Grandfather Shi fainted

The question on everybody's head was answered when the reporters began asking questions, definitely their questions explained the scene.

"no!!!" Yan meiling yelled in disbelief, how could she believe that her children have been sleeping with themselves.

that was incest! and her children could definitely not be part of such a disgusting thing!

"Mr Shi, miss Lu yao yin mentioned something like this in the past could she have seen you guys do this in the past?"

"was that why she broke her engagement with you?"

"not only are you your sister's lover but her beater, how long has this been going on?"

questions like this kept hitting the siblings as some bodyguards tried to lead them out of the room, no matter how strong the bodyguards were the reporters were not going to let the incest couple pass so they kept blocking and throwing their questions randomly at them

two of the reporters question suddenly disgusted people even more "why did you meet up with your sister just after asking Lu yao yin on a dinner date...was it because miss Lu yao yin kept emphasizing on the kind of relationship you had with your sister?"

"why were you begging miss Lu yao yin to come back together with you when you were not ready to let go off your relationship with your sister? denied having anything indecent with your sister infront of Lu yao yin so how do you explain this?"

Their question made people understand that just that evening he was begging Lu yao yin to get back together with him and she had complained about his relationship with his sister, they didn't hear it directly but it made them understand that he and his sister had been doing this for a long time.

"I don't_" Shi zeyi was going to explain that he really didn't have anything to do with his sister, but he shut himself up cause his current situation was saying opposite and he wasn't even in the position to talk.

After the day Lu yao yin said something like that in the mall, he crosschecked his facts and saw that her reasoning wasn't far-fetched cause there were really signs that showed his sister was in love with him and for that reason he had been avoiding his sister but he didn't know that things would suddenly get to this.

the struggle between the reporters and the bodyguards continued till they were finally able to escort the siblings out of the room

"Grandfather Shi!" one of the maids exclaimed as the old man had fainted on the floor, he wasn't the only one that was hit hard by the news cause Yan meilin sat on the floor with a blank expression on her face and so did Shi jianguo.

He too had slumped on the chair looking doubtful, lost and angry at the same time. He knew what the consequences of his children actions.

They live in a brutal world now and so even if he managed to avoid his children arrest they would have to live like fugitives for the rest of his life cause people would disdain to see them move about in the society. Even his business would be affected, everything was virtually going to turn out for the worst for him and his family

just how did they get to this?

In moods of sorrow and sadness they all rushed Grandfather Shi to the hospital while trying to avoid the media from seeing them.

Lui shenhui just visited Cao linglei, she was walking out of the hospital when she saw the Shi family rushing in, if it was before she would have walked up to them since Shi jianguo was her father's friend but today she practically avoided them since she just saw what happened on the news.

She wasn't judging them but anyone who moved around with them from now on would only make people to see he or she as someone doing the same thing. she was sure of her self but couldn't boost that there weren't any cousins of her that might probably be crushing on her. She didn't want unforeseen occurrences.

"What is going on?" this was the question that met her immediately she walked into the house.

She didn't understand what her father was asking for this time "I don't understand"

"How come I haven't heard anything about you and Zi yichen by now? what have you be doing all this while?!" His tone increased and he was starting to look furious

"I've been strategizing" she replied bluntly

"strategizing?" He began laughing like he had heard the most ridiculous thing in his life, "oh please stop trying to make yourself sound cool cause your brain is too dead to strategize, it makes no sense"

Lui shenhui felt her heart shatter into pieces, she didn't expect he would say such a heartless thing to her. all her life she had only done things to please him, her business, her fame was all acquired just so that for once she could hear a word of praise from his mouth but each day he keep teaching her that he had more ways to insult her.

tears almost spilled out of her eyes but she fought it back

He didn't seem to feel her down countenance, "for the next few months just keep gathering good merits for your name and wait for my plan to unfold, I'm sure it's going to work"

She didn't reply and just walked away, what ever his plan was she didn't care cause she already had her own plan.

Lui shenhui swore to herself that she would get married to Zi yichen and then deal with her father in way ten thousand times worse than he did to her and her mother, but before then she would give him her intro present...


Lu yao yin was just about to go to sleep when she heard some noisy clack at the window, at first she thought it was someone throwing stones at her window but as she stood up she noticed a white bird tapping away with it's beak on her window.

white falcon!

she rushed to the window and then opened it, the bird took the initiative and flew into the room, perching on her night stand.

The white falcon bird was an insignia for the group called White falcon. They were known for being as discrete as shadows, their major job was to convey information anonymously.

For them to be sending a message to her, it meant the message could only be from Si xunmi.

Lu yao yin walked up to the bird and removed the piece of paper attached to it's leg.

"The peaceful river that flows is milky...The house stolen grows in the bush but peach trees mark it's ears out...To the cub a great mother in the dark to protect and the den a new prey to attack...ghost, leaves, birds and nature know of the wind and it's rolling measure...what to do with the ants assembling...Tell the owner the winds will carry them" this was all that was written in the letter, it seems Si xunmi didn't seem to trust the white falcon credibility so she had written her message in codes, it was left for Lu yao yin to crack the code and get the message

Lu yao yin didn't need to think deeply before she began understanding what Si xunmi was trying to tell her

"The peaceful river that flows is milky_" for a river to turn milky it means things had changed, peaceful was the opposite of Chaos, so Si xunmi was saying that things had changed in Chaos

"The House stolen grows in the bush_" it meant the Blueprint had not been found "but peach trees mark it's ears out" though the blueprint had not been found, there were leads pointing out to it's location

"To the cub a great mother in the dark to protect" it meant there was someone powerful protecting and instructing Ah Se mi behind the scene "and the den a new prey to attack" she was saying that almost everyone in Chaos had joined Ah Se mi on her mission

"ghost, leaves, birds and nature know of the wind and it's rolling measure" ghost stands for Little shadow, while leaves for Little Dandan and birds for Little sparrow, she was trying to say that all Kun feng close confident knew of Ah Se mi betrayal

"what to do with the ants assembling...Tell the owner, the winds will carry them" she wanted all of them to gather and plan on the issue and that Lu yao yin should send back a message using the white falcon.

Lu yao yin scribbled on a piece of paper and tied it back to the birds leg before sending it off. She had really gotten some good piece of information from Si xunmi letter at least now she could reshape her strategy.