Meeting With The Emperor

"My darling! How have you been?" said the fat, old man. "Lovely day, isn't it? Have a seat."

I seated myself on the seat across from him in front of the lovely circular table. A maid came and poured me some tea and then retired into the background.

"You gave me quite the fright with that illness of yours," he laughed. "But it certainly is better to see you up and well."

I smiled sweetly, because I didn't want to give off the impression that I was either too confident or too demure due to the fact that I knew nothing of the princess's actual personality. "Of course, Father."

The tea was too bitter for my taste, so I chose to drink in little sips to avoid any suspicion.

"So," the Emperor began, "I'd like to introduce you to someone new." He gestured to a line of guards behind him and amongst them, a guard wearing a slightly different uniform from the rest came forward and bowed to us. "He is Simon Gradral. I appointed him as my personal guard and commander to one of the most high-ranking squadrons of knights three days back, but of course you wouldn't know since you were sick. You may address him as 'Sir' Gradral. He is also to accompany you if you are in need to get out of the palace, understood?"

Though this did curb my freedom I still nodded like the nice daughter I was playing.

The Guard withdrew after bowing once more and the Emperor went back to chatting with me over tea. "When do you plan to return to your classes, Cynthia?"

Oh, so it wasn't Cindy or Canthia. Cynthia must be the princess's name. "Whenever you please, Father." I didn't know if this was a smart move, but I still went along with this response.

"Try to get back to them as soon as possible so you could prepare for the ceremony," he said while chewing on a pastry. "How shameful that the preparations were hindered due to your illness. Do try to resume the arrangements promptly."

"What ceremony, Father?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

He seemed stricken by my words. "Why, your 'Coming of Age' ceremony, of course. Don't tell me all those days of suffering from ailment made you forget such an important event?"

I laughed pleasantly, or at least I hoped that it was pleasant. It's been a while and I've been out of practice lately. "Forgive me, Father, it was just momentary forgetfulness," I reassured. "I would never deliberately overlook such a significant event."

The Emperor scratched his beard in deep thought. "On second thoughts, I'll take care of the major preparations. You need more rest so you are healthy and fit on the big day. I don't want you to relapse into the sickness and faint again in front of all those people."

"As you please, Father."

Maybe, I thought, maybe the Emperor wasn't that bad of a guy as I thought he would be.

"I heard Elora came to visit you," he beckoned a maid to refill his cup. "How'd it go?"

This was the one topic I was hoping to avoid. In truth, Elora had been an absolutely despicable woman, an absolute spectacle to behold, but as she was the Emperor's 'prized' mistress, it would be better not to mention it.

"Oh, she was most comforting..." I tried to put up the act, lying through my teeth. "...wonderful, even."

The Emperor looked pleased and proceeded to grab a chocolate éclair from the tray set in front of us. I too, tempted by the oozing chocolate, grabbed one daintily and set it on my plate. "Father," I said, careful not to spill anything on this even ridiculously extravagant dress, "I didn't see Mother around. Where is she?" I instantly regretted my words.

The Emperor spluttered mid-sip and spilled the hot cup of tea on his expensive looking, but strange garments. Some maids rushed to help him while others stood still, muttering to each other furtively. Sir Gradral came forward, "Your Majesty, are you all right?"

The Emperor gestured everyone to leave and then sat straighter while he fixed his gaze on me. "My daughter," he said. "Did we or did we not agree to never discuss this subject again?"

Ahaha...I'd gone and done the one thing I had tried to avoid all day long. Draw unnecessary attention. "Yes, forgive me, Father," I mumbled. "I'll never mention it again."

But the Emperor's reaction did make me curious as to what happened to this princess's Mother. One thing I was sure of was that she was definitely dead because of the fact that the Emperor was keeping a mistress close to him and because of what Elora said.

"You," the Emperor pointed to a servant, "Bring me fresh clothes. Gradral," he signaled to Sir Gradral, "you follow me." The Emperor stormed off and the rest of the guards and servants bowed to me and then scurried off themselves. Just like that, I was left alone in the palace garden with only Martha to attend to me.

By the time I was back in the bedroom, I was utterly exhausted. "Martha could you get me another comfortable dress? My back's killing me."

Surprised but not displeased, Martha curtseyed and left to get me something roomy. I plopped down on the large plush mattress and sighed. My first day here had been a disaster. I hoped no one was suspicious of my behavior in any way. But I wouldn't be shocked if someone figured it out.

Soon after worrying about it, before I even knew it, I was fast asleep.

A baby wailed.

"N-no, please...please don't hurt us..." a woman begged as she clutched a bundle of clothes to her chest. "Don't hurt my children, p-please."

"Barion, what is the meaning of this?" said a man that looked exactly identical to the Emperor. "Put the sword down and let's talk."

It was raining and a sudden loud thunder made the bundle in the woman's arm wail louder. There was also a kid about 5 years old clenching on to his mother's arm, seeming just as frightened. "U-uncle..." he cried as tears dribbled down his face.

Barion, whose face was shadowed by darkness, and the who seemed to be the one feared, let out a large roar. "Years, Haleth, years I waited for this opportunity," he growled. "I was about to be the Emperor too, when you swooped in and ruined everything." Barion gripped the sword tighter while Haleth guarded his family, standing over them while they crouched in fear. "And to make things worse, you got blessed with a girl, Haleth. It should've been me! It should've been me who fulfilled the prophecy, not you..." he cried angrily. "Hand over the girl peacefully, Haleth, and I'll at least spare your son's life," he demanded while raising the sword and taking his stance.

"GUARDS!" yelled Haleth. "Damn it, where are they?"

"Dead," chuckled Barion. "Well, as far as I'm aware."

Without any notice, he swung the sword. The woman screamed which made the baby howl further and the boy covered his face instinctively. Haleth pulled himself upon his family in order to protect them and his back got severely slashed. "ARGH!"

He slumped down, as quiet as the dead. The woman screamed and fumbled with the bundle in her arms, clutching it tighter and away from the sword's reach. "Barion, I beg you!" she cried. "Spare my children, please!"

Barion roared with laughter. He didn't want to kill the kids either, as they could be of good use later on, but he'd certainly do so if he had no choice. "I'll consider it if you hand over the girl."

Reluctantly, the woman handed him the bundle but was not expecting to be slashed by the sword's blade as soon as the exchange was made. Her dying screeches finally willed the young boy to move and he ran for his life, away from the corpses of his parents, and away from his baby sister.

"You little-" Barion was not expecting this. He set the baby down and ran after the kid, sword raised in the air.

"You can't get away from me, child!" he shouted in the dark as he chased the boy through the palace corridor, the baby's cries echoing in the background, "You can never escape!"

Barion, who was also a fat man, breathed heavily as he pursued the boy. "Now I've got you," he struck his sword into the darkness.