58: Deal with Guhoufu

"You shouldn't be here."

Gu Jiuge sat in the paintings, everything in the cabin was familiar, and the smell of snail was like catkins.

This is what Yueyue used to love. When people smell the catkins, they can't help thinking of her.

"I know."

The pipa in her arms suddenly seemed to be heavy, and Yueyue subconsciously clasped her hands. The slender knuckles on the pipa's wooden body made them pale.

Her tone was like awareness and ignorance.

"Second son, do you remember two years ago?"

Suddenly she laughed, and it was ridiculous to think of her howl when she first came to the capital.

"I'm going to meet you at that time, and you're just a boy. In a small square near the West Lake, the old man coaxed me to play the lute on the stage, but secretly promised to sell my innocence. After the performance, the man was tearing to take me away. Fortunately, you saw that the road was uneven, otherwise I will be at the moment. "

She paused and smiled a little, "Otherwise, at the moment, I'm afraid it won't be cleaner than the mud under the lotus."

Gu Jiuge moved, thinking of his spirit when he was a teenager, and laughed.

He felt that he was too young at that time, but he never regretted saving the invitation moon, because she has always been thoughtful and decent, and never made herself sad.

Except today.

"You're not mud now, but the lotus that is muddy and unstained. You don't seem to be such a lethargic person, what happened?"

Zhaoyue shook her head with remorse, "I'm such a breathless person, second son, you look at me too high. Even if it's not mud, I can't become a lotus, because I have a private thought in my heart."

Her private thoughts were nothing more than that acacia.

Gu Jiu Ge has always understood her mind, "I understand. But at this moment not only my father and brother, brother, sister, but also the great prince, second prince and princess Danyang, and also the royal and precious children of the capital. At this time Appear, it really shouldn't. "

"It really shouldn't."

Inviting Yueyue took a deep breath, the thin shoulder blade was like the lute in her arms, thin and pitiful.

"After I got here, I knew I had done something wrong, but I have no room to return. Someone came to me and told me that you are negotiating, and you might marry Princess Danyang. Go to that At that time, a dusty woman like me was even having trouble seeing you. So I panicked. I left all the sanity and soberness you taught me behind. "

She finally put down the lute in her arms, arched and covered her face, and began to cry in sorrow.

She just came to understand.

Even if Gu Jiuge married Princess Danyang, he still had the opportunity to see him again.

But she came here today, hurting his reputation, will you never see him again in the future?

Thinking of this, she couldn't cry.

Gu Jiu Ge has always been a cherished flower. When she saw the beauty crying in front of her, she couldn't bear it, and finally put her hand on her back.

He patted it twice, and he bumped into her palm-shaped butterfly bone, thin and miserable.

"Okay, it's okay. My father was not angry. It was Yufu who resolved this embarrassment."

"Miss Yufu?"

Inviting Yue tearful eyes raised her head, looked at Gu Jiuge slightly stupidly, could not hide the joy.

"I thought you were here to blame me, to drive me away, to tell me that you never want to see me again"

Gu Jiege shook his head helplessly, taking her into his arms with one hand.

"Well, don't cry. Tell me first, who told you I was going to marry Princess Danyang?"

"You mean, someone intentionally told Yueyue that you were getting married, so that she would appear on West Lake today?"

Back in the house in the evening, Gu Jiuge told Gu Shubai what Yue Yue said, and the two brothers had a discussion.

"Yes, she said that it was a foreign merchant who told her about it. It seemed to be rich or expensive. Besides, she was flustered by CITIC, and she didn't even know who the merchant's name was."

"Oh, it's a foreign merchant again."

Gu Shu pointed his eyebrows slightly and looked at him with a smile. "Don't you think this word sounds familiar?"

Looking back at the wine song, they took Yufu to Jiangshang to draw a painting, and the picky drunk man was caught by them after a while. When asked, he was a foreigner.

He came to the imperial capital to trade in silk, knowing that in the imperial capital, apart from the royal family, the people who could not offend the people in Guhou Mansion were the most innocent.

But when he first arrived, he didn't know Gu Jiuge them, which caused a trouble, which caused Yufu to accidentally fall into the water.

After the drunk man woke up, he heard that the person who had offended him was the son of Guhoufu, who was so scared that he felt like a liar.

And this time, the person who told the false invitation to the moon happened to be a foreign merchant.

Adding two coincidences together is not so easy.

"Brother, do you mean that someone is using foreign merchants to deal with our Guhou Mansion? Those people who do n't understand the people's affairs of the Emperor Capital, ca n't ask for any clues even if we are caught. The people behind the scenes just take advantage of this. The last time I almost hurt Yufu, this time it was made clear that I wanted my father to be angry and make Guhoufu a laughing stock for everyone! "

Gu Jiuge thought about the ambition, and it became more and more unpredictable.

"We do n't have any evidence yet, just know in your heart, do n't say anything. Invite Yueyue or any other girl, you have to say hello to them, so that things like today do n't happen again. Today is good for Yufu. Otherwise you are in danger. "

Gu Shubai patted him on the shoulder, which meant to persuade him to take care of himself.

"Yu Fu had met Yueyue last time, and her impression seemed to be very good. This little girl was kind and never underestimated the lowly people. I heard that the third brother was trained last time, and the third brother was depressed. For several days. "

Gu Shu said with a brow, "When will it happen?"

"It was during the Dragon Boat Festival feast, for a show called Yuguan."