Legend of the Vampire King

Celestia's POV: 

Vampland is known as the entry point to the Shadow Realm. If one has to go deeper into the shadow realm, they would have to cross the Vampland. 

The Demon Queen Lilith uses the Vampires as the guardians to her kingdom. Vampires are cursed demonic creatures. The King of the Vampire Clan is Ambrogio Elder. He is the first and the oldest Vampire. 

The legend says that ten thousand years ago, he was just an average healer wizard. At those times, Vampires never existed. There was peace in between the light and shadow forces. 

But the wizard Ambrogio instigated a feud between the Fae King and the Demon Queen. What exactly Ambrogio did is still not known to anyone. But due to his actions, the light and shadow creatures are at each other's throats until today. 

The Sun God Aiden got furious at wizard Ambrogio as he disrupted the peace in realms. So he cursed Ambrogio that whenever the sunlight touched him again, his skin would burn. 

Ambrogio didn't learn from his mistakes. He pledged his allegiance to the Devil and sold his soul to him. After that, Ambrogio was no longer a wizard. He became a slave to his sins. 

So the Almighty God cursed him again that his body will be filled with venom and he will spend his eternity drinking the blood of other creatures to quench his thirst. 

But somehow, the Devil made the curse less of a burden to him. He granted Ambrogio immortality, super strength, and speed to become a hunter so that he can easily catch his prey and quench his bloodlust. That is how the first Vampire emerged. 

After a few years, Ambrogio got tired of being the only Vampire in the realms. He started to infect others with his Venom and created a clan of his own. The Vampires who are bitten by Ambrogio or by his descendants are called the Pureblood Vampires. 

Half Vampires are the ones who are not directly bitten. A vial of the Vampire's venom is given to them to drink mostly as a penalty for their sins. But some drink the venom willingly in order to get Vampire's powers 

I still don't understand why we are in this land of blood and lust. Theo told me that stage three could be performed only here. He didn't give me the details about it.

I didn't expect that Vampland would look normal. The kingdom looked just like the lowlands of the Celestial realm. This is unbelievable! I always thought that the Shadow realm would look dark and spooky. But this place is normal!

And the Vampires greeted us with respect. They were so delighted to see us. Theo and I walked inside the palace of the Vampland. It was made up of dark stones that deflected the lights completely. 

There was not a single window in the place. Crystal Chandeliers were hanging on the roof that emitted Silver lights. The lights gave a sensation of walking in the moonlight. 

A friendly-faced Vampire lady directed us towards the King's chamber. If I had seen this lady on a normal day, I would never have suspected that she was a Vampire. 

I liked the lilac-colored fabric which she was wearing. So Vampires do have a good sense of fashion and an attractive appearance. The Vampire King was seated alone on his throne. 

No one else was there in his chamber except him. And as usual, I was fooled by my prejudice. I thought Ambrogio would look like an evil demonic entity, but he was nothing like I imagined. 

Ambrogio's skin was pearl white, and he had a striking personality. He had pale blonde hair that almost looked white under the Silver lights of the chandelier. He was wearing a green cloak that was made up of animal leather.

Ambrogio fixed his bluish-green eyes on Theo. "Silver Shadow! I have heard too many tales about you. I am honored to meet you finally, " Ambrogio said.

Theo beamed at him. " I am honored to meet the great Vampire King too," he replied. " And I assume that you already know the reason for my presence."

The Vampire King seemed to be uncertain by his words. He got up from his greyish throne and stepped closer to us. His long leather cloak almost swept the ground as he walked. 

" Silver Shadow," Ambrogio stressed out his name. " So far, I am known as the biggest trickster in all three realms. But now you are trying to steal my thunder!"

Is he saying that Theo is a trickster? But that is not true. " He is not a trickster," I spoke for the first time. "His motives are clear."

Ambrogio smirked at me and glanced at Theo. " I still don't understand how you managed to seduce the Dawn. We all feared her and thought that she would be a tough opponent. But you managed to pull her to the dark side within a few days?"

I got offended by what he said. Does he think that Theo seduced me? " You have mistaken me. I am still the Dawn, and you better keep on fearing me. Because with Theo by my side, I am even more powerful than before."

Ambrogio started giggling uncontrollably. I don't get why he finds this humorous. The Vampire King definitely doesn't have a stable mind. He then glimpsed at Theo and patted his shoulder. 

" I am impressed by your abilities, Silver Shadow. You have the potential to overpower the Fae King Oberon," Ambrogio praised him. 

Theo's emerald green eyes dazzled at the compliment. " So you will help us?" 

Ambrogio started chucking again. His noise of laughter was highly annoying to hear. " You might have fooled the Serpent King with your tricks, but you can't fool me. I am myself a trickster, and I am not going to give in to you easily."

Theo let out a sigh. " What do you want me to do?" 

An evil smirk appeared on Ambrogio's face." Tricksters like us are loyal to no one. They continually switch sides. So you would have to prove your loyalty to me. Until then, you both are more than welcome to stay in my kingdom."

"Fine!" Theo agreed to his demands.