Strange Discovery

[Continuing from Chapter 55]

"There really isn't anything here, huh..." I muttered, looking around the room. 

It was exactly the same as it had looked the last time I had stepped in here. I saw dust, I saw cobwebs, I saw fleas, but I didn't see anything suspicious at all.

I did a 360 degree take, my eyes setting on each and every thing before it came back to rest on the door. 

"Aw… how boring!" I said as I paced the floor. "Why was the door deliberately locked for no obvious reason?"

I paused. For no obvious reason, huh? Then what about all the obscure reasons? 

That must be it!

Carefully, slowly, I walked up to the wall that was between the 5th room and the 6th and I felt it up. Nothing seemed out of place and the wall continued in a single, smooth flow.