prince to go first, and then he kept up.

On the boat, Yu Fu looked around and saw the misty waves of the West Lake under the overcast clouds, filled with lotus leaves, and rejoiced.

"General, West Lake is so beautiful!"

She ran to the fence and looked down. The clear lake was rippling with ripples. The lotus not far away swayed with the waves. It seemed that a fairy Lingbo fairy was coming from the flowers.

The crowd followed her to the fence.

I saw her with her hands on her head, stomped her feet, and pushed her little head out.

This pair looked like a pig in a pen waiting to be fed, making Gu Huaijiang laugh.

The big prince and others seemed to find out what he was laughing, and Ren Jun could not help but whisper, only the second prince stood up.

"Yufu, you're short. Why don't I hold you up?"

Everyone paused, feeling that the second prince said something abruptly.

He and Yufu had met each other before, and they were not familiar with each other, so they said they wanted to hold her to see the West Lake.

Besides, there is a difference between men and women. No matter how young Yufu is, he is also a woman. How can an unfamiliar man hug him at will?

Seeing that everyone looked different, the second prince realized that there was something wrong, and quickly rounded the field, "I saw Yufu lamely too strenuous, and I didn't think about it for a while. There should be some short chairs on this boat. Take one for Yufu. Go ahead! "

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Qi Zhou had already taken a small pier, and it was appropriate to put Yu Fu under his feet.

The eldest prince stood by and watched silently, with a secret smile in his heart.

The second child was anxious to see that he and Yufu knew each other.

Princess Danyang laughed: "No wonder my brother was anxious to see Yufu laboriously. I also like sister Yufu so much. Father Huang is even more so. I haven't seen sister Yufu yet. I heard she wants to visit West Lake. The dragon boat said it was bestowed on it. My biological daughter did not receive such treatment! "

She half-truths the vinegar words, and saw Gu Shubai and Gu Jiuge standing on the side of Yufu, fearing that she might have something unexpected, and the vinegar meaning in the words was a little more real.

"Don't you eat Yufu's vinegar? My father loves taking care of Uncle, and naturally also loves people who take care of Uncle. But to say, we are all immersed in Yufu's light today to be able to swim on a dragon boat. West Lake. "

The second prince answered with a smile, Yufu heard his name being frequently mentioned, pretending to continue to watch the lake and mountains as if he didn't hear it.

"Brother, look, what's that?"

She reached out her hand vigorously, and pointed a finger in the distance, but a golden carp jumped over.

"What what? Where?"

When Gu Xiang and Gu Yi looked over, the carp had fallen into the water, leaving only ripples.

"Oh, you've fallen into the water and you haven't seen it!"

It's frustrating for Yu Fu to be discouraged, but to see rare things but no one shared them.

Gu Shu smiled with white lips, eyes bright as stars.

"I saw a big golden carp. It's beautiful."

Yufu suddenly rejoiced, "Yes, yes, that's it! Fortunately, the big brother saw it!"

Gu Yi snorted unconvinced.

"Who told you to call Brother Brother first? If you call me first, I will definitely see it. Don't believe it, let us do it again!"

"There are wine and dishes in the cabin. If everyone is tired, go in for a break. Shubai, take good care of Yufu, don't let her fall into the water."

Standing on the deck and watching for a while, Gu Huaijiang made a speech and entered the cabin first.

He gave up the place to this group of young people, but let the eldest prince and the second prince have their own thoughts.

The two glanced at each other undisclosedly. The second prince glanced at the situation over Yufu, and some of their brothers and sisters were laughing and laughing.

"Ha, I'm a little tired standing, so I rested in the advanced cabin. Danyang, you can accompany Yu Fu here, you are all girls and they must be able to talk better."

He said he followed Gu Huaijiang and gave it to Princess Danyang.

Princess Danyang naturally understood what he meant. Two of their brothers and sisters approached Guhou and one approached Yufu without delay.

The old prince paused, watching the second prince's anxious footsteps, and finally turned around.

His gaze fell on Yufu.

Surrounded by Gu Shubai and others, she was the youngest and smiled the sweetest. Even Gu Hanmo, who had always been cold, was teased with a smile.

Like the stars holding the moon, she was held in the palm of her brothers of the Gu family.

Not only these brothers, but also Gu Huaijiang, he is the most important.

He suddenly smiled, walking toward Yufu with confidence, "What are you laughing at? Tell me, too."