The Emperor's Rage

"What is this!?" bellowed the Emperor as he thrust the letter at the guard and stomped out of the conservatory. "Absolutely absurd! I've never heard of it!"

The Emperor yanked open the door of his office and walked out swiftly and into the corridor. From the opposite side, Sir Gradral was walking towards the Emperor, probably for his own affairs but the Emperor beckoned to him as he kept walking.

"Gradral. Have you heard?"

Sir Gradral shook his head as he followed the Emperor to somewhere only he knew best. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, has something happened? You seem enraged."

"You bet I am!" the Emperor bellowed and started walking faster, making it hard for Sir Gradral to follow his pace. "Some wretched fool claims that they've killed Cynthia."

Sir Gradral stopped short. "What…?" He started walking again when he realized the Emperor wasn't going to stop for him. "How's that possible?"