Held Back

"Them?" Kouji knew instantly who she was referring to without even needing their names. "H-hey, this is just about us and what your parents want. They're not a part of this." He didn't want to complicate matters. The more people, the worse he thought things would get.

"But… That's why you… Won't want to… Marry me." She was able to figure that it wasn't just a matter of not wanting to rush into things. That was fair position to take, but given their circumstances, clearly it wasn't the only reason. "Because… They'll get hurt…"

"Well, sure they wouldn't be happy if you're the only one with a ring." Though he was aware that marrying all of them wasn't feasible, given that it wasn't legal. So the boy was mostly content with the idea of just not marrying any of them officially to keep things fair. "I mean, if your family wants me to help with the business, surely we don't actually have to get married."

"It would be easier… If we were…" That was why she was upset with him, even if her face had a hard time showing it. Yuma would've loved to become betrothed to him. Sure, they were young, so it might be a bit hasty for her to be thinking this way. But what's the point in waiting when what they had between them was right, that it felt like it was fate they were brought together in this crazy situation. "And I… Want it."

"Yuma…" He was at a loss for words yet again. How could he continue to maintain this balance with everyone when with so many different girls, they'd have different feelings on his choices. Of course she would not be happy with the idea of not getting the chance to wed him, especially given she had the best chance of them all.

It was hard to be the one who always had to make all the tough choices. Especially when he was already the one who didn't want to make these decisions in the first place. Kouji was already challenged with deals like with Isako's feelings for him, or really everyone's feelings for him in general. In the end, he ultimately didn't pick one or another. Rather, he ended up working things out with all of them. So far that hadn't failed him yet.

"It's just… A wish I've always… Had." She told him. Yuma had always been enamored with the idea of finding love. The girl always knew deep inside, that despite her parent's constant encouragement growing up, that it was unlikely she'd be able to properly lead the business.

She was fine when they eventually faced the facts, especially when someone like Kouji came into her life. Yuma couldn't have possibly be more happy that someone they decided on happened to be the same boy she was deeply in love with. "I love all… Of them… But sometimes… I want to be… Selfish." The girl went over to him and sat down on his lap. Not in that innocent manner that a kid might to their parent. No, her legs spread over the top of his as they faced each other.

Unsurprisingly, her move flustered him a lot. How could it not? Yuma certainly wasn't lacking in anything, and that was on full display with how close they were to each other. Kouji couldn't move without feeling her breasts pressed up against his chest no matter how far back he was.

"This is hardly fair." He said as they sat in still silence. "Trying to seduce me so I'd say yes." Apparently this girl was a bit sharper than she let on. Though it was only because whatever her so-called 'problem' was physical, rather than mental. Kind of weird that they hadn't figured out exactly what it was, seeing as this family could easily afford any doctors. At worst, at least they could try asking Teru's parents. Those two were doctors, so surely they'd know.

"So still… No?" She responded, putting her face up to his, nearly teasing him with a kiss.

"If we were to get married." He replied, entertaining the thought. "You already know it's because of your heart, not your body." Of course, he said that, but the boy couldn't resist taking a squeeze of her butt as she sat on him. "I haven't even had my first time yet."

"If we got… Married… Then you will…" She gave him a kiss on the lips, spelling out plainly that she was more than ready to cross that line with him. If anything, Yuma was ready right now, but she would hold back for the sake of not wanting to seem too forward. "It's just that… We're always… Holding back…" This harem was more tiresome than any of them could've expected. It felt like they had to walk on eggshells all the time, and Yuma had gotten impatient now. So she wanted to try to make a move without consulting any of them. She would've be mad if they did the same.

"I think…" He spoke up as their lips separated. "I think you're right that I was holding back too much." She was putting herself out there for him and there was good reason for it. Kouji could see that it meant a lot to her to get married, but it wasn't like the other girls would easily accept that. And unlike with Isako, this was a huge relationship change among them. Would it be viewed as him putting Yuma above the rest?

"But I do… Like that about… You." Admittedly, despite being angry with him over it. She did understand his feelings. It was just that Yuma wanted to get across her own feelings towards him that weren't so easily done with someone like her. "But… Let's keep quiet… For now." Though after everything everyone had been through lately. She didn't want to add more stress and drama to the group. Right now, they still had a couple years before it would become a serious issue.

"Sure." He could live with that for now.

"So, have you convinced him yet?" Yuma's parents were done waiting, so they barged into the living room to check on their daughter. Well, they owned the place so it wasn't really barging in. Especially since it wasn't a private room by any standards. There, they saw her sitting right on top of him as if they were ready to do some naughty things.

"Oh, sorry." Her mom said, a bit awkward, but not at all upset with the sight. "If you'd like, you're free to go to Yuma's room. In case you want to… 'share' the bed together."

"N-no no, it's not what you think!" He responded, embarrassed to have someone's parents seeing him intimate with their daughter. Kouji was also afraid of the butler's reaction to see him apparently have no shame to try and seduce Yuma while in the living room.