Sun Kissed

"Hey, hey." A tan girl ran up to them, nearly scaring them all to death. A random stranger making an odd appearance came as a major surprise and they were worried someone was publicly calling them out for their moment of weakness. "Kouji, you gotta join me. The water's great."

"Huh?" They were acting oddly familiar to him. And now that he thought about it, they sounded awfully familiar to him too.

"Why are you guys acting so weird?" She responded, a bit disappointed at their lack of enthusiasm. Even if all she planned to do was take him away from the pair. "And you're staring at me pretty hard."

"Waa?" After a short moment to think about things. Now he was able to figure out who was talking to them. It was no wonder they didn't recognize her at first. Somehow, despite only being out in the sun for a mere 15 minutes. This girl had garnered herself a proper tan as her pale skin turned brown.

"Of course it's me." She didn't seem to notice the change on her body. Not a surprise since she wasn't used to being outside on a day like this. Especially not with such little clothing due to being on the beach. "What happened? Is the sun's heat getting to you?"

"Looks like it got to you." He replied, pointing out her skin. "You didn't put any sun screen on?"

"That's just something losers do." She responded. "Besides, who cares? I'm just hanging out in the water anyway." Waa didn't seem to understand the effects of sun on her skin. Instead, all she cared about was getting him to enjoy the waters with her.

"Are you sure you do not need sun screen?" Anastasia asked. It was mainly because she didn't want Kouji taken away from her so soon. Though the side effect of making sure Waa didn't get sun burned was also a bonus.

"Not really." She continued to deny them and pull Kouji to his feet. "Now come on, let's go swimming." The girl led him down the sand towards the waves. His feet touched the cool crisp waters as they got deeper and deeper out into the ocean. What began as steps in waters turned into wading, then slowly they were unable to walk. Now the pair were deep enough that they'd needed to keep themselves afloat to avoid drowning.

"I didn't realize you liked to swim." He said as they got themselves away from the crowd. Most people around them were too busy splashing or throwing a beach ball to care about them.

"I don't." She admitted. "But what better way to take you away from the others?"

"Hmm?" He now understood what her plan was. She was wanted him all to herself, which wasn't a problem seeing as that's what they all wanted to do with him. "Why didn't you just say so? If you want some alone time, then all you need to do is ask."

"And what's wrong with a playful approach?" She asked, getting closer to him. Their bodies touched each other under the water. The closest they had ever been with one another due to only wearing just their swimsuits. "I never get to be this close to you anyways."

"That's completely not true." He countered. Even before dating he was too aware of what she looked like without clothes. She had even seen him with just underpants at this point too. So if anything, what he had was less to offer right now. "But it's still nice being with you."

"It better be." She responded. "All that stress you put on us then this random beach trip from the headmistress? In fact, when we get home you better give me something in return."

"I don't know if I like the sound of that." She didn't care what he said. Instead, Waa's response was to plant a lovely little kiss on him in a fully public area. Then she peered over towards the shore. "What are you looking at?" He asked.

"I just want to see if she's still peeping on us." She replied, referring to Himawari. "She must be seething to see us like this."

"And what's with you trying to rile Himawari up?" It was just like during the car ride here. Where she sat on his lap and pretended to be all cute about it. This was all in front of that girl, and from the look on her face she wasn't happy. "You know she's mad at me. I don't think I need any cat-fights." As hot as the idea might've sounded. Knowing his luck, that would wreck everything they all had worked towards.

"I'm getting back at her." She answered. "I'm mad with her, if that's what you apparently can't tell."

"But why?"

"Because what kind of nerve does that girl have?" She explained that it was annoying for her that Himawari was really resistant to anything changing the harem. While she understood why it might appearing like it's threatening her position if another girl, or in this case woman, joined them. "Can't she see things are better this way? I mean… If you didn't take my suggestion back on that night, then maybe I wouldn't be able to be with you now."

Despite showing herself as confident in trying to win Kouji heart. The truth was that Waa had absolutely no faith she'd actually do it. Compared to who had already confessed to him, it just seemed to her that she was in last place. How could someone compete against a tomboy and a snooty girl when she was just a cringe otaku.

"I don't like it when you girls fight." Especially when it involved him. Right now, it felt like he was walking on eggshells not to end up breaking the entire harem.

"Then why don't you just accept or reject the headmistress already?" She told him. "You don't even know if you like her. So if not, then just kick her to the curb and none of us would be having this problem." While it sounded harsh. She was correct in that assessment. While a couple of them would love if he did that. Even the girls on Isako's side would accept that result as well.

"You're right." Hearing it from a few of his girls gave him resolve to finally put an end to things. "I need to talk to Isako right now."

"Ooh, let me come." She followed him as they swam back to shore. "I'm going to need popcorn to watch this explode."