I will get my chance to defile you

Celestia's POV: 

After the sunrise, Theo and I went back to the cottage. The Mages applauded and rejoiced for us. I kind of felt like I didn't deserve their appreciation because all of these attacks were already planned by Theo carefully. 

No one was ever meant to get hurt! This was all a test for me to help me in unleashing my inner powers. But I can't say that to these people. I don't want them to lose their faith and hope they have now. 

The lowland Mages have suffered a lot in the past. Father Oberon never cared about them, and they were always in a vulnerable state. Only now am I able to see the true happiness in their faces. And it is not like this situation will repeat itself. 

I insisted to Theo a while ago that these people deserve to know the truth. But Theo told me not to do it as it would inflict fear among these people. And Theo promised me that he would never pull out something like this again.