Telling Everyone

So it was settled then. Kouji realized his own feelings for his headmistress and knew now that he wanted her to be a part of his harem. While the lady was more than happen with that setup, there was only now one obstacle to deal with before everything was settled. That would be getting the actual members of said harem to be accepting of it.

He had asked them before and the response was rather mixed. Some of were fine with it, while others weren't. That caused some issues, but now things had settled down a bit. So the important issue for him to tackle was to get those detractors onto his side now that he was confident with what he wanted. Though it wasn't likely to be easy, seeing as those two girls were Himawari and Teru.

The former was always one who argued often with him despite the pair being in love. However, she was also the one who convinced him to give this a more proper shot and that he needed to be the one who wanted Isako before asking the others about it. Meanwhile, the latter took issue with the age difference. Perhaps he was being a bit judgmental of her, but Kouji always assumed that Teru didn't care for norms.

Then again, even people who rebel against society have lines they'd never consider crossing.

"Okay, I think we all know why we're here right now." At the moment, he had called for a meeting at his home for this discussion. It had been the following day after his night with Isako and the boy would like to get this taken care of before they go to school the following day.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you want to have the headmistress as a part of the harem." Waa quickly summarized the point for everyone. Kouji and the girls were sitting around the dinner table, while the subject of their conversation sat aside on the couch quietly waiting for them to come to their conclusion. "You already know how I feel and it hasn't changed yet."

"Same here…" Yuma followed up. As the headmistress sat patiently as they chatted. It felt a bit odd to see them have this discussion in such a formal manner. They were just teenagers talking about romance, but to her she imagined this must be how her students must've felt when she talked with their parents. It was filled with things that she didn't personally understand as she never hung around them during their private moments.

"I guess that much was obvious." Kouji eyed over at Anastasia, who had never truly given a stance on how she felt. The girl was torn between the points and didn't want to upset anyone. Though she was leaning one particular way. "You've had to time to think more about it, right?"

"I have." She replied. "And I know now that… She should join us. Because when I look at the way she looks at you, she truly loves you." Anastasia also took note upon walking into his house that there was something different in him two. Even though he hadn't mentioned it yet, it was clear to her that Kouji's feelings had changed for the older woman. "And you love her too."

"That's true." He admitted to them all. "The truth is that I've fallen in love with her." Kouji would've thought it'd be harder to inform them all of this. After all, since they had been dating as a group for some time now. The boy assumed that might take it as him being a bit unfaithful, even if they were aware of that possibility after allowing him to go with her.

"You really feel that way?" Himawari asked for confirmation. "That's what you're heart is telling you?" She didn't look him in the eye as she talked. It seemed there was a bit of nervousness in her actions in the moment.

"Yes." He answered with a frank expression. There was not an ounce of doubt in his tone.

"Then I'll accept it." She appeared pleased with that response when she lifted her head back up. It was a lot easier than he expected to get her approval. Though it shouldn't come as a surprise given the girl was the one who suggested he spend time with the lady in the first place. Himawari was more than willing to accept the results either way. Even if she personally didn't want to add more people in this group. With now six people, there was a genuine concern of someone being left out.

Now all was left was to hear Teru's opinion. With the change in Himawari's vote, she was the sole person who was against the idea. It was clear to her that she was on the losing side at this point.

"I know you're not a fan of it." He spoke to her. "But could you give it a chance?" That was all he had to say to her. Given her feelings on the matter, there wasn't much else he could do to convince her. All that she could possibly take was to trust him on this matter like how the others had trusted him.

She was silent in initial response to his question. The girl was deep in thought realizing how alone she was in this decision. It made her hands shaky, her legs bouncing up and down as all the attention turn towards her. If she said no, would it change much for the result? Or perhaps, would that mean she was at risk of no longer having his love.

Kouji didn't seem like the type of person to hold any grudges towards them even when they fought. The boy had been kind to her just like with everyone else. Yet there was still the thought in the back of her mind on what might happen were she to continue to defy him.

"Let's do it then." After taking a massive breath. Teru finally gave her answer in the positive.

"Oh, that's nice." Now that Isako was a part of their harem, Kouji wasn't sure how to react to it. After all the drama surrounding them on that subject, it felt strange to now be in a position where it was fine to love the woman.

Of course, their headmistress took the news with a lot more energy. She leaped up from the couch and gave a big cheer. Then she rushed on over to him, nearly toppling the boy from his chair, to give him a big bear hug.

"Ahh, I'm so relieved." She said to him.

"Yeah…" He replied, though he didn't feel the same way as his eyes turned to Teru. "Me too."