
"You stay here!" she declared as she pushed open a door. As bad as it may have been, it was a room, after all. 

Apparently, Mama Ruth had known from the very moment Reynard brought up the subject about the imperial princess, that something was fishy. Even though I had flashed him several warning signs to diffuse the topic, the fool continued to discuss it and it led to her suspecting us. 

If it had been someone else, I'd already be on my way back to the palace and Reynard to the dungeons. Thank goodness Mama was a tough rock.

I peeked into my designated room and was instantly met by fleas and dust. I retreated in a fit of coughs and frowned. Mama Ruth chuckled. 

"I'll ask Sven to sweep it up a bit," she said as she turned her back to me. "All the rooms are similar so you mustn't feel that I assigned you the worst one. All it needs is a bit of cleaning up."