I'm Not Alone

Everyone muttered to each other furtively as they waited for the meeting to begin. The Emperor had ordered for all the palace staff to gather in the main palace hall because he had something important to relay.

"I'm sure it's about that fire yesterday," Christabel muttered beside me. "What do you reckon, Your Highness?" She turned to me, waiting for my response.

"You may be right."

The fire at the palace yesterday had been quite a big deal. It was obvious that most of the west wing had been burnt down when the fire was finally diffused. The kitchen where once most of our meals were prepared, was completely destroyed. Even the Women's room and Lorelei's art supplies were beyond saving.

But unfortunately, it wasn't just property that had been damaged. We had also lost three lives. These belonged to the guard stationed by the kitchen, the old cleaning man who used to clean up the whole kitchen till it was spotless before the morning breakfast preparation hours, and a brave maid who sacrificed herself to save a fellow worker who got caught up by the fire.

Thinking about all of these deaths made me feel very nauseous. Being burned to death. What a painful experience it must be.

"Your Highness," Lorelei shook me. "Are you alright? You look quite pale. Perhaps you are feeling sick?"

I blinked, shaking myself from my daze. "I'm sure it's nothing," I laughed uncertainly. Actually, I really did feel sick. This feeling had appeared a few minutes after Lorelei and I had come to the conclusion that the fire had been caused by arson.

"Oh, please," Christabel had said. "Why would you think it was arson? Can't the cooks just have caused an accident?"

"Christa think about it," Lorelei urged. "The fire must've started way before the staff even got to the kitchen. I was notified of the event somewhere around 6:55. The staff aren't allowed to enter the kitchen before 7 am, the guard isn't allowed to let them in."

"But…but that's just absurd!"

"I am aware." Lorelei turned to me, then. "What about you, Your Highness? What do you think of this matter?"

I thought all of the details over once more in my head as I picked on the grass beside me. But unfortunately, my conclusion stayed the same. "I'm certain there was foul play involved," I said slowly. "But why would someone do such a thing?"

"That, we'll have to figure out."

"Attention!" bellowed a guard. "His Royal Majesty, Emperor Haleth Klaern II is about to enter!"

Everyone fell silent as the Emperor's footsteps echoed through the whole room, and he finally appeared (accompanied by Sir Gradral just in tow) on the platform above us.

"My dear subjects," he said loudly for each and everyone one to hear. "My loyal workers. I have gathered you all here today to discuss the unfortunate event that arose yesterday. I'm sure most of you are aware of what happened in the west wing palace." He paused and whispered something to Sir Gradral, who then disappeared out of our line of sight. "It's truly a saddening event," he continued. "I'm certain it has caused us all immense grief, more so to the families of the hapless victims that were caught by the flames."

"What was the name of that one maid?" Christabel asked, who stood on the other side of Lorelei.

"Which maid?" Lorelei whispered back.

"You know..." Christabel hesitated. "The victim."

Sudden realization crossed Lorelei's face. "Ah. My maid informed me of her. I'm sure her name was along the lines of Emily or Emiry."

"You don't mean Emery, do you?" I intercepted, uncertain.

"Yes," Lorelei said, surprised. "I think that's it. But princess...are you alright?"

It felt as if my whole body had been paralyzed. I stared into the distance, focusing on no specific object, unblinking. At that moment, in the midst of the crowd, I was aware of my own heartbeat as it suddenly sped up. It was as if I was seeing myself in third person. My hand slowly went over my mouth, my fingers twitching. My eyes widened as I realized the weight of Lorelei's words, to the point where my eyeballs started hurting.

Emery... young, sweet Emery…. The girl who helped me sneak out of my lesson. The girl who volunteered to teach me how to dance when she had nothing to gain from it. The girl who had a dream...a dream to show off her talent to the world. The girl who was burnt alive. Burnt alive because she was too distracted helping another maid survive.

My eyes welled up with tears while the Emperor was still speaking.

"I want all of you to make sure that the word of the recent accident does not spread out among the Wisterians. It is for the sole purpose that the people do not start worrying about it, with the Princess's coming of age so close. Whoever goes against my order will be severely punished. That is all. Oh and I forgot to mention that I will personally make sure to amend the families of the victims, hence there is no need to worry."

"Your Highness, why are you crying? What is the matter?" Lorelei asked, worriedly.

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed. "I need to go..." I turned around to leave, looking for the exit.

"That concludes our meeting," The Emperor said.

I was surprised at myself. Never had I cried ever in my life. I didn't cry when I broke my leg in kindergarten. I didn't cry when my Mom slapped me because of it. I didn't cry when Juwon got dangerously sick. I didn't cry when my Mom didn't buy me a bicycle. I didn't cry when my Mom died. I didn't cry when Juwon and I had nothing to eat for a whole day. I never cried when I was bullied at my new school.

But I cried when I realized that Emery had been burnt alive. The poor soul didn't deserve it.

"Your Highness, wait up!" Christabel called after me as I ran out of the room.

I ran and I ran and I ran. Ran to my room. I locked it by placing a chair under the door handle so that even Martha couldn't enter. I locked the balcony door and threw open the curtains so that Reynard couldn't enter as well. I threw myself down on my bed, face-first and quietly sobbed into the pillows.

"Your Highness! Your Highness would you please open the door!" It was Christabel. Had she really ran after me all the way here? "Your Highness, what's the matter?" Then she lowered her voice to speak to someone else. "Lorel, what happened?"

"I do not know," Lorelei's distant, muffled voice responded. "Your Highness! We do not want to alert the guards and make them break open the door. So please let us in yourself."

Without any other choice to rely on, I teetered to the door and slowly unlocked it. The instant the two women outside heard the metal lock click open, they pushed against the door and before I knew it, they were alright inside.

"Ahhh," Christabel cried as she saw my red-rimmed eyes. "Princess...no..."

My body froze as both of them hugged me at the same time and we all fell in a heap on the carpet below.

"Is this about that maid?" Lorelei asked softly. "Did she mean something to you?"

I nodded my head as new tears started to gather.

"Ah don't be like that," Christabel said in my ear as she petted my lilac hair which had been tied back for the occasion. "She was a very good girl...I knew her not so well, but she always seemed so kind to me and everyone else."

"But she did end up dying a hero," Lorelei smiled. "Do you know the maid whom she saved? That maid was pregnant. Which means Emery ended up saving two people's lives. We all should be thankful that such a kind-hearted, selfless girl blessed us with her presence in our lifetimes."

For some reason, this made me feel so much better. Emery had served her purpose in this world, and I was very thankful to that.

"Now let's get you all cleaned up," Lorelei smiled. "I'll go get your maid."

After a while, it was just me and Christabel on the floor, our backs against the bed.

"Cheer up, Princess," Christabel tried to lighten my mood. "I'm sure you will come by many other people like that maid in your life. It's best to keep the sweet memories you have of her locked up in your mind and let them not hinder with the ceremony. The whole Empire wants to see you on your big day, so let's not spill water all over their hopes, shall we?"

I nodded and tried to form my lips into a smile.

"You know, Christabel, I realized something today."

"And that is?" She looked at me.

I looked at her back. "That I'm not alone in this world. There are many who genuinely care about me."

Christabel laughed sweetly. "Of course you aren't alone. You've got me, your father, Lorel and all the palace staff are on your side too. We all love you dearly."

"I see." I smiled to myself.

"And also," she said abruptly. "Can you not call me by my full name? I would love if you call me Christa."

I smiled once again at her strange little request.

"Of course, Christa."