*Black Beauty

The next time I took a step in the living room, I had a whole head of black hair. 

Cael gaped at me from his spot on the carpet, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

"Unicorn hair..." he mumbled. "What happened to the unicorn hair…?"

"There never was anything of the sort," I answered back as I stuck out my tongue. Kid was trying to rip me off with wooden horses, the brat. 

At that moment, Faustine came bursting through the kitchen with a flourish and placed a small dish on the table. 

"Kids, are you done with whatever you were doing?" she called absent mindedly, not noticing that we were standing right there. "Come, let's have a...snack…." She noticed us. 

"Ashli! Dear!" she cried as she approached me, her hands outstretched. "Oh. Oh...oh Lord! My, you are so beautiful, darling!"