I should not have screamed last night

Celestia's POV:

Amelia looked at me pitifully. Tangerine fluttered her wings uncontrollably, and she flew around me as she didn't want me to be sad. 

But how can I resist my emotions? It is impossible not to feel sad when the man you love the most disobeys and leaves you to meet her former lady love. 

"You have to resist your feelings, Celestia!" Amelia said after she read my mind. "You are not a normal entity. You are the Dawn and the Queen of Lowlands now. Since the King is missing now, you must step up and lead the Kingdom."

"Thank you for reminding me that I am the Queen," I said to her. 

I am still not able to accept the fact that I am the Queen. It feels strange when someone calls me with this title. At least Theo was with me in the past. Now that he is gone, I don't even feel like myself.